Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 145

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:10:08 AM

Chapter 145: Ghost City (9)

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Chapter 145: Ghost City (9)

The body of the child looked dirty and stained. It was as if like he had been rolling on the ground.

His clothes were torn here and there, and his bare limbs were covered with scars. His wounds were purple from the demonic beings biting into him.

But what impressed him the most was the eyes of the child. Staring into the void, his black eyes looked hurt.

Seo-geom looked at Seol Young and the child alternately with a surprised face.

No, that child

It is me. Although it is just an illusion.

Seol Young said.

He was quite surprised to see the picture of his childhood appearing here, but he calmed down.

It seems like the present and the past are mixed up here. You might not know it because you have been in closed training, but that is the image of me, the Ghost Demon King, whom they tried to catch in the Hwarangs place seven years ago.

Ghost Demon King.

Zaha looked at Seol Young and said.

In the end, you were caught by it?

No. Not caught

It was then.

There was a sound from the other side, with shadows moving. All of them were illusions of the past, but the three still hid themselves.

That bastard got himself into the trap that was made to catch something else.

An elder with gray hair came in and spoke.

So I brought him here, but I didnt release him because I am not going to do what I am asked.

A tall and skinny figure entered after the elder. Seol Young looked at him.

It was a person in a long red robe with a mask made of skulls.

Seo Geom asked in a low voice,

Is that the Devil Lair Lord? The Lord of the Ghost City?

Seol Young nodded.

The Devil Lair Lord looked at the young Seol Young.

Everyone, get out.


The elders went outside. Then he walked towards his and opened the door.

The young Seol Young didnt go out. He just crouched down. The Devil Lair Lord asked,

Didnt you yourself say you had nothing to come here for? Why did you step into the trap we have set on your own?

The Blue Dragons, Vermillion Birds, and Black Tortoises had been all crushed by your hands, and the Golden Rings or something had been too badly injured now. The anger of the Hwarangs has reached its peak, so there is no need for you to hide anymore, right?

He looked at Seol Young, who was in the cage.

But what are those wounds?


Aha, I get it. While fighting against those Hwarangs, your subordinates must have left. They must have been unproperly tamed, so they must have gone to find a new leader. So, they rebelled and attacked you then.

The young Seol Young said nothing.

He looked at him and stretched out a hand inside.

The child flinched.

The next moment, hazy energy rose, making the scars on his body vanish.


The child looked shocked. Looking at it now, it was sorcery.

But back in the past, he didnt know what it was.

There was no place to hide from the Hwarangs, and he was even injured. His body and mind were both hurt, and now his cruel person has healed his wounds.

The Lord said,

No one can rebel against me in the Devil Lair. Do you want to know the secret to absolute loyalty?


It is this.

He rolled up his sleeves, and his bluish-like bones were revealed. A golden snake-shaped bracelet was around his boney hand, which was trying to bite its tail.


Upon seeing that, a little bit of Seol Youngs memory came back.

Why did I completely forget about this important thing?

He stepped forward to get a closer look, but the vision disappeared like smoke.

The young child and the Lord too.

Then Zaha went out of hiding.

Let us go somewhere else.

The faces of the three changed.


Only then did they understand it.

The black smoke was authority, which seemed to be amplifying Seol Youngs spiritual power through a bizarre method.

When people were young, their spiritual power was strong, and the custom of catching kids to turn them into demonic beings was common. Moreover, Seol Youngs spiritual power was a lot higher than others.

Therefore, using it, it was possible to create a very large amount of strange smoke. He seemed to be the one giving power to the demonic beings.

The three of them looked at their cards. Now they knew how the Ghost City worked.

It seems like Seol Young-rang has found where his lost spiritual power is.

Zaha said,

It is what runs this place.

The identity of the black smoke they kept seeing after coming to the city was Seol Youngs spiritual power.

That was why he was the only one feeling odd symptoms. His mind had forgotten, but his body remembered, and when he had absorbed a huge amount of smoke, he thought his spiritual power was being taken away from his body.

It was pain.

I cannot believe that I participated in

Seo Geom was shocked.

He applied his spiritual qi to the card and tried to extract the spiritual power of Seol Young that was in it, but nothing changed.

It wouldnt work now.

Seol Young said.

Now I understand. We need to find that bracelet and bring it here. It has to be here somewhere.

He turned around, but the two didnt respond.

Zaha looked at the young Seol Young. The child was seated alone in the chair. His face was pale with no blood.

Your fate has been terrible too.

Zaha mumbled.

He didnt say that when he saw the body of the young Seol Young with scars, but only when he saw him wearing nice robes and enjoying himself.

It was because he knew that his will to never give in had been broken.

That illusion cannot hear you.

Seol Young said.

Then Seol Geom asked,

Does Seol Young-rang think of anything when you see that?

Just I created this card system here, but here I am as a commoner. It makes me laugh at the thought of it.

And then he went out first.

So stubborn.

He wasnt like that before. He has been fed well, so he is acting like that.

Seol Young heard what the two talked about behind him.

Was that so?

Maybe that was true.

But more than that, it was because he wasnt alone like he was in the past.

Zaha and Seo Geom walked out right away.

Fine. Then lets find the bracelet.

And the three of them began to walk around the hallway. But after a while, Zahas eyes changed.

Gu is coming.

Zaha, who was leading the way, drew his sword.

It seems like he has finally noticed us.

Then he gave Blue Rainbow to Seol Young. He didnt even have to look at him. Then they scanned around for signs.


Zaha suddenly pushed Seo Geom and Seol Young to the back.

It is poison!

Aura spread everywhere like a golden halo. Then there was this smoke that spread around them. Zaha warned them again,

It is a colorless, odorless, and very powerful poison. It must have come through from the upper side. Do not inhale it.

Behind them, they could see these transparent things wriggling, but they vanished soon enough.

High Governor, let me catch it.

Seo Geom went out. When the enemy appeared, his eyes burned with the determination to win against it.

If that is the case, you will have no choice but to give out your identity.

He took out his weapon, the Divine Dragon Bow.

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