Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 148

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:09:57 AM

Chapter 148: Ghost City (12)

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Chapter 148: Ghost City (12)

It wasnt an illusion.

In the past, when he met Baek-Song-Wol for the first time and guided them to the swamp, pretending to be a clumsy child, Seol Young went through a lot of things with them.

At that time, he saw them wearing black masks to imitate demonic beings.

They changed their voices and made their teeth look like those of monsters. When they mixed in with them, no one could tell who they were.

Song Ok-rang. It has to be him.

The three Hwarangs were always together, always.

Seol Young looked around, and as he thought, there were two more fake ones.

It smells, so get out!

Song Ok yelled. He did talk about how he followed his father, who was a merchant, and learned a lot of things, including vulgar words.

That guy disapproved of Seol Young from the moment they met. And when Seol Young was scammed because he pretended to be dumb and didnt speak, he got so angry that he dragged him away, wanting to be paid back properly.

What are you looking at? Maybe I should put a hole in your head to get you to your senses?

Since that guy was from a rich family, he stood out awkwardly among the monsters. Still, he had this rough way of talking, and he blended in right away. Baek Eon and Hyo Wol were silent the whole time.

It should rain When will it

Hyo Wol rolled his eyes and continued to mumble like a madman while Baek Eon held a knife in his hand. All of the demonic beings didnt even make eye contact with the three of them, yet the awkwardness didnt vanish.

Seol Young looked at them.

Seeing these three here, it seemed like they werent sad. So Baek San must still be alive, and this made him relieved.

How did they get here? Why did they come? Is it all because of me?

At the time, the three of them looked at Seol Young. Then they made a whole scene to announce that the three of them had arrived.

But you cannot come here.

Seol Youngs gaze turned to the door inside the training ground.

If one passes through it, they would be on their way to becoming evil, and humans should never go there.

Get out.

He warned with his lips, but the three of them didnt have any intention of doing so.

Song Ok shouted,

If you have something to say, say it out loud!

The demonic beings who were guarding the place frowned at this.

How dare you say that here? Elder, let me educate him.

Seol Young just made a gesture.

Then the three of them were taken to a small corner of the training ground. Occasionally, there would be aggressive ones like them coming here.

And during those times, it was common to drag them aside and kill them. So this wasnt strange.

As the door closed, Seol Young went toward them and said,

What are you three Hwarangs doing here?

Song Ok just snorted.

You cheeky bastard! Being so pathetic. And making our Big Hyung come here by doing this!

He reached out and pulled Seol Youngs cheeks.

Just like in the swamp, the guy would never stop talking. Seol Young was moved to tears, as if he were back in the past.

Let go!

He shook Song Oks hand off.

Baek Eon and Hyo Wol looked at him with a now he is the guy we know look.

Seol Young had a stiff face.

I definitely said I wouldnt be going

We knew that you would say that, so I asked you. On the contrary, I would have thought it was strange if you had followed me back.

Baek Eon calmly said,

The entire Hwarang troops are in a rush to find you. You wouldnt have been hiding here for nothing. You must be depending on him now, so how can you get out of your own will? I knew you would say you could not come. So on that day, I only approached you to follow you and the one who had bound you.

Even though I dont know anything about this place other than the fact that its called the Devil Lair

How do I solve this?

The snake-shaped bracelet was originally the Lords, but as soon as it saw Seol Young, it moved on its own. It wrapped itself around his wrist and bit its own tail.

If I open its mouth, it will loosen it.

Seol Young summoned his power through sorcery. There was a strong power in his thumb and index finger, and he pressed the snakes head. However, the snake didnt open its mouth.

Even when he used some talismans, the snake didnt budge.

Not this then. There has to be something.

Seol Young thought.

Since the bracelet moved by itself What is it?

He took out a bamboo leaf from his pouch.

With a spell ready, he wrote his name and cast a spell. When he clapped his hands, a human shadow jumped up.

It was another Seol Young.


Finally, the bracelet opened.

Just like how it moved on its own when it saw Seol Young, it did the same now, and it seemed to be confused about which side to go to.

As I thought

It was a technique made for him. Thankfully, he managed to make the fake one look real.

Seol Young was proud of it and thought to himself.

It was Teacher Seo who taught him this.

-Wonderful! Truly wonderful!

When he thought about what happened then, his heart ached. After thinking about that for a while, he came to his senses.

The snake will not be fooled twice. This method can only be used once.

He tried to get out, but then he heard a faint sound moving outside.

Seol Young was sensitive, so he noticed it right away. The ghosts were coming.


And he looked through the gap in the bricks.

Were they the five tomb spirits?

Seol Young hid himself further in the dark until he bumped into someone.


He looked up, shocked.

He noticed there were two other people in this dark room. One had golden, glowing eyes and a sly smile. The other had a serious face and said,

Now you see us.

He turned to the one with the golden eyes.

Shouldnt we start leaving now, High Governor?

Just watch. I think this is important. No matter how smart Chun Kwang is, there is something missing here.

Seol Young was shocked.

You know me? Humans shouldnt come here. Who are you?

You dont know me? We came here together.

The man called the High Governor said, and he held out something. It was a stick.

He remembered seeing it before.

Ah, right.

When Seol Young came here, he wasnt alone. He took the confectionery stick and put it in his mouth, but the other person stopped him.

Wait, do not eat it. Just hold it.

Seol Young felt good at the thought of escaping from this place. He didnt understand why they didnt let him eat it, but he held onto it.

The guy with the golden eyes frowned. As if a gentle wind passed by and vanished, he smiled lightly very briefly.

At that time, an adult-like figure, who was observing from the outside said,

What are you doing?

As if wondering, he pointed to the actions of the tomb spirits.

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