Published at 27th of May 2024 07:02:03 AM

Chapter 1232

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Chapter 1232


The Pafu System, which expelled the damaged bodies, quickly entered an explosive state. A large amount of white steam emerged behind the faceless god, symbolizing that the Pafu System had activated the highest level of overload state.

The black tyrant began to charge.

On the eighteen-meter-long black electric spear, the twisted lump of flesh kept wriggling, releasing an ominous aura like a nightmare.

Morris felt better than ever before after abandoning his human form and realizing how useful and convenient his tentacles were.

All the neural connections inside the Black King were replaced by the split tentacles, allowing him to truly control and manipulate the Black King as he pleased.




Running at high speed, the sprint caused a series of sonic booms. Several seven-meter-tall magic armors from the Leviathan World Group were crushed by the shockwaves created by the Black King's running, scattering steel fragments like pieces of paper in a storm.

Weak, too weak.

He used to think that magic armors were the strongest power in the world, but now he finds it laughable.

Now, with a single shot, he can shatter three titled machines, and this power continues to grow endlessly.

At this moment, he wasn't alone in battle. He had the great Ada's will supporting him from behind.

Look, the powerful figure, the black king who rules over all!

The front end of the black electric spear, shaped like an armor-piercing cone, touched something that was blocking it, and then pierced through like popping a balloon.

"Bang!" A massive explosion caused Morris to momentarily stop his charge.

In that instant, the faceless god invaded the black king's embrace.

Yun Xi held onto the black king's shoulder with one hand, while the other hand grasped the black electric spear, which was releasing electric currents and high temperatures.

Morris, who had lost a significant amount of blood, felt dizzy for a moment but quickly reacted.

"Grant me strength, Ada!"

He easily took off one of his hands with a single movement, showing the incredible resilience possessed by the abyss monsters. His remaining hand suddenly swelled to three times its original size and unleashed a devastating punch against Yun Xi.

This punch lacked any technique, and even the angle of the strike was incorrect. It can be said that it defies all scientific principles.

Just as Yun Xi was about to disrupt the balance of the Black Overlord, he suddenly leaped back and gave up on the pursuit.

The dark heavy blow grazed the side of the faceless god, causing a shockwave that completely shattered the mountains several kilometers away, leaving a deep crevice on the ground.

In a state of extreme madness, Morris, who knew no pain, zealously charged towards Yun Xi once again, shouting, "Long live Ada!"

On his right hand, which had swollen three times its size, black patterns started spreading, giving the unreleased punch a deeply suppressed aura.

In terms of combat skills, Morris was clearly not a match for Yun Xi. However, with the power of the abyss coursing through him, he felt no fear and disregarded his own injuries.

The hand that Yun Xi dislodged was left untouched, and the terrifyingly powerful black electric lance lay abandoned on the ground, completely forgotten by its owner.




With the great power of Ada, any opponent is insignificant. Just crush them all!

In the face of absolute power, all techniques are a joke. This is Morris's confidence.

"Pafu, get ready!"

Yun Xi struck a pose, with his left hand forward, slightly crouched legs, and his right hand parallel to his shoulder.

"Die! Die! Die!"

With an inhuman roar, Morris released his strongest attack ever since he was born.

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