Published at 23rd of May 2024 05:54:04 AM

Chapter 1221

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Chapter 1221

"I will become the ruler of this continent."

A simple sentence, delayed by thousands of years.

Originally spoken by the hero recognized by the dragon clan, who should have ended the war between humans and dragons, but was said only now.

After millions of years, the vacant throne that had been prepared but never appeared before the people, along with the crown symbolizing the continent's monarchy, finally arrived at the moment of fulfilling its mission.

On the throne of white bones, the armrests formed by the dragon skull emitted a breathtaking dragon roar.

On El’phyllis's crown, seven of the world's most perfect gems released different lights of precious stones.ALL new chapters on nov(e)lbin(.)com

The throne of white bones.

Continental crown.

This is the moment when the twenty-first legendary God Weapon was born in the history of the continent, witnessing the name of The King of Undead.

The throne built by ethereal white bones can only be sat on by The King of Undead, it is the embodiment of Netherworld's power.

The crown symbolizing absolute royal authority belongs only to the kings recognized by the world covenant.

A huge cloak shadow appears behind the bone throne, staring at all living beings with a cold and inhuman gaze.

In that instant, whether they were humans or creatures from the Leviathan faction, they all felt the gaze from Netherworld.

The King of Undead who transcends life and death, crossing the boundaries of life, finally takes that crucial step and starts to gather their own legendary name.

This is also the most important reward of El’phyllis's mission, "legendary status." As the successor of the previous The King of Undead, she has gained the recognition of the bone throne and the continental crown.

The king of Sia's world and the messenger of Netherworld, both titles are now in her hands.

Even if she leaves Sia's world, the "legend" will not end. As long as the people of Sia's world remember this moment, it means that El’phyllis's legendary name is silently being forged.

This kind of fame is an honor for heroes ranked high and is proof of their epicness, but it doesn't directly increase their strength.

El’phyllis took on this task because she truly wanted to fulfill the previous generation's desire to change the world and become the new King of Undead.

She chose the legendary path of "mystery and wisdom" for herself.

The king of Sia's world and the apostle of Netherworld could help her gain the legendary factors of mystery, so she believed that she was destined to complete the task of changing Sia's world.

The delayed coronation ceremony of the king, which had been postponed for thousands of years, granted El’phyllis the highest level of legend in this world.

Even though Sia's world was just a remote small god's domain where both mystery and science were still in a primitive state, it had two beings ranked as legends.

People believed that Creator God's Sword Sia sacrificed herself and became the spark of civilization and wisdom in this world.

The defeated Sky Beast transformed into mountains, oceans, and the foundation of this world.

El’phyllis knew that they had underestimated the existence of legends.

With the legendary factors left by Creator God's Sword Sia and the Sky Beast in this world, as long as they were given enough time, their resurrection was almost inevitable.

The only ones who can kill someone of the legend-ranked are others of the same rank. The number of them doesn't matter in front of the legend-ranked.

Even though it may seem like both sides are equally wounded, as long as the names Sia and Leviathan continue to be spoken on this land, these two beings will inevitably return.

The celestial barrier that traps the intelligent beings of this world is the remaining will of the legend-ranked. Even the Ten Leaves Alliance finds it to be a challenging problem.

Because of the existence of this barrier, the coordinates of the entire Sia's world are shrouded in mist. Even the legend-ranked of the Ten Leaves Alliance cannot pinpoint the location here. They can only rely on occasional messages from The King of Undead, who crossed through a crack into this world a long time ago, to track the coordinates of Sia's world.

At this moment, El’phyllis puts on the crown symbolizing the ruler of the continent and sits on the bone throne reserved for Netherworld apostles. It means she has finally taken that crucial step.

With the support of the entire alliance, the Ten Leaves Alliance began preparations to attain the name of the legend-ranked while their young miss was still at the hero rank.

"Boom!" A silver-white figure descends from the sky, standing tall at forty meters in front of the Babylon Sky Tower, gazing at The King of Undead seated on the throne.

The boy looks at his childhood sweetheart, his eyes filled with tenderness.

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