Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 114

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:11:49 AM

Chapter 114: Moon Palace Eight Ghosts Story (14)

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Chapter 114: Moon Palace Eight Ghosts Story (14)

Zaun replied,


But the dead dont have any memories in this one.

Seol Young clearly expressed his doubts. Seeing that memory, it seemed to be true that it was an item of the dead.

But it was strange.

Death is the most intense thing a soul goes through. The thoughts they would hold at that moment would radiate so many emotions that they would be clearly engraved into their keepsakes.

However, the ring didnt have such memories. The memory of the moment of despair.

What am I seeing?

He was puzzled.

Unlike Seol Young, Zaun didnt seem that shocked.

No memory of death

She mumbled.


As if she were convinced, she nodded her head.

The ring doesnt hold such a special memory. So it is obvious that it was difficult for you to read it. But I heard you are an excellent person who can thoroughly read things, even from decades ago. So I thought that you could read even the faintest memories.

Zauns words conveyed a sense of longing. Even though she didnt say it out loud, she was practically begging him to do it.

I understand.

Seol Young tried again, but it was still the same.

He only saw memories that werent that important, and then they were cut off. It was as if it were cut off in the middle.

It meant that the deceased suddenly died while living a normal life.


Even so, there should have been a faint pain or at least the feeling of being out of breath.

However, there was none of that here. It was as if the soul vanished without another trace


Then Seol Young suddenly realized it.

He had heard of one such case before.Witness the debut of this chapter, unveiled through Ñôv€l--B1n.

He looked down at the ring.

A man with a deformed spirit.

The sound of cicadas pierced his ears. There was no wind, but the trees were swaying slowly, and the darker the greenery looked, the darker the darkness looked.

What Zaun wanted.

He seemed to know what it was now.

Seol Young placed his fingers on the ring and closed his eyes.

The everyday memories. There had to be something about the things that should have been normal

In order to read all of them, his spiritual power had to be strong.

It was a very delicate job.

The memories were faint. Just by injecting his spiritual power, the memories could appear or vanish.

Seol Young concentrated and grabbed the ring.

They seem to be thinking about some kind of construction in a house. I dont know how to look Second? Is it a child? The face of the child is red, and the child seems to have a fever. They seem to be worried about the child

He couldnt see the other side.

However, he could feel that Zaun was intensely watching him and holding her breath.


Seol Young found the most intense thoughts among them.

I think it is the Lady. She was called by the Empress Dowager and entered the palace. Would you have returned home by now? He is moving respectfully yet also carefully, but is looking forward to seeing you It is that feeling.

He conveyed what he felt and opened his eyes, and Zaun seemed to be completely shocked.

I see.

She mumbled blankly.

I was thinking

Her body was here, but not her mind. It seemed like she was lost in thought. It was as if she would drift away like a soul.

Sure. It should be. But you see, our master is going to the Silver Bamboo Hall after such a long time.

He is going out. Then take this.

No. Here. It isnt somewhere else. It is an area that isnt used often, but he said he wanted to clean it himself to see how the wind would blow near it. After eight years.

She guided Seol Young, and they moved inside. And then they stopped by a building surrounded by a garden.


As soon as they entered, the sound of the zither 1 could be heard.

Zaha was sitting on the ground and playing it, looking at the yard. The surroundings were dizzy.

When he found something interesting while cleaning, he seemed to have thrown away the thought of cleaning and fell in love with the instrument. It was typical of him.

He held the wood in one hand and pressed on the string with the other, looking quite lost.


The lady winked at him and stepped back while Seol Young stepped inside.

He didnt want to go in, but he had come all this way, so he stood and listened to him play for a while.

An image came to his mind.

It seemed that a transparent energy was surging, then it dispersed and formed again. The thoughts in his head felt light, and he felt refreshed.

Soon, the song was over.

You deserve to curse at me for the way I played the pipa.

Seol Young said as he approached him.

The title?

Wind Lightning.

It referred to the sound of the wind hitting the forest and shooting out with lightning speed.

He put down the instrument.

When I was cleaning this place, I checked it once because it was something I used in the past. What is that now?

Zaha pointed to the box wrapped in cloth.

Seol Young said,

Because it will be a holiday soon, Baek Eon-rang prepared this. I think he made some precious pills and medicines.

Share it with the White Tiger Troops, then. You, people, will always run short with that.

Still, this is a holiday gift.

Seol Young set it on the ground.

Then, thank you.

He bowed his head.

After a lot of things happened, his attitude seemed brighter than in the morning, and he almost playfully greeted him.

Zaha didnt respond much

The smell of incense.

He said that with a slight frown.


Seol Young realized it too late.

Earlier, at the place where he offered incense and burned the spirit sealing plaques and talismans, his sleeves seemed to have picked up the scent.

Some demonic beings were known to be sensitive to smell. Therefore, it was taboo for hunters to have the smell of incense on their bodies.

Did you go to a temple?


Seol Young untied the cloth on his wrist. While holding his sleeve and shaking it to get rid of the smell, he said,

I came back from the Banyam Hermitage.

He didnt want to hide the fact that he had met up with Zaun, so he mentioned it.

But there was no response.

Did he not hear him?

When he looked at him, Zahas gaze was stuck on his sleeve.

It looked like he saw something odd.

TL/N: Korean traditional music instrument

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