Published at 28th of June 2024 10:08:22 AM

Chapter 1270

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hapter 1270: The Third Bread

"Love?" The Golden Crow Princess looked at the scene before her, which made her heart race. She felt the exciting atmosphere and her curious face was filled with wonder.

"Senior, can you show me how to approach someone you like?" Great Witch Flora looked at Yun Xi with anticipation, her small hand trembling involuntarily.

"Um... well..." Yun Xi now felt that he had been deceived. And ironically, he had created this deception himself.

With no way to escape, Yun Xi felt helpless in this moment.

Teaching Great Witch Flora about love in the Witch God's Domain was definitely not part of the mission for the Trial of the Stars. If there really was such a side quest, its difficulty would be several levels higher than the main task.

What kind of murder game is it to encounter legend-ranked monsters in a side quest? I protest!

Um, protesting is ineffective.

Alright, then I can only face it with determination.

Let's recall how I successfully held hands with Hua Huo back then.

Inside the core of Yun Xi, who cannot be seen, he closed his eyes and revealed a fearless expression as if he had accepted death.

Isn't it just about actively reaching out and holding hands with a Witch God's Domain Great Witch? The difficulty is similar to a mortal flying to the sun with wings sealed in wax!



Why is it that at a time like this, the faceless god's heartbeat is so synchronized with my own heartbeat? It's so nerve-wracking and exciting!

Even though we're not in a fighting state, the synchronization rate keeps rising, and I can't stop it at all!



Flora has never experienced such a chaotic heartbeat. For the Dusk Witch, who is always in precise control of her own magic and can even accurately travel through dimensional cracks, this is an unbelievable phenomenon.



The senior is really amazing, demonstrating so calmly. This is the difference of experience. I bet the senior has done similar actions countless times!

No, my heart is beating too fast. Calm down, Flora!

The senior is just kindly teaching you about love. Don't daydream too much or reveal that you see the senior as a pretend love target!


"Oh, are those two looking at each other tenderly? Are they about to mate?" On the other side of the dining table, Ouroboros, with drunken eyes, looked at the blushing, shy couple and let out a hiccup.

"You're quite straightforward, but I agree with that feeling. Your divination is quite accurate," said Casina the Battle God, who watched Great Witch Flora fall in love from the beginning to the end.

That little face blushed, even the sword scar on her cheek was filled with a joyful happiness. She just needed to write "I'm in love" on her face.

Fate is truly amazing and mysterious. Ouroboros's divination abilities might seem chaotic, but they never go wrong.

The current Flora is just like a young girl in the depths of love.

"Of divination is very accurate..." Ouroboros looked somewhat nervous at their locked eyes. One was expressionless, while the other blushed intensely.

Hmm, this must be her doing. It's the fate of the great universe at work, definitely not escaping.

Flora, I will gladly accept your magical thread.

However, for some reason, upon seeing this freshly made pair, Ouroboros seemed to have a sense of disarray. It appeared that things wouldn't go smoothly for this duo.

In addition, she herself felt restless and anxious, with a certain light shining on her head.

Love is a beam of light, how bright it is.

"Are you crying?" Based on past experience, Yun Xi easily sat beside the uneasy Great Witch Flora and looked at her with concern in his eyes.

It seems like we have returned to the past, to the time when Hua Huo and I first met.

"No... I didn't cry!" Even Flora's reaction was similar to how I remembered Hua Huo.

Back then, Hua Huo's eyes had a dreamlike quality, filled with strong denial. It was as if the entire world had turned gray in her eyes.

Flora, on the other hand, had completely opposite eyes. There were glimmers of tears in her dusk-colored eyes, as something shattered and gave birth to a new radiance.

"It's okay, everyone feels sad and upset sometimes."

"Here, eat this, it will definitely make you happy..." Yun Xi instinctively reached for his tier-four golden cream bread to give to Flora, just like how he satisfied Hua Huo's appetite with bread back then.

Just then, Yun Xi caught a glimpse of someone gazing intensely at him from the corner of his eye. It was the Golden Crow Princess, who kept raising her nose arrogantly.

Oh no, if he revealed his knowledge of the tier-four golden cream bread now, it would expose his true identity.

Change! Switch to something even better, something the Golden Crow Princess has never had before... his highest-level bread hidden at the bottom of the box!

In a storage room with 100 special breads, from the lowest-ranked to the top-ranked ones, only the special breads that have been used once are kept.

After several months of storage, these lowest-ranked breads have been constantly nourished by Yun Xi's spiritual power. They have undergone a remarkable transformation in both appearance and taste, almost reaching the pinnacle of fourth-grade food.

Chosen and ranked third, it's you!

Yun Xi delicately took out a mini pineapple-shaped bread, which is ranked third in the premium bread storage.

Yun Xi couldn't figure out why the large-sized golden cream bread, after being stored for a long time, turned into a mini pineapple-shaped bread. It seems to be some sort of special evolution function of the bread storage.

Emitting an enticing aroma, this palm-sized golden pineapple bread, ranked third in Yun Xi's special bread storage, has achieved a magical [Field] in both appearance and fragrance.

Even Ouroboros and Casina the Battle God, sitting across the dining table, looked over with expressions that said, "I really want to eat that."

"Ahwoof!" Flora eagerly took a bite of this delicious golden pineapple bread, then revealed an expression that was almost about to cry.

Delicious! It's so delicious!

Even though she had tried all the legendary delicious food she had eaten, nothing could compare to this pineapple bun, which was probably only at the fourth level.

Because, this is a tasty treat made with a mix of love ingredients, and it's a gift from her senior.

With one bite, the sour-sweet taste of pineapple and the flawless blend of honey flavor combined perfectly, causing the taste buds on the tip of the tongue to burst open like fireworks.

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