Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 100

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:20:12 AM

Chapter 100: Flute Of Foreboding (20)

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Chapter 100: Flute Of Foreboding (20)

It was also a palace.

Old palaces were lined up and the shadows of their roofs were visible on the pond that wasnt maintained well.

The lush green trees swayed from side to side. It looked like countless hands were moving in the sky.

Behind the pillars, under the bridges, and between the lush greenery. There was thick darkness everywhere.

His head got dizzy.

He felt that a certain force was strongly entwining this place.

No one can come here at night.

Seol Young mumbled.

It is creepy.

Zaha was disgusted.

The people here are surprised. Go find the ball.

Those words brought him back to reality. There were courtiers everywhere who were cleaning, trimming the branches, and carrying different things.

Seol Young asked,

What is this place?

The Old Palace building.

Old Palace?

You know the legend about when the Moon Palace was first built? You dont know? This was originally the home of the king, but then the founding monarch was tricked into building the Moon Palace.

Zaha briefly said.

Since then, it has been expanded numerous times. Important areas such as the main hall have become so nice that this palace was hidden.

Then, are you telling me that a place old enough to be considered a part of history was just thrown in the back without any expansion being done?

That is right. It has been used for many purposes since ancient times, including secret meetings, treating sick royals, and hiding valuables that shouldnt be seen. In addition, it is called the Cold Palace.

The Cold Palace was where the kings sent their concubines into exile.The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñøv€l-B1n.

Seol Young asked,

Is anyone staying inside here now?

Probably not.

Zaha looked at the inside of the palace.

It doesnt seem like it?

No one is here now.

He said.

From what he heard, this place seemed to be very restricted. And this place was called the Ninefold Depth Palace because it was surrounded by nine layers of barriers.

And this was the most hidden location of all the palaces, and it was natural for Seol Young to be unaware of it.

But it was still somehow being managed well. The courtiers assigned here were busily walking around doing their own work.

Will this be fine?

Seol Young looked around the palaces, which were surrounded by thick green trees.

Dont strange things happen here at night? It would be best if no one came.

When he said that, the old eunuch lowered his head.

How can that be? Day or night, we are managing this place in the same way. It is alright as long as we know where we are and only protect what needs to be protected.

They were meaningful words.

Seol Young didnt say anything more and looked around. After passing through several palaces and going to the back of the pavilion, they found another pond there.

He walked around and, at some point, stopped. A long corridor appeared in front of him. It was similar to what the ghost showed him.

It seems to be that

His head felt dizzy.

Seol Young just stood there, not knowing how to move, and seeing that, Zaha asked,

Is that it?

I need to look around.

He sat down near the corridor, put his hands on the ground, and started to use Memory Projection.

If this place has anything to do with that evil spirit, shouldnt he feel something?

He didnt want to run into anyone who would interpret this in the wrong manner, so he decided to get out of the palace.

He didnt run into anyone on his way, and he only saw the moonlight shining on the floor.

Seol Young was lost in thought.

How far did he walk?

A loud noise broke the silence. A carriage was speeding up from the other side, and it was heading straight for the Moon Palace.

It looked like someone was rushing for the palace.

If they were coming this late into the night, it had to be a high-ranking official. In order to get out of the way and avoid having to greet them, Seol Young stepped aside.


The carriage, which had been moving fast, suddenly stopped.

The coachman screamed,


And the horses ran amok.

At the same time, there was this black energy coming from inside the carriage.

The door burst open as noble ladies and courtiers hurriedly evacuated it.

What is this?

Seol Young drew his sword to save them, but at that moment, one lady pulled out the sword of the escort warrior.

She swung it in a circle and cut off the black shadow that was coming out of the carriage in one slash.


Seol Young was surprised. The sword itself looked normal.

But the body of the sword was shining brightly. This definitely meant that there was a spirit in it.

And then he looked at her.

The wind from the swords movements hit her face. He would surely call her a great beauty. There was something on her white forehead, and her eyes held this hot charm that he felt like he was familiar with.

Seol Young lowered his gaze.

Her other hand gently wrapped around her stomach. She seemed to be protecting something.

A woman who resembled Zaha with a baby.


At this time, she also found Seol Young.

She glanced at him with sharp eyes and fixed her gaze on him.

Who was this Hwarang in white who suddenly appeared?

At that time, loud footsteps could be heard. The soldiers guarding the capital were running towards them.

No, arent you the lady of the Sangdae-dong office. 1 What is happening?

The horses were a bit shocked.

The courtiers answered. While looking at them, Seol Young noticed one thing.

All of them had talisman bracelets made of peach trees. They were to ward off evil.

Something happened.


Zaun and the people got onto the wagon.


The carriage soon began to run again.

And he just stood there and watched

The carriages window was opened, showing Zauns face.

She turned her head back and looked at Seol Young. Then Zauns face was getting further away. However, the look in her eyes was meaningful.

There was something she wanted to say.

That was what her eyes said.

Even if not for the look she gave, Seol Young was planning to meet her, and he had a feeling that it would happen soon.

Seol Young thought about it again.

What could it be?

TL/N: The office that is next in power after the king

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