Published at 23rd of May 2024 05:53:59 AM

Chapter 1225

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Chapter 1225




Amidst the fervent chants of the Black God Order disciples, the power from the abyss began to fill the underground cave. The black tyrant on the altar suddenly opened its eyes.

They were a pair of blood-red and murky eyes, exuding a violent aura. They had the cold metallic texture and the cruelty that belonged to something non-human.

"Can you feel it?"

"This is power!"

"The absolute power bestowed upon us by the magnificent Ada."

Morris, who had once been trampled under Saramanda's feet and experienced humiliation and powerlessness, shouted loudly.

With this power, he could finally fulfill his greatest ambition in life.

Even the black tyrant, who had vehemently rejected him and refused to acknowledge his qualifications as its master, had become his possession in this moment.

If he wanted something, he had to possess it.

Whoever tries to stop him will be destroyed!




Like sticks thrown into a fire, thousands of believers from the Black God Order entered a state of intense fanaticism, one after another.

Humans, as naturally inclined towards following the crowd, were even more captivated by the extraordinary powers displayed by Ada.

For humans born during the decline of the magical era, it was truly worth sacrificing everything to obtain such power.

Morris is the perfect example. In order to gain hero-ranked extraordinary abilities, he betrayed his country and family, going down a dark path with no intention of turning back.

More black mist began to envelop the Black God Order devotees. Thousands of kilometers away, a gigantic rune eye slowly drew upon the immense life force of the Leviathan, aiming to achieve a certain goal.

"Believe in me!"

On top of the Bone Throne in Babylon Sky Tower, El’phyllis suddenly stood up, looking up at the sky with a serious expression.

Something terrifying is happening there.

The black patterns continue to spread, contaminating the once pure white clouds and revealing eerie things churning within them.

The entire sky suddenly went dark, giving people a chilly feeling down their backs.

"Witness this moment."

"As you wish, this continent will not have a unified king." In Ludwig XII's pupils, black particles slowly flowed, locking onto The King of Undead dressed in pitch-black armor.

The clouds in the sky began to gradually gather, forming a strange container-like shape, layer upon layer.

"Oh no... This power is..." El’phyllis showed a shocked expression for the first time, and her ten fingers started weaving multiple shields. Numerous runes on her pitch-black armor lit up automatically.

"Shield spell!"

"Defend against instant death attacks!"

"Fake life."

"Nature's shelter."


The magic of the whole Underground Cemetery was flowing towards El’phyllis. However, it was too late. Because of the construction of the Babylon Sky Tower, El’phyllis had recently invested most of the magic from the Underground Cemetery into the construction. Now, she only had about one-fifth of the power from its prime.

As the princess of the Ten Leaves Alliance, El’phyllis naturally had many precious treasures to protect herself. But at this moment, the evil presence on the other side of the clouds was an enemy that could not be described with common sense.

Why are there traces of the abyss in this enclosed world?

Moreover, even in the abyss, it was far beyond the ordinary evil gods, with extremely high-ranked evil god power.

That eye is the "evil eye"!

"Notice: Someone died today."

"Cause of death: pierced heart."

In the churning black clouds, such words appeared, and then all of El’phyllis's defenses began to collapse one after another. A large evil eye mark appeared at the location of her heart.

In the next moment, the electric spear that was originally in the hands of the Black Overlord appeared in the sky, aiming at El’phyllis's heart.

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