Published at 23rd of May 2024 05:54:11 AM

Chapter 1213

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Chapter 1213

"Snap! Snap! Snap!"

Colorful ribbons and balloons flew up into the sky around the Babylon Sky Tower, and magical fireworks once again bloomed in the sky of this continent after the end of the divine era.

These are all treasures from the Underground Cemetery, which are considered ancient even among antiques. However, during the self-sealed million years, time almost stood still in the Underground Cemetery, and these treasures have also survived the long years until now.

"Rainbow Jade."

Fireworks of seven different colors intertwined, forming a structure similar to a ribbon.

"Double Fish Jade Pendant."

Two colors, white and black, mixed together, yet clearly divided into two parts.

"Receive the Sky Sword."

Sharp golden light sword pierced the sky, tearing through the clouds like the light of dawn.

In the Leviathan Empire's camp, the smartest person on the continent, Poincaré, shook his head sadly and said the names of each magical firework with a look of regret in his eyes.

Every firework was a magical creation of the divine era, representing the magnificent civilization created by the divine era mages.

That era can never be returned to again.

These precious magical fireworks are excellent materials for studying the civilization of the divine era. It's such a waste to treat them like ordinary fireworks.

There were many formulas inside, even he didn't know them. He had only seen the names of these fireworks in books.

As the crystallization of magical elements, these magical fireworks can even be used as weapons. This means that every explosion in the sky right now is a genuine magical creation from the divine era.

"Why feel so sad? They are just toys," a deep voice whispered in Poincaré's ear. It was a lich, one of the elites from the Underground Cemetery.

The scholars and alchemist warlocks who are still present now were born during the period of magic decline. They can hardly imagine what it means for wizards who are accustomed to using magic elements from the air to lose their magical abilities.

The air was their essence, their life, their wisdom, and their everything.

Duke was one of the most powerful wizards in the divine era. Poincaré could instantly recognize him because of the hexagram badge on his chest.

The "Star of Magic," a Sia's world God Weapon that doesn't belong to the Twelve Constellation Gods' Weapons system, represents the leader of the Red Robe Mage Corps. It has been owned by the strongest members of the Red Robe Mage Corps throughout history.

The ability of the God Weapon—Fountain of Magic. A mage who holds this God Weapon has a magic recovery speed more than ten times faster than a normal hero-ranked mage, and they can also pay a price to triple their maximum magic capacity.

For a magician, the powers of this God Weapon are like cheating. It can recover magic ten times faster, almost to the point of infinite magic, and increasing the limit three times means that certain impossible spells become within reach.

The previous owners of the "Star of Magic" throughout the ages were famous forbidden spellcasters from the divine era. Many powerful forbidden spells were developed by them. Only those with ten times faster recovery speed and triple the magic limit could come up with so many forbidden spells that humans couldn't possibly use.

The last human to possess this "Star of Magic" was the former Red Robed Speaker, Duke, who was the last of his kind in the divine era. This magic God Weapon, symbolizing the glory of the divine era magicians, ultimately disappeared with him in the Underground Cemetery.

Poincaré didn't expect to see the emblem of the Star of Magic and the last Red Robed Speaker again in this era that had long disappeared from human history.

"You... must be my descendant..." Duke looked at Poincaré, his black eye sockets burning with green soul fire.

Although long dead and turned to ashes, bound by the curse of The King of Undead in the Underground Cemetery, as the last holder of the Star of Magic, he still retained most of his memories and wisdom.

In contrast, other Red Robed wizards who were slightly weaker showed signs of being eroded by the breath of death, their emotions slowly disappearing.

He knew that one day he would also become like them. The erosive power of time is the most terrifying poison in the world, something even gods cannot avoid.

However, for now, he still retained the majority of his memories and thinking ability from when he was human.

At first sight, he recognized that the person standing in front of him was his descendant.

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