Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 13

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:24:45 AM

Chapter 13: Evil Moon (13)

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Chapter 13: Evil Moon (13)

The Elegant Pavilion, the main office for Hwarangs.

There was a person there seated in the top spot.

And he was looking at a scroll with his head slightly tilted. A young well-mannered-looking person engrossed in his work. And it was difficult to even breathe in this atmosphere.

But there should be something else to think about.

There was a faint haze over his shoulder. If one listens closely, one can even hear the screams of the spirit. It seemed like this darkness would burst out like spilled ink.

Seol Young looked away.


Jin Rim was looking at the person in front of him, half shocked. Even his face, which was normally macho with high cheekbones and chin, looked so stunned.

The emotions were practically making rounds on his face.

Why so? Well, it was as if he met with Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva in the fiery pit of hell.

Even the Governor

Seol Young sighed.

Jin Rim was like a deputy who assisted Zaha eight years ago. So Seol Young thought he might have noticed the man being tainted by darkness, but he didnt notice anything. He just looked simply delighted at his presence.

Immortal Being, you have already done your term here. No one would ever request anything from you now. Yet, the world is in chaos, and you decided to step ahead for us Hwarangs once again I just dont know how to thank you.

It cannot be helped. I cannot be at peace when everything around me is in chaos.

In Seol Youngs eyes, Zaha was no different from a scammer.

Jin Rim, not knowing anything, turned his gaze and looked his way.

So you were able to resolve the incident?

Yes, Governor.

Seol Young quickly nodded and took out a package.

It was all because of this.

And this is?

The bone of a dead serpent. A group of shamans seemed to have used this, and when fear rose up, they buried it in a temple site, making all that happen.

Seol Young politely offered it up.

This incident became known in the capital, and many people were anxious about it. However, with the cause and solution figured out, it isnt something that can be called a supernatural calamity.

Hmm. Right.

Jin Rim nodded, looking at the bone.

Was there anything else unusual?

When he heard that, something came to his mind.

There was an incident where a group of evil spirits had abnormally moved into the area and surrounded me as they threatened me.


Seol Young looked at Zaha for a moment. He didnt realize it at that time.

But now, when he thought back, the fact that this person had demonic qi might have been why all those evil spirits had gathered.

I dont know.

I am glad you got out without a wound. Did the High Governor help you?


Jin Rim stared at Seol Young, whose face looked paler than usual.

It could be because he was suffering from all the fighting, but then it felt like, what am I missing in here?

But in Jin Rims eyes, he could only see an exhausted man.

Anyway, it was a lot of work.

He reached out and opened the box on the desk.

You dont want me to die yet, right? Still, if you said those words, it means that you wanted something from me. What is it?

Zaha looked at Seol Young for a moment. He immediately burst into laughter.

What can you even trade with me? I am only interested in your spiritual power, and besides, it will be mine soon.

Then he gave advice with an almost friendly look.

That was just a thoughtless statement. Dont mind me too much. I am busy, so I need to leave.

He moved without even looking back, not giving Seol Young enough time to even say anything, and in an instant, he crossed the yard and moved to the small gate.

Seol Young became upset at the idea of being ignored once more.

But at the same time, he was puzzled.

What is he in such a hurry for?

Zaha was obviously in a hurry, so he followed him.

He was able to catch up with him. Zaha left the area and headed for the Chaoyuan Palace.

The Chaoyuan Palace was the tallest and grandest building in the Moon Palace. It was also the main hall where the king and the prince would conduct their business.

Seol Young hid behind a pillar and waited. Perhaps the king and queen, the princess, and the prince were all there as an audience.

After a while, he came out. Hwan Soo, the eunuch who served the king, followed.

High Governor, are you heading home? If not

He had planned to make small talk for the first time in eight years, but he was turned down.

I have something urgent to do.

Ahh. I see.

The eunuch was the eyes and ears of the king, and he directly requested a conversation but got kicked out right then.

Does this mean that the urgent matter wasnt even an audience with the king? Then what?

Seol Young came out of hiding and followed.

The destination this time was the Heavenly House. It was the treasure house of the Moon Palace.

High Governor! I knew you would come looking. So here, I prepared this.

An official handed him something.


Seol Young nodded at the sword.

Zaha, as he left this place, had to let go of his sword, Dead Slayer. He did hear that the sword was being kept safely.

He came in such a hurry to get the sword.


As he continued to look at it, he thought.

Is this it?

Seol Young continued to watch with suspicious eyes. As the official talked loudly,

I knew that this sword would one day meet its owner again. Now, try this.

In here?

Zaha smiled.

It also seemed a bit unnatural for Seol Young. The way he held the sword felt awkward.

It was different from his suave attitude until then. He looked flustered.

As I thought.

Seol Youngs eyes gleamed as he thought he could finally reap the reward for tailing him.

He finally caught the tail!

TL/N: sister

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