Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 121

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:11:28 AM

Chapter 121: Palanquin Case (6)

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Chapter 121: Palanquin Case (6)

The hazy feeling he felt disappeared immediately.

What did I just see?

The blood in his body went cold. It was as if someone broke his head and poured ice on him, and Seol Young closed his eyes.

Seol Young must be so tired.

It was Song Oks voice.

Then let him be. Let him rest here as it is.

Shall I bring a blanket to cover him?

Hyo Wol, why are you so obsessed with blankets?

Because I was in charge of blankets. It was hard to wash and dry them.

Baek Eon and Hyo Wol were also talking. Everyone was calm and happy. It was completely opposite from the scene Seol Young had just seen.

What was that thing?

It was not an illusion. He actually saw something. No matter how much he lost his spiritual power, he could still tell the difference.

And he hadnt forgotten the feeling.

But it was a reality that would happen in the future.

Why now of all times

His hands were cold. His body was about to tremble or was close to trembling, but his hyungs didnt notice anything.

Seol Young desperately organized his thoughts.

First of all, the background in that scene wasnt night but broad daylight. And it didnt seem like a normal day. He thought it was like a festival or an event.

I need to find out.

Seol Young got up, and when the youngest, who just closed his eyes, got up, everyone looked at him.


I forgot something. There is something I need to report to the High Governor about the festival

Ah? Then hurry up and report it before the night is over.


Seol Young left the three of them behind.

He hurriedly headed towards the gate as if he were escaping from them and hid into the darkness.

First, he went to the training grounds and collected the arrows. Without missing a single one, he put them in a box and locked it.

And then, he sneaked into Hyo Wols room.

When he opened the drawer, there were small, plum-shaped instruments. They were small plum blossoms.

Seol Young put a pair of them in his pouch and hid himself in the darkness again.

His body trembled as he stepped out of the White Tiger Troops dorms.

If something happens to Third-hyung, what can I do?

He could only think of that.

Since it was a holiday, he didnt know how he managed to get through the streets. Occasionally, something pushed his shoulder and tripped his foot, but he didnt have the time to pay attention to them.

Eventually, he reached Zahas home.

The door wasnt locked. He didnt even think to call out for anyone inside. The moonlight shone on the wide yard.

And the couple was there.

The woman, who was skinny, looked like she was soaring through the air. In an instant, she jumped and landed on the long wooden board with a thud.

On the other side of the wooden board was her husband. His wife struck him with great force, but he didnt budge.

It is my turn this time!

The husband chuckled and was about to throw himself at his wife, but he suddenly felt something, and he turned around to see Seol Young standing there.

Seol Young-rang?

Seol Young looked stunned even after seeing them because of all that had happened to him.

Haha. You look flustered. It is holiday time so the master isnt here and the inside of the house is quite lonely, so we have been dancing around

The couple looked a bit embarrassed and told him, and only then did they notice that Seol Young was trembling.

They both asked in surprise,

What is it? Did something happen?

N-NothingÑøv€l-B1n was the first platform to present this chapter.

Seol Young barely managed to speak.

What he was seeing and hearing wasnt even reaching his head. But he could understand one thing from their words.

The High Governor isnt here?

He didnt come home from the Moon Palace today.

Seol Young was taken aback. That man didnt come home?

Zahas face turned serious, and he thought for a moment.

God, how did this happen

As if he couldnt believe the terrible misfortune that had befallen the White Tiger Troops, he shook his head and approached.

Suddenly, right in front of Seol Youngss eyes, he clapped his hands.

Get yourself together!

Seol Young was startled.

What appeared on Zahas face wasnt sympathy, but pity.

As he looked at Seol Young, he asked,

I have a question. If you lose your spiritual power, do you also lose your mind?


Then what is this? What would the other side, who is aiming for us, be thinking when they see you acting like this? Their plan would work!

Those words brought him back to his senses. All of this was no accident, and some evil was lurking.

When Seol Young succeeded in regaining his memory by activating the chant, it broke down his composure by showing him Hyo Wols death.

That was true, but

Seol Young opened his mouth,

But it wasnt an illusion. Since Ive been doing something like Memory Projection for a long time, I can naturally tell things apart. Which is false and which is true.

Who said it wasnt an illusion? Anyway, it is true that it hasnt happened yet. Then, we can still stop it.

If you went to the hermitage, then you should have heard from my sister. That I wasnt happy when I cut down those Hwarangs. I am the kind of person who never does anything I do not want to do. But why did I still do it?

Because it could only end when your sword cuts them down?

Yes. So why did I have to do that?

To make sure the others were safe.


Zaha nodded.

Even if I killed a Hwarang, I killed him. I alone killed him. Do you get it? But Hyo Wol-rang will die? Because of an arrow Song Ok-rang will shoot? Then the White Tiger Troops end right there. Will you just let it be like that?

Then, one word at a time, he spoke with strength,

Hyo Wol-rang will not die. I will stop that.


Seol Young looked dumbfoundedly at Zaha.

Why? You cannot believe me?

He asked.

Do you think you cant handle it? Or are you afraid that if you think about the past again, you will not be able to wield your sword?


Seol Young lowered his stiff shoulders.

Seeing the person who always has something to say confidently and gets things done assures me a lot. You must have a plan. I feel a bit reassured.

When Hyo Wols weapon absorbed the blood, it was dark before his eyes.

All he could think was,

What do I do?

But after coming here and talking, he managed to calm down. Zaha was right when he said that it hasnt happened yet.

So what should he do now?

It wasnt something he should be afraid of, but it was something he had to stop no matter what.

I have calmed down. I will not be intimidated again.

Then sit down now.

He pointed at the chair with his finger, and Seol Young went over there and sat down.

Didnt you say losing your spiritual power doesnt make you lose your mind? Then prove it. If you are right, the skills you have learned from seeing a lot of Memory Projections will still be there. The skill of watching so many stories and storing them in your head. The skill to analyze what is right.

Right. Such things wouldnt vanish so suddenly.

Then start remembering them nowwhat you saw earlier and what you might have missedbecause I want to ask you something.

I understand.

Seol Young closed his eyes.

He recalled what he saw earlier.

Hyo Wols body collapsing

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