Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 156

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:09:26 AM

Chapter 156: Ghost City (21)

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Chapter 156: Ghost City (21)

Based on the schedule of the White Tiger Troops, they shouldnt be back this soon, but Seol Young wasnt mistaken.

Seol Young!

Hyo Wol laughed and shouted with the trainees present.

Baek Eon and Song Ok also looked his way. They were all smiling and glad that he was safe.

Seol Young was speechless.

Looking back at his memories of the past that he only vaguely remembered, the affection of his hyungs felt amazing.

As such, after each of them fulfilled their roles and returned home safely, they got to meet each other. Baek Eon nodded as if he knew it all.

Do not come out. We also need to greet him.


Seol Young entered the shrine again.

We are home. We have returned safely after training this fall.

While they all bowed, Seol Young stood at the side and watched.

When they were done, he asked,

Why did you come back earlier than planned?

We just felt it.

Baek Eon said,

After leaving the capital, the three of us had the same dream each time. A dream in which there was nothing after we chased an evil being through an endless time.

Song Ok and Hyo Wol spoke.

Since nothing happened to the three of us, we assumed something had happened to you. We decided to end the training quickly and go to where the Ghost City was.

But then, we didnt have the strange dream again. And we felt relieved, as if it had been resolved, so we came back here. And the kids were also exhausted from the tight schedule.

No. I am glad that Sa-rang is safe.

The trainees also answered. But the look of fatigue on their bodies was clear.

Baek Eon smiled.

Then lets head back and rest.


All the boys bowed politely and withdrew.

Hyo Wol, the only one of the three, asked,

How much trouble did you go through that you didnt get home and fell asleep here? I sometimes knew that you werent a normal guy, but this is beyond my imagination.

Even a tiger was said to act cautiously at times, knowing there could be traps.

Well, its all over now.

Do you remember the Devil Lair Lord? It was the place where I was confined before I joined. Just as the Nirvana painting and Miss Dohwa came back, so did the Lord of that lair.

Seol Young told his hyungs of what happened.

All this time, everything related to that topic had been kept a secret, and Baek San had less time left than he thought.

Therefore, even Baek Eon and the others didnt know much about the Lord or the demonic beings.

But because Seol Young was able to look through the past from start to finish, he understood it now.

Now I am telling you that the harp box case was also because of the Devil Lair Lord. The evil being that had been torturing me until now managed to reach out to my hyungs.

It is always like that.

Song Ok frowned.

But you know its not your fault, right?


Seol Young nodded.

Because Teacher always said that.

He was able to figure it out now.

As time was running out, Teacher must have made a choice.

If the bad relationships couldnt be solved, then stepping forward would do something. They had to make sure to have a solid foundation so that they could overcome any crisis that might come their way.

Teachers arrangement also played a bit of a role in preserving Seol Young.

Seol Young looked at the tablet and said,

Teacher, I have something to show you.

When he took out Blue Rainbow and raised his aura, blue energy rose up. But along with that, a soft light fell like a shadow, and Seol Youngs White Tiger energy dazzled a lot more.

His three hyungs were surprised at this.

How did you achieve such progress in such a short period of time?

It is because I accepted the spiritual meridian. The Sun and Moon Troops spiritual qi.

Without knowing that, he began to talk kindly, and now Seol Young looked like a strange person.

Seol Youngs face went cold.

I hate the Blue Dragon Troops.

He left Seo Geom and strode ahead.


Seo Geom tilted his head and looked at Seol Young. He was about to say something, but then he stopped.

Is it because the chain was released? He seems to have forgotten everything.

Zaha let out a sigh.

I was wondering if this incident would make the two of you get along, just in case. I must have been dreaming too big.

It is better this way.

Seol Young responded calmly.

Because there are too many people talking nonsense about Chun Kwang, and looking into other peoples memories together is not a high

He said that with a lot of emotion, but a thought crossed his mind.

The time when his wrist was tied and dragged by the chain of the Lord.

How could Zaha come to the right place and wake him up by saying what Teacher had told him?

He had been thinking about finding an answer if he had the chance. But as they talked about looking into memories together, a scene came to his mind.

It was right here in this room in his house.

Anyway, Seol Young-rang. You should have come sooner if you were fine. Why did you come this late? Do you know how hard it was for me to handle all these people? You should have come to handle a couple of Hwarangs, at least. How can you be like this?

Zaha quickly changed the topic to which Seol Young said coldly,

Take out Great Mother.


I know how you found out what Teacher had told me.

It is because the High Governor had Great Mother.

Great Mother.

A light flashed from the plaque that was around Zahas collar as if to say yes, and then it vanished.

Just as I thought!

Seol Young shouted.

It is because of its sensitivity. The first time, you didnt even know the identity of the Lord and called him the blank demon. Right in this very room, you cast a spell on me, and we looked into my memories together. It was the memory of when I was captured.

Some of the power from that time remained, like an emotion that is clinging on. When I was tied in chains and dragged away to this unknown place, you did the same thing. With that, you looked into my memories, right?

I too. I really thought that you showcased your divine powers then.

This man could make a good living by cheating people.

That was the look that Seol Young gave him.

Yah, Seol Young-rang.

His lie had been exposed, but without batting an eye, Zaha said so confidently,

Fine. I guess thats it. But if you hadnt known the truth, you would have said, The High Governor is really like a God.

He reached into his sleeve and pulled something out. Then with his clenched fists, he smiled and said,

Guess what this is.

Do you think I would be deceived again?

Seol Young said,

It must be sugar.


Zaha said.

This is a very important clue.

What now?

You could have died if you screwed it up that time. And you always spoke about information being obtained at the cost of blood. Isnt it inevitable to move big to set a big trap? It was a big gamble, too. I had to put a lot on the line.

Right. So I was able to learn the truth about the Devil Lair Lord, whom you didnt know in the past.

Is that all? You know that thats not really whats important. The God of Cataclysm, whose existence awakened the evil spirit and made it move. We need to get information about that.

Zaha smiled.

Can you figure it out now with this?

And he stretched out his hand.

But this.

Seol Young tried to keep his face expressionless, but Zaha noticed that his eyes widened a little.

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