Published at 30th of May 2024 06:20:25 AM

Chapter 1243

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Chapter 1243

"Cough... cough..."

Deep within the mountains, in a massive canyon that could be hundreds of kilometers away from the central area, a silver hand weakly pushed aside the debris covering it, revealing the outline of the faceless god.

The four hundred percent rebound attack was equivalent to the faceless god's full-force continuous strikes quadrupled and reflected back, sending Yun Xi flying hundreds of kilometers away.

On this journey, many big trees, mountainsides, and even whole mountains were shattered.

Looking down from the earth, the ground looked like it had a huge crack.

At the end of the crack, the faceless god was buried under countless big rocks. Even if any hero-like creature were to take this hit, they would instantly turn to ashes.

Luckily, the faceless god was not a hero-like creation but a miracle beyond that, a mysterious puppet made by the puppet maker for their dear friend, Creator God's Sword Sia.

Even with a counterattack four times as strong, it only sent the faceless god flying hundreds of kilometers away and made Yun Xi inside dizzy for a long time.

Fused with the body of Star Hunting Dragon Mumu Narabel, it was a curse, a restraint, the Supreme Dragon God's shackles imposed on Starchild, but in a way, it also protected Yun Xi.

At least, when he still had a human body, he absolutely couldn't withstand this kind of impact.

"It's good to still be alive..." Yun Xi shook his head.

The moment he opened his eyes, he thought he had already reached heaven. Before him, there were countless silver-white radiance, and in the haze, he seemed to see the beautiful outline of someone with wings.

Oh no, I'm having hallucinations after being hit. This is really terrible.

If we weren't inside the faceless god, that blow would have turned him to dust.

"Pafu!" Pafu, who lost about a third of its body, happily jumped in front of Yun Xi and shouted with joy.

"You... worked hard..." Yun Xi caressed the emerald slime, which despite losing a third of its body, still bounced around energetically.

This incredible strength to survive is truly admirable, and it feels as good as touching something familiar and wonderful.

"Can you still move?" Yun Xi felt almost completely disconnected from the faceless god, with only one hand, his head, and a bit of instinct left.



However, the one who won was the faceless god, Yun Xi.

In the center of the battlefield, amidst complete chaos or drunkenness, stood the red figure, the best proof.

"Um... the world is spinning around..." The transparent red high heels walked in a messy manner, no longer having the elegance and composure from before.

"Who am I... where did I come from... where is this?"

Yun Xi had seen all sorts of drunken people. Some would cry loudly, some would laugh, and others would start babbling nonsense immediately.

It seemed that this terrifying being from the abyss belonged to the worst kind of alcoholic drinks.

"Ahahahaha... I remember now... I am the world's first queen!"

"All kneel and accept my punishment!"

"The Queen's will is absolute, the Queen is always the most beautiful woman in the world."

As Ada collapsed, the will from the abyss seemed to twist as well.

"Sing praises!"

"Sing praises!"

"Pay tribute to the great Red Heart Queen!" A small group of soldiers with teapot heads appeared out of nowhere, blowing trumpets, playing music, and loudly announcing Ada's identity.

"The Queen's arrival in this world is your good fortune."

"Quickly kneel before Her Majesty the Queen, if the Queen gets angry, the world will be doomed."

"Robin, where is Robin?"

"Who killed Robin, the sparrow?"

"Then the dragonfly can also come, call the red dragonfly over!"

The busy teacup soldiers began to set up the stage for the dance party, being serious and meticulous, looking nothing like a game.

"The Queen's ball is about to begin, begin!"

Red dragonflies danced in the battlefield, singing loudly, accompanied by the performance of the teacup band, creating a strange atmosphere that made Yun Xi feel uneasy.

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