Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 102

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:20:10 AM

Chapter 102: Moon Palace Eight Ghosts Story (2)

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Chapter 102: Moon Palace Eight Ghosts Story (2)

The place was so wide that no special words could be used to describe it.

But now, looking at it, he noticed several unbelievable things.

Several ladies-in-waiting were holding on to one child, and they were desperately trying to keep the child from making any noise.

That alone was shocking enough.

But that was not what surprised Seol Young.

It was the childs appearance.

He doubted his eyes.

Isnt that the Princess?

He couldnt figure out what had happened. There are two Princesses in Silla now.

They were twins who were born on the same day, and they were supposed to be six years old now.

Seol Young also saw them a couple of times. They were white, cute, plump, and timid children.The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñøv€l-B1n.

But they looked completely different now.

Eup! Euk!

Her mouth was groaning. Her eyes were white, and there were black veins along her temple. The Princess had a monstrous appearance, and she was struggling a lot.

Her small feet were hitting the stomachs and chests of the ladies-in-waiting holding her.

Even if she was a child, it looked like her kicks hurt a lot, but they didnt make any sound, and they held onto the Princess with all their might.

And he soon found out why.

It was to show Seol Young.

Go closer and take a look.

A low voice could be heard.

It was the person who told him earlier, Well show you first, and then we will talk.

She was Zaun.

Since it seemed to be an urgent situation, Seol Young approached the princess, and at that moment, another smell that was hidden by the perfume hit him.


The smell of dirt was coming from somewhere, and remembering that fact, he took a closer look at the princess.

Eup! Euk!

It was a beasts voice. Her eyes were unfocused, and her chest pushed ahead. Deep in her skin, her veins changed from black to blue and then from blue to black. Her black blood vessels were clear and spread out like spider webs all over her face.

It was when he took a closer look


The Princess, who had been acting out in anger, suddenly pulled her hand back and bit the hand of a lady-in-waiting.

Blood poured out.

The one who was bitten held back her screams, and the other ladies-in-waiting just lowered their heads.

I cant. I cant take it any longer

Bring it here.

Zaun commanded.

And they immediately brought something out.

As soon as the smell of food permeated the room, the Princesss gaze turned there. Before she could even walk without tripping, she opened her mouth,

Oh! Ohh!

It seemed like a cry of hunger. As soon as the ladies-in-waiting let go of her, the Princess rushed at it like a beast and scooped the food with both hands, stuffing it into her mouth.

No! That!

Because it looked like she was also about to eat the bowl, the ladies-in-waiting had to pull it back hurriedly. And then she scratched and bit their hands, making blood drip down.


The Queen sighed.

The other twin Princess was watching this from the arms of her nanny. Unable to stand it, she buried her head in the arms of her nanny.

Zaun turned toward Seol Youngs side,

Still, she is quiet when eating


Seol Young asked,

Since when did this start?

The ladies-in-waiting who were taking care of the Princess answered,

But if we let go of the Princess

Let go. If you stay together when the golden ring forms, it might move into another body.

What are you doing not moving away?

When Zaun spoke again, the ladies-in-waiting reluctantly left the Princess.


The Princess screamed and threw herself at the people, but the golden ring blocked her.

The Queen was surprised.


She will not get hurt in that state. It wouldnt hurt her.

Zaun said.

No matter what they were saying, Seol Young had no time to care about them. He had to concentrate when dealing with a spirit.

Who are you?

He raised the spiritual qi on his sword and asked, but the evil spirit didnt answer and continued to scream.

Answer me. Who are you, and what is your purpose for entering that body?

Only monstrous sounds returned.

There was no way he could easily get an answer.

Seol Young still asked, despite knowing that.

It must be subdued right away.

He reached out as fast as lightning and placed the sword on the Princesss head.

The sword shone in blue.


The Princess screamed.

It sounded like someone was trying to say something, but Seol Young couldnt hear them.

The identity of the possessor was one thing, but the fact that a 6-year-old got possessed was what bothered Seol Young.

If done wrong, her little body would be harmed during the process.

He had to be calm at a time like this.

The feathers turned into stones, the stones into boulders, and so on. He gradually increased the weight he was putting on the sword and pressing down on the Princess.

Then, she slowly began to kneel down, and Seol Young gently touched the Princess.

But then.

There was a small explosion.

And Seol Youngs eyes flashed. The shock he felt was hurting his head too.

Seol Young hurriedly pulled back the sword and got up.


It was just a showdown of spiritual power. He and the evil spirit competed over who had more force, but then someone intervened.

To put it more precisely, it seemed like something that he had been involved with before.

A being with some kind of strong power.

Seol Young had been through a lot of bad things since he was a child, so he was being cautious with this child. No matter how horrible the situation was, he was dealing with a small body.

If he didnt, then the child would be seriously injured.

What is this?

He frowned and performed a detection spell.

Incantation letters spread everywhere, and at that moment, a burst of energy, just like earlier, erupted from under a chair.

Seol Young immediately went there.

He looked under the chair and immediately picked it up with a cold face.

You lied to me.

He set the thing on the table.

A rosary bead.

It was a thick rosary bead with Sanskrit writing on it.


The faces of the Queen and her ladies-in-wating went pale.

Are you 18+?


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