Published at 23rd of May 2024 05:54:14 AM

Chapter 1210

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Chapter 1210

"So this is Sia," Yun Xi finally learned the truth behind the words of the Creator God in the memories he obtained from the faceless god.

The sword that was covered in countless scars, having gone through numerous wars and burning its last power to pierce through Leviathan the Sky Beast, was Sia.

Despite being almost shattered beyond recognition, that glimpse of a torn endless starry sky, like a crystal clear aurora, still held an irresistible allure.

Even Leviathan the Sky Beast, with its power to devour planets, couldn't withstand the sword that shattered the void.

One can imagine the terror of striking an almost shattered opponent with this sword.

"I... will revive you," Yun Xi opened his eyes, looking at the silver-white radiance on his fingertips.

The mission of the faceless god is to revive Su with the Creator God's Sword, Sia.

If this is the trial he must complete, he is more than willing to do it.

"Buzz!" The shiny silver light curtain faded away like flowing water. Compared to before, Yun Xi could clearly feel that the spirituality of the faceless god was increasing continuously.

At this moment, the faceless god was no longer the cold and mechanized giant he first met. After accepting the existence of the Pafu System, God's Vessel seemed to be slowly opening up its secrets to Yun Xi.

What was just seen was a part of the Creator God's Sword Sia's memories.

However, there were still many vague parts in the memories.

Where did God Sword Sia come from?

The planet continuously absorbed by Leviathan, how did it send out a distress signal and wait for the salvation of God Sword Sia?Get the latest novels at novelbin(.)com

After that, how was life born in this world?

Yun Xi was very curious about what exactly happened in all of this.

Oh, and the starlight that brought the faceless god to this world, it seems to contain a huge mystery. And in that starlight, Yun Xi sensed a faintly familiar scent.

It seems that the stars' will chose this world as a place to test for a reason.

This world, is a place that the stars' will watches over, and effectively prevents any outside gods from spying.

Apart from the owner of the Underground Cemetery, El’phyllis, Yun Xi hasn't encountered any other outsiders in this world.

These ancient deep-sea races sensed the breath of the ancestors in this gaseous ocean.

Leviathan the Sky Beast, a giant, a dragon, the origin of all magical creatures, it didn't die, it is still alive, and it is sleeping in this primordial gaseous ocean.

The deep-sea races that discovered this secret made a decision.

That decision profoundly affected the whole world, making the greatest enemy of humankind disappear forever in Sia's world.

The dragon clan has been destroyed.

Yes, most people in this world may find it hard to believe, but the once dominant dragon clan, situated at the top of the pyramid, no longer exists.

They all fell into a trap set by the deep sea race and were sacrificed to this gaseous ocean, which is the body of Leviathan.

At this moment, the floating gems in the gaseous ocean are the last traces left by the dragon clan in this world.

The strongest race born from the body of Leviathan has also returned to Leviathan, as if it were the cycle of destiny.

Along with the dragon clan, the deep sea race also threw in three human weapons called Constellation God's Weapons, which fell into their hands after the humans' defeat.

These three Constellation God's Weapons have the ability to restrain Leviathan's outbursts. They are used by the deep sea race as a means to control the progress of Leviathan's revival.

That's right, these mighty deep sea races are trying to control their ancestors and attempt the feat that has never been achieved in Sia's world.

Their goal is simple, not to target any particular race in this world, but to turn the entire world into an ocean, submerging it in endless water.

Everything will return to the deep sea, to the mighty god.

The species with octopus heads were deeply convinced about the future, as it was a divine revelation passed down from their ancestors millions of years ago.

Recently, Leviathan's actions have become more active, and the three powerful weapons of Sia Constellation, called "God's Weapons," can barely control the Sky Beast's breathing.

A small group of creatures living in the deep sea felt very happy, because a special celebration was happening again.

This time, there was even a divine messenger appearing, named "Ada," a deity in human form, exactly as described in the records, with a body made up of countless black particles.

The time has come, and this world is about to become a realm of the deep sea!

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