Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 116

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:11:46 AM

Chapter 116: Piano Case (1)

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Chapter 116: Piano Case (1)

A powerful aura lit up the room.

Now, here.

Zaha raised his sword and swung it at Seol Youngs right hand, which was placed on the desk.

But nothing happened.

He swung with such force that it could have cut off his hand, but it was blocked by an invisible wall. There was no change in the chain marks on his wrist.

After trying all kinds of methods, he finally took off the necklace around him.

Could this have an effect?

He tried moving it closer to the mark, but nothing happened.


With that, they have tried all methods.

Zaha put down the sword.

This is absolutely not a coincidence. Some evil spirit has influenced you. All evil spirits attack those who exorcise them. You attack them first, and they will attack you back.

He spoke with confidence.

Seol Young looked down at his hand, puzzled. It looked pale, and the hair on his hand looked white, but he couldnt think of anything.

What do I do?

You have to be strong and face it. You have to solve each clue one by one. The first clue is your teachers ban.

Right Teacher made sure to ban me from using my skills for some other reason?

Its just what I think.

Zaha nodded.

Hasnt it been painful since you were asked not to use it?

It hurts.

At that time, the flow of generating spiritual power and using it for sorcery must have formed a natural system within your body. If you forcibly block it, then you will greatly suffer.

The distant memories passed by.

The smell of medicine. The ceiling that he was staring at as he was in pain. The towel his teacher was putting on his forehead.

But then those memories scattered again.

That is why I wasnt sure from the start. No matter how much everyone told you to cut off your hand, dont the rules of the Hwarangs prohibit that, even though you are a sorcery user?

Right. I cited that as a reason and persuaded the Governor to take me in.

If you think about it, there is no way your teacher hadnt thought of that. He would have known that blocking your sorcery powers was serious and would have an effect on you, but there had to be another reason for him to follow through with it. Thats what I thought from the start.

Zaha said.

I think your teacher was wary of something. Something reaching out to you.

Something reaching out.

Seol Young looked at the chain marks again, and out of nowhere.


Did you remember something?

I remember it clearly, then.

Then? When was it?

The day when monk Do Cheol misunderstood and tried to hand me the piece of the golden chain. Maybe because my mind was so complicated with the case, I dreamt of a nightmare that I havent had for a while.

Seol Young said that without taking his eyes off the chain marks.

When I was a child, my right hand was chained. It was a seal that bound my spiritual power, so I couldnt use it. I was stranded there with demons around

He raised his head.

I dont remember what happened after. I remembered it clearly then, but not now. I cannot even remember what happened before that.

It was all blurry, as if his memory had been snatched away. His head hurt.

Zaha thought about it.

Through the Curse of Void, that part of your memory is now currently blank. And it is the one your teacher was wary of. Those two are the same. This time, you reached out, and your own ghost story was revived.

Seol Young felt more worried.

If you burn and eat the talisman, it will stay in the body for a long time, so the effect is more certain. Or writing it over the body. Even if you dont understand the technique, it would have an effect.


Zaha said.

The song I played is a method of protection. It is a teaching that has disappeared now. But since we have learned some of the rules, we can say that you are safe. Do you get what I mean? It means that only the two of us can recognize it right now.

Then he raised spiritual qi on his fingers and said,

If sorcery is a language, then it is putting power into a form.

He used his qi to crave out letters on the stone, and in an instant, golden letters appeared. Seol Young frowned.

I cannot read it.

It isnt something that should be read. I just put my will down in strokes. Write this on your left wrist.

Seol Young did as he was told and imitated the strokes, and the light moved.


It was the first time anything responded to him, and this made him happy. All the lights moved.

What am I supposed to do with this? Purification spell?

When his spontaneous idea worked out, Zaha was happy.

Even if you dont understand the technique, you managed to place it on your body. If you focus your mind and do it, it will calm your mind and help you recover your memories.

He grinned while saying that, and Seol Young let out a breath at the feeling that he had found some hope.


The sound of a bell?

This was the sound of the Blue Dragons bell on Mount Toham. Seol Young was a bit taken aback.

We need to get out of here quickly.

Calm down. You said both Seo Geom-rang and his uncle had already forgotten their old grudge.

I know that in my head, but after living this long as enemies.

And he heard the bell again, which made Seol Young flinch.

Zaha shrugged.

There is no need to run, but it is right for us to go quickly. Royal Guard Hwarang.

He smiled and emphasized each word.

Right, tomorrow was the festival.

Not only did he have to recover his memories with the help of this man, but he also had to show his face in the palace. He had to be with the princess.


Seol Young looked down at his wrist.

He would have to act as if his spiritual powers were working so that no one would find him odd in the palace.

This was the first time he had been this tense before heading to the palace.

The front yard of the hall where the King would discuss government affairs.

The soldiers were setting up archery targets for the festival. The twin Princesses held small bows and aimed them here and there, and the Queen watched them in delight.

Seol Young appeared there.

His face was colder than usual. A cold wind blew through his robe, and seeing that he looked colder, those watching him felt frozen.

Among the many Hwarangs why him?

Everyone clicked their tongues. Even a six-year-old child would be shocked at this. Why would they pick someone who would make them uncomfortable?

This was expected.

Princess Ajin. The Princesss Royal Guard Hwarang has arrived.

She put down the bow, which was regarded as a treasure, and smiled broadly at him.

You are here!

She walked over to Seol Young and grabbed his hand.


Everyones eyes widened.

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