Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 112

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:11:51 AM

Chapter 112: Moon Palace Eight Ghosts Story (12)

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Chapter 112: Moon Palace Eight Ghosts Story (12)

Thank God.

Seeing that, Seol Young felt relieved.

He thought that the person who could appease the evil spirits the most was the Queen. It was a gamble, so he didnt expect much

But unknowingly, she did a good job.

Like Seol Young said,

You must save yourself from the evil spirits.

She saved her daughters with her own hands.

As a result, it worked out.

He nodded his head and looked away, but then he saw Zaun standing there.


Seol Young was surprised.

Tears flowed from her eyes as she listened to the Sutra the Queen said.

The tears dripped down her cheek and wet her collar, but she didnt seem to notice it.

I see.

Seol Young realized it.

When he unintentionally touched Zahas mind in the past, he saw countless other memories pass by.

-How can that be?! How?! Was there no other way?!

The voice in his memory had to be Zauns. And he only realized it now.

Her eyes showed it.

She lost someone.

In the carriage that night, Zaun stuck her head out and looked back as if she wanted to say something.

Now, it seemed that it wasnt just about the Princesss problem. Seol Young looked at Zaha.

He had a blank face at that time.

There was a thud and the sound of a heavy object falling.


Everyone who was in a daze came to their senses, and they saw the limp body of Princess Ara in her mothers arms.

Eleven dolls began to fall next. It was because the souls that had dwelled in them had disappeared, and they were now just empty shells.

Meanwhile, Princess Ajin was in her nannys arms.

There is no more nasty smell, and the strange heavy feeling when holding her is gone. She seems to be fine!

The nanny said with a bright face.

I am glad, thank you!

The Queens face brightened. It was a face that said she barely managed to survive the pits of hell.

The Queen looked at Seol Young and Zaha with a smile.

Thank you very much. I will never forget what you did for the Princess.

After that, she must have thought about the dead children, which made her face grim.

As the evil energy vanished, the surroundings changed. With the power of the twelve evil spirits gathered, the space was back to its original look. As the collected power of the twelve evil spirits was gone, the space that was overtaken by it returned to normal.

They were now in the secret room in the prayer room.


The sound of something rushing could be heard from the walls.

What do we do? What is it?

The maids who were tasked to guard the place were whispering, and the Queen jolted up as if she had woken up from a dream.

What is it?


There was the sound of the maids hurrying to the door.

Princess Neung Pa is coming with several other courtiers. They said they wanted to report on how diligently Princess Ara and Ajin are weaving.

At this late hour?

It is already dawn.

Everyone was surprised.

Mount Seondo.

It was a tranquil place surrounded by deep green trees under pure white clouds. When he faced that scenery and cleared his mind, he closed his eyes and felt at ease.

Seol Young entered the door to the training center.

The trainees, who were carrying big logs, looked at him in surprise.


After throwing down the logs, they ran toward him.

Sa-rang! Ah! No, Seol Young-rang! What are you doing here? You didnt even inform us!

I think a jade plaque from last time arrived.

Seol Young made a rough excuse and looked around. Everyone seemed cheerful and energetic. Even the youngest one looked stronger.

A corner of his chest warmed up, and the boys were smiling.

It hasnt been long since I left, and I came back again so soon.

From their point of view, it seemed like the White Tiger Troops were only complete with Seol Young.

Seol Young looked at the trainees and asked,

Is everyone inside?

Second-rang and Third-rang went to visit their parents. But Great-rang is making the pills.

Ah, right.

It was the time when many Hwarangs visited their homes, and he had to spend the holiday back in his dorm.

Song Ok and Hyo Wol always went to their parents homes around this time, so Baek Eon and Seol Young would stay behind and prepare them.

But this year, Seol Young wasnt part of the troops, so Baek Eon was doing it alone.

I didnt even think of that.

Seol Young hurried inside.

The Medicine Hall was where the pills and medicine were made and stored. Baek Eon was sitting there with pine needles, sifting some powder.

A refreshing scent filled the room.

It was one of the scents that would come to mind when one thought of the Mid Autumn Festival.

And it was a tradition for the White Tiger Troops to make the Listening Pine Pill and distribute it to the Hwarangs and trainees.

Seol Young approached him and said,

Give it to me. I will do it.

Baek Eon raised his head. It seemed that he was so focused on his work that he didnt notice Seol Young getting closer.

Seol Young suddenly appeared, and it surprised him.

He smiled and said,

The escort Hwarang has arrived.


Seol Young was speechless for a moment.

Rumors move fast. How long has the story been circulating

What a surprise. When did it take a day or two for words to spread quickly in the Moon Palace? To think you, who hates children, would take on such a task. It will be very nice to see.

Baek Eon said, as if teasing him, and shook the sieve.

What will happen this time? The incidents never cease to stop.

He carelessly mumbled words of concern, and Seol Youngs heart pounded.

There was work, but it was already over, and since I had a commitment, I had to do it.

Then what is with that face?

Baek Eon put down what was in his hand.

You must have come here because things were difficult. Do not worry and tell me.

Seol Young was moved by his soft and warm words.

How much did he depend on this man? His heart felt desperate.


Seol Young spoke with difficulty.

If he hadnt taken me in, he wouldnt have died.


Baek Eon looked at Seol Young in surprise.This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

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