Published at 28th of June 2024 10:08:20 AM

Chapter 1261

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Chapter 1261: Asking for Answers (1)

"If I can change your view on love, then there is hope." Yun Xi turned his gaze away from the devouring Ouroboros and nodded.

Alright, having said everything, he had already said everything he could as the person they first met.

As for how to love correctly, there is no correct answer to this question. One can only search based on their own heart.

At that time, when he met Hua Huo, he reached out his hand without hesitation, as if he was being drawn to something.

Looking back, it was truly a fateful encounter, both for him and for Hua Huo.

"Hmm, I understand. Tell me, senior!" Great Witch Flora grabbed Yun Xi's hand, revealing an immensely eager look in her eyes.

Huh, is there something else to say?

"I know that you must have a lot of experience in love, senior. Aren't the ancient gods fond of relationships between older girls and younger boys? How many lovers have you had, senior?" Flora's big eyes looked at Yun Xi with utmost sincerity, showing no intention to give up until she got an answer.

" a secret..." Yun Xi realized that he seemed to have gotten into some trouble that he shouldn't have, as Ouroboros on the opposite side started looking at him with pitiful eyes.

Just trying to persuade the Great Witch in front of him a little bit, and telling her some common knowledge about love.

As long as he buys a book called "Love for Monkeys: A Beginner's Guide", anyone can learn this simple knowledge, right?

Why would this Great Witch Flora hold onto his hand like she's grabbing onto a lifeline?

If it weren't for his body being a genuine divine vessel, his true identity would be exposed by this legendary-ranked Great Witch's grip! pitiful...kind people won't be rewarded in this world..." Ouroboros looked at Yun Xi, who was being held by Great Witch Flora, with a gloating expression of "You're done for.

Well, there's a reason why this snake is being hated by others.

"Flora is not part of the good camp, but rather a chaotic neutral one." Casina the Battle God shrugged her shoulders, saving Ouroboros alone was enough for her, as for the others, they were on their own.

Flora's determination is well-known throughout the entire Endless God's Domain, even unreliable Ouroboros sought her out, so it can be said that desperate times call for desperate measures.

She took the wrong path from the beginning, now it's too late for her to turn back.

The mysterious ancient gods clearly had no idea how big of a trouble this was, and now they've brought trouble upon themselves.

"Hmm, I understand. It's okay if you don't say it, I have a crystal ball specifically for detecting lies," Flora skillfully took out a transparent silver crystal ball.

This was originally a precious item used to test the loyalty of future lovers, but now there's no time to think about that, let's just use it first.

Since it's a special item that works for all legend-rankeds, it will shatter after asking three questions related to love, but the answers obtained will be absolutely true.

Full name - Crystal Ball of Love Inquiries, legendary quality. It is said to have been crafted by a deity in the ancient times who was in charge of matters related to love. There are no more than ten of these in the entire Endless God's Domain, and most of them are collected by the Great Witches of Witch God's Domain.

This one belonging to Great Witch Flora is the treasure she went through great lengths to find. Now she wants to use this crystal ball to find an answer and make a decision.

"Crystal Ball of Love Inquiries, is there someone of the opposite sex in this world who truly likes me? Answer."

Flora looked at the silver crystal ball with sincere eyes. This is related to her future, she must give the best answer!

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