Published at 16th of May 2024 06:21:02 AM

Chapter 1203

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Chapter 1203

More than just Kalian's close comrades were scared and crouched down by Kaka's shout.

As one of the girls with the highest affinity with a certain silver dragon in the Holy Silver Dragon Knight Order, the slight aura of dragons released by Kaka directly paralyzed half of the Wild Ranger's saber-toothed tiger mounts.

If this were a battlefield where both sides fought to the death, this shout would have disabled half of the continent's strongest assassination force.

Before Kalian could react, Kaka had already swung her spear and launched a fierce attack towards her sister.

Defensive is not a concept in the dictionary of a berserker's bloodline.

None of the Wild Rangers wore steel armor; they loved armor made from the skins of various beasts.

In order to improve the maneuverability of their saber-toothed tigers, they didn't even wear underwear. It is said that the most primitive Wild Ranger force didn't even need clothes.

The pure bloodline of a berserker is its greatest weapon. It is a similar bloodline developed by humans after witnessing the ultimate land forces of the Leviathan faction troll clan.

The wild warrior's bloodline, unlike the popular communication-type sorcery bloodline, is a masterpiece created by the mages during the Divine Era.

The fearless wild warrior who unlocks their own bloodline is always at the peak of morale. Even if the opponent is a giant dragon, they will charge forward. Apart from the downside of going berserk, they are considered a perfect ace unit.

While the power of magic spells faded during the period of the declining magic tide, the wild warrior bloodline, which doesn't rely much on magic, persevered in the northern wilderness according to the law of survival of the fittest.

Even though awakening this bloodline requires food ten times more than a normal person, it is still a worthwhile trade for tribes in need of great strength.

Kalian and Kaka are girls who have fully awakened their wild warrior bloodline.

As the captain of the wilderness ranger unit, Kalian's combat experience and skills are overwhelmingly powerful compared to Kaka.

If they had grown up normally, the three Kakas would not be able to compete with Kalian as she is now.

The problem is, Kaka is anything but normal, or rather, all the girls who have become members of the Holy Silver Dragon Knight Order have long lost any connection to the word "normal."

No matter how powerful a berserker is, they will get injured if they haven't become hero-ranked. They will die if their heart is pierced, and they can't regenerate lost limbs.

However, once someone becomes hero-ranked, anything is possible.

A hero-ranked berserker can almost ignore any damage from ordinary weapons. Being impervious to blades and bullets is just the basic level. Being invincible on the battlefield is achievable.

In the era of ancient weapons, a powerful warrior known as a hero-ranked berserker could determine the outcome of a battle. This was before the existence of magic armor, making them the strongest known war hero among humans.

The path that appeared before Kaka was the path of these mighty heroes.

Instead of choosing this path, she pondered her true essence as a hero and made a decision.

Suppressing her own advancement, she controlled the power of her boiling blood.

Although the anger within her body was raging, Kaka's expression remained calm, and her grip on the spear didn't waver.

"Whoosh!" The sharp spear swung and created a circle of icy light, as if claiming its own territory and repelling anything that approached.

"Ding!" Kalian's dual blades experienced a powerful impact, causing intense deformation. Both the person and the blades were sent flying.

Astonished, Kalian looked at his deformed Moon Blade. This was the cold weapon king symbolizing the pinnacle of divine-era technology.

The difference in weapon quality between the two sides was unexpectedly significant?

And, what's the deal with this scary power?

Did she unleash all of the berserker blood in her body? But if she had, she would have already entered a state of uncontrollable bloodlust.

"Not enough..." Kaka took a deep breath again.

Not reached the limit yet, not seeing her own end.

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