Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 109

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:11:55 AM

Chapter 109: Moon Palace Eight Ghosts Story (9)

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Chapter 109: Moon Palace Eight Ghosts Story (9)

However, the twins vanished right away.

They tried to shine the place with Zahas sword, but nothing happened.

Who is controlling it? The eight spirits shouldnt be together anymore.

After Seol Young drew a light and checked it, he carefully reaped the light.

There is an evil force right within this space. Until we dispel all of these ghost stories, we will have to follow the rules.

Good. Lets go to the next one quickly.

A long hallway stretched out in front of them. As they were quickly walking, a bell rang.

Tring, tring, tring.

At that moment, a scroll began to glow.

Seol Young took it out and opened it.

Second. Corridor of the Old Palace.

The second ghost story was quite short.

There are no bells in the palace. If you hear a bell ringing when walking down the hallway, then stop right away. Take six steps back, sit down, and cover your ears.

The two walked back.

One, two, three, four, five, and six.

They stopped right there.


Seol Young threw his hands into the air, and then they immediately lowered themselves.


Something sharp and huge came flying. And in an instant, it attacked them and got swept away.

A blade passed by him in the air. Had he stood still, his whole body would have been torn apart.

It looked like an old man?

Uh? An old man?

Zaha threw his sword instead of answering.

His sword flew at the same speed and stabbed it. It was skewered and nailed to the ceiling.

Then a terrible scream rang out.

Seolyoung quickly approached it and looked up.

They didnt know what it was, but its whole body was covered in a white beard. It had several arms that were as sharp as teeth and were odd.

What is that?

Zaha was a bit confused.

Not an old man?

We will know if we kill it.

Seol Young immediately threw talismans at the ceiling, and they exploded.

When he projected it, it turned out to be someone who was once an insider.

His name was Juk Man, a eunuch whose hands were cut off after striking the King with a bell stick.


In this way, the story of the second ghost was revealed, and Zaha took his sword back.

This time, there were two.

Seol Young took out the plaque from the dolls clothes.

Three of the twelve.

At that moment, they heard footsteps running behind them, and the two of them looked back and saw the skirts of the twins disappearing around the corner.


Seol Young and Zaha ran behind them.

But again, they accidentally missed them. They stared at the spot where the Princesses had disappeared.

It seems closer than before. Is there something about it?


Seol Young looked around.

Where did they go?

I think they went there.

Zaha pointed to the door.


When they opened the door and went inside, vegetables and grains were piled up in a mess.

Seol Young opened the scroll and read it.

When cleaning the wooden chairs in the torture chamber, make sure to push every chair once.

The wooden chairs being referred to were the torture chairs. They had handcuffs bound to them.

If one of the chairs doesnt move, quickly bring a cloth, specifically a skirt, over it and shout Wang Ming! Then go out when the cloth starts to turn red.

They approached the chairs and pushed them one by one. Indeed, there was one chair that didnt move.

Seol Young could hear Zaha taking out his sword.

How do I break it?

Not yet?

Seol Young pointed at the pouch holding the scroll.

It looks like there is one more.


Before they knew it, another scroll was shining, so Zaha lowered his sword.

Maybe this torture chamber holds many stories, so there must be two rules.

I will read it.

Seoil Young took the scroll out and opened it.

If the wind blows or if a coffin falls without anyone touching it, never look inside it and get out. There are no coffins in this chamber.

That was when a coffin collapsed.

The two looked at each other.

If it is a coffin, then I should do it.

Zaha immediately changed the target and began to break the coffin.

Seol Young took the chair.

Both resisted.

However, after being split, burned, and beaten down with their energy, the history behind the ghost story was revealed.

The chair was inhabited by the ghost of Nam Ji, the eunuch, who was a notorious torturer. A chair is just a chair. It seems like a mysterious phenomenon created by the negative energy that filled the torture chamber.

They acquired three dolls in this room, and Seol Young retrieved three plaques.

With this, a total of ten plaques were collected, and only one ghost story remained.

The eighth one must have something to do with the kids being buried alive.

This is really the end.

The two quickly ran down the hallway, but then Zaha stopped.



He looked around with alert eyes.

Dont you think something is strange?

What is?

Dont you feel empty? Like something is missing?

Something was missing?

Seol Young pondered it and then realized it.

Right. At first, when we broke out of the ghost stories, we could see the Princesses.

They looked around.

Where are they?

Thats it. So far, we have been following them closely as we quickly resolved the stories. Then, while solving two ghost stories at the same time, did we end up overtaking the Princesses?

That means.

That is where it happened.

The two looked back at the torture chamber and rushed back again, but there was no more chamber present.

Amid the flickering lights were the torture instruments and an eerie stillness.

They looked around once, and large jars of water used for torture were there.

Only one of them had its lid closed, so they went and opened it.


The sound of choking could be heard, and a child in fancy clothes looked at them with a pale face.

It was the twin sister of Princess Ajin.

It was Princess Ara.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!