Published at 20th of July 2021 05:21:45 PM

Chapter 58.1: Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter’s Hero Dream Chapter 58.1

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“Oh yeah Sytry, you seem to have been busy lately, but are you fine now?”

Excellent Treasure Hunter often have multiple roles.

If we take our members as example, we have Lucia who boasts an outstanding magic power as a Mage, Anthem who can used healing magic which can recover defective limbs and Sytry an Alchemist who possess various knowledge is often called from various institution, she is often busy.

After receiving that weird Alias, she was rarely seen in the Clan Lounge. Even if I say that, one of her labs is located on the third floor in the Clan House. Although she comes see me from time to time, I wonder if the member who recently join knows of Sytry’s face.

“No… Actually, the laboratory I was in until recently… Fired me…”


I was so surprised I lost my word as Sytry was walking next to me. Sytry is talented. She got a weird Alias and might be shunned because of it but her technology made her once called 『The Best』 in the Imperial Capital. If it was because they couldn’t afford her anymore, I can get it, but I can’t believe she has been fired.

Should I give her, some words of comfort as her friend? When I was wandering what I should say, Sytry continues with a thoughtful look.

“… Well, rather than fire… The laboratory… is more like gone. How to say it… Argh! … Cry-san, it is as you already know it. I lacked power… It is so embarrassing.”

Sytry cheeks become redder and embarrassingly look down.

I see… The laboratory you were affiliated in collapse. I got convinced.

The economy of the Imperial Capital is not bad nowadays, but it is not like there are no company who collapse. Alchemy is an academics subject that literally produce gold but even so there will be research that doesn’t make any money.

Sytry is a genius but she is not god, she is an Alchemist and not a merchant, everything can’t turn out well. I don’t know what the circumstances were, but it must have been a situation where only one excellent member isn’t enough to save them.

As far as I know… Well, I am not sure but maybe we are talking about a big laboratory I knew.

“Well, that kind of thing happen. It is fine if you learn from your mistakes. If it is you, Sytry, you will do better next time.”

“… You are, right.”

“I don’t really know about Alchemists and I don’t know which laboratory is gone but I know about Sytry.”

She is smart, dexterous, curious hardworking and she is a little strange, but she is a talented girl.

From my point of view, she seems to have the tendency to think too deeply about things but that wouldn’t be a weakness. It is just me who is not thinking enough.

“… Right. Cry-san doesn’t know anything at all.”

“If you want, you can do the rest of the research in the Clan House Laboratory…”


To the word I casually said Sytry raise her head and continue to look at me.

Did I say anything strange?

I am certainly an outsider. I have no idea what Sytry’s research was about and even if she explains it to me, I wouldn’t understand. However, the laboratory in the Clan House is state-of-the-art. It has been prepared by Sytry herself. The room are large and there shouldn’t be any shortage.

Well, there is a possibility that the research can’t be pursuit because of reason other than equipment… But…

Sytry seemed to be lost for a while, but she says with a smile.

“Thank you very much. But it might bother Cry-san so I will abstain.”

You don’t have to worry about me… I almost said that but stopped at the last moment.

Me and Sytry isn’t in a relationship where we consider each other discretion. If she is saying it will be bothering me then it is a dangerous experiment that will really bother me. For example, she doesn’t have enough equipment, or she doesn’t have enough hand to do it alone.

It is too bad that I can’t help but an amateur shouldn’t say anything.

Sytry put her hand together and says in a bright voice.

“And it is okay. I will find the next laboratory soon. time, I will do it better.”

“Un, un, you are right. Well, do it in moderation.”

If it is Sytry she will find the next one soon. There seems to be nothing I can do.

After all, what came out was inappropriate word of comfort but Sytry happily nodded.


The lounge had many familiar faces even during the day.

Everyone is probably resting after the investigation on the 『White Wolves Den』 which was a big job, they have just finished.

Even if we called them Treasure Hunter, they don’t go to a Shrine every day. Preliminary preparation is indispensable for Shrine exploration. It is necessary to maintain their equipment and you also need to be in good physical condition. Footprint Lounge was a place to relax for Hunter. You can collect information with fellow Clan members and there is no outsider. It is a great place to kill time as you don’t need to pay for your food and your drink.

Sytry squints her eye and looks around the lounge as if appraising them.

“It has been a while since I came here…”

『The Lamenting Ghost』 regularly eat together but most of the time we don’t use the Lounge. Because they will start a fight with another party.

Of course, I stop them, but I made the sad decision that it would be better to go eat outside than to make a bad atmosphere with the member of the Clan. Luke’s sword is especially loose.

“Looks like 『Starlight (The Star’s Holy Thunder) 』 are not here.”

“… Upper class party are often busy.”

By the way 『Starlight (The Star’s Holy Thunder) 』 didn’t participate in the investigation of the White Wolves Den… I completely forgot about that. The party that was hanging around begins to notice our appearance. A person with a gruesome expression, a person with a rough face, a person with shining eyes. Some are pointing their hands here.

Sytry raise a finger with a thoughtful look.

“The number of “Magi (Madoushi: Mage)” is… eight. There are ten dozen of high-class “Mana Potion (Magic Recovery Medicine)” and three different kind…”

““Mana Potion (Magic Recovery Medicine)” is extremely awful, right.”

“Yes. It has a taste of something doesn’t seem to come from this world. It is because the effectiveness is proportional to its taste. If you are not used to it, it will render you unconscious.”

“Mana Potion (Magic Recovery Medicine)”, as the name implies is a magic potion that has the power to restore your magical power. When you are exploring a Shrine, it is an extremely useful item to use when battling against powerful monsters and Phantoms, but it has the fatal drawback of having a bad taste. And it is not just a bad taste. It is bad enough to hesitate to drink it in a life-threatening situation.

In the past, Lucia shared a little bit to me to try it. But at the time where it touches my tongue, I lost consciousness. When I woke up, a few hours has already passed. I don’t remember the taste but for some reason I know that it is bad enough that you want to die.

It seems if you can drink a magic restoring medicine, it is a proof of being a first-class Mage. Since then, for me, Mages is an existence to be respected.

Hey, thank you for reading this. I started to play Valorant and yeah it is pretty fun, I suck though but I won most of my games as I got carry every single time XD Don’t worry I will try to not delay my translation because of it. Cry the destroyed lab was an infamous one so I am sure you have heard of it. It is called Tower of something… XD In the next part you will see the return of someone you know! Tchao à plus!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!