Published at 23rd of May 2024 05:54:10 AM

Chapter 1215

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Chapter 1215

During the time known as the period of magic decline, only a few "warlocks" retained the ability to cast spells, and magic itself was almost non-existent.

This is because the fundamental principle of meditation for mages is that the magic power is so scarce that it cannot be driven by human mental strength.

Even so, Poincaré was able to construct all known magical templates from the divine era using self-generated data—anything that can be calculated, the imperial sage can compute for you.

However, the calculation for the nuclear explosion forbidden spell is always incorrect, no matter how you estimate it. How can the human body contain the magical power required to unleash such a spell?

According to his calculations, in order to cast a forbidden spell of the nuclear explosion level, the inside of a human body would need a structure similar to a miniature sun.

Even the most powerful mages at the peak of the divine era have never achieved such a thing, or even had a theory for it.

"Then why... does the nuclear explosion exist?" Poincaré asked his ancestors, the former strongest mage in the continent's peak, and the leader of the Red Robes Council.

"That is... the power of science..." Duke's eyes flickered with a distant flame, as if he had returned to the time when he hosted the nuclear explosion experiment.Alll newest chapters on no./velbi/n/(.)com

Yes, that famous nuclear explosion experiment on the continent, hailed as one of the craziest failed experiments of the wizards, was his achievement - or rather, one of his failures.

Originally, he wanted to find another extraordinary path for the wizards, a way to master the power to destroy heaven and earth without needing magic.

But he failed. The path he discovered was beyond the grasp of any wizard.

No one could control the power of a nuclear explosion, not even the red-robed wizard councilors who stood at the pinnacle of the continent.

Three red-robed councilors, almost on par with his strength, were obliterated in that nuclear explosion. The temperature at the center of the explosion exceeded tens of millions of degrees, a temperature where no living being could survive.

That is not a power that can be controlled by a hero-ranked individual. Once unleashed, it would turn an area of several kilometers into a complete hell. The resulting shockwave could even spread dozens of kilometers away, and certain unseen curses could continue for hundreds or thousands of years, causing deformities and distortions in the surrounding organisms.

The attempts of the red-robed wizards failed. This is not the power of magic, but rather a different kind of power that can alter the material world.

The problem is, this power has no meaning for the continuation of wizardry.

It may seem funny, but it is indeed a reasonable future calculated by Poincaré.

"Well, here you go."

"The Underground Cemetery will eventually leave this world."

"The future of this world doesn't belong to me, a deceased person, but to all of you." Once Duke learned about the ultimate goal of the Underground Cemetery, he also intended to leave this world and see the scenery beyond the starry sky.

The future of Sia's world will ultimately be determined by the people of this era.

Passing on the weapon of nuclear explosions to his descendants, allowing his offspring to have a place in this grand era, is the last thing his ancestors can do.

As for what his descendants plan to do with this weapon, whether it's war or peace, it's their own choice.

What is gone is gone, even if the deceased return, they are no longer the masters of this world.

The power of the Underground Cemetery feels out of place in this world. Duke has had suspicions since the beginning, and now he understands that this power comes from beyond the stars.

"During the experiment, a total of three weapons like this were created."

"One of them exploded during the first experiment, and the other two... The method of use is..." Duke spoke the secret code that has been passed down through his family for generations, revealing the activation password for the most destructive weapon ever created by Sia's world to Poincaré.

"What is the principle of creating it...?" Poincaré obtained what could be the world's most powerful weapon, but he was not so excited. He gazed intensely at his ancestors.

Instead of ready-made weapons, what he wanted to know more was the principle of creating this kind of weapon, which was even more important than a hundred of these ultimate weapons.

Duke hesitated once again. He could foresee that if he told his descendants how to make this weapon, the future of the world would definitely undergo immense changes.

That principle didn't belong to magic, but to science. When the second ranked person at that time created this weapon, they enthusiastically described to him how this power, derived from the essence of matter, would bring about a brilliant future if used by the mages.

Unfortunately, all the elites from their faction died in that nuclear explosion, almost as if they were buried along with this taboo.

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