Published at 27th of May 2024 07:01:57 AM

Chapter 1237

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Chapter 1237

Puppet? When Yun Xi saw this Red Giant for the first time, he had a familiar feeling.

This giant, covered in red armor, looks just like the faceless god, as if they were made from the same mold.

However, due to the lack of certain things, the other party added different ingredients and eventually evolved into this form.

That face, dangerous yet seductive, just being stared at made Yun Xi's heart race, and even the Pafu System showed signs of overheating.

The only flaw is that this Red Giant lacks something crucial, so for now, it's just a big doll.

That gorgeous face lacks the liveliness that a living being should have, just like when Yun Xi first saw the faceless god in its sealed state.

"Link... Start..." What Yun Xi was concerned about, the missing component of the Red Giant, was quickly replenished by the will of the ancient god from the abyss.

Only by using the remains of Leviathan and mixing them with the style of the observed faceless god can we create a puppet, but it can never defeat the real faceless god.

Only by infusing the will from the abyss into this template can we give this inorganic puppet its own soul, thus creating the world's most powerful weapon.

"The abyss gazes back... as the gazer gazes into the abyss..." A black eye slowly opens on the forehead of the red giant, staring at the faceless god in front.

The moment this eye appears, the red giant, which was just an elaborate puppet, instantly gains life.

Those deep red eyes begin to shine with intelligent light, showing a hint of curiosity and a sense of nostalgia for something familiar in this world.

As soon as the black eye appears, numerous black patterns spread throughout the body of the red giant, causing it to show a painful expression.

Like something pure and innocent just born, it starts to be tainted by all the evil in this world. While losing its innocent soul, it also gains great and destructive power.

"Something pure... destined to be a divine vessel..." Using black threads to weave the destiny and rules of this evil godling, Ada's will completely descends upon this body.

A large amount of blood evaporates as the black patterns spread all over the body of the red giant. The armor that was tightly wrapped around it starts to fall off, revealing the white skin underneath.

This is an inevitable cost, after all, this is not the abyss, and every ounce of power must be carefully used, wasting it is shameful.

The red spine whip made a crisp and pleasant sound. The red giant raised its head, and in its three eyes, there was the figure of Yun Xi.

Here it comes! Since a while ago, Yun Xi has been on high alert. When black patterns appeared on the body of the red giant, he knew that this would be the most difficult battle he has faced since coming to this world.

This opponent named "Ada" gave him a sense of overwhelming strength.

"Buzz!" The sharp spine whip made a chilling vibration and then swung out.

The shadows of the whip transformed into large circles, instantly locking onto all the directions that Yun Xi could dodge.

So fast!

Moreover, what a skilled technique! How many times have you used this whip!

Yun Xi attempted to use the technique of Soft Body, trying to unload the layers of whip circles coming towards him.

However, this time Yun Xi made a mistake.

The tricks hidden in these whip circles were far beyond his understanding of Soft Body. They were truly amazing and almost magical.

The Soft Body techniques displayed by Yun Xi were completely negated by these whip circles. After being reversed seven times in a row, he was suppressed by the opponent. His right foot was entangled by the end of the whip.

In the next second, Yun Xi spun around, and the entire faceless god was rolled up by this magical whip. After flipping dozens of times in the air, it was heavily thrown to the ground.

The dominating spine whip displayed techniques that were out of reach for Yun Xi. It turned into a binding rope along the body of the faceless god, tying it into a turtle shell-like posture.

"Do you realize the difference in strength?" The red giant stepped on Yun Xi's right hand with high heels and looked down on him, experiencing the bitter taste of defeat.

Black? No, it seems...

Yun Xi, who was dizzy for a moment, gritted his teeth and instantly changed his posture. He burst out with invincible power, forcefully breaking free from the strange whip's confinement. With a counterattack similar to a rabbit kicking its legs, he kicked the opponent's high heels.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!