Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 159

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:09:18 AM

Chapter 159: Jeok Ryun (1)

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Chapter 159: Jeok Ryun (1)

In the middle of two towering mountains that faced each other.

A mountain with many legends and hidden valleys in every corner.

A sacred mountain where the important people of Silla would gather to discuss important things.

There was a time when a fight broke out, and the entire Southern Mountain was in a mess. And the Vermillion Bird Troops were also pulled into this. It was the fight with the Ghost Demon King.

The Ghost Demon Kings troops came to the mountain to rescue his comrades, who had been captured by the Vermillion Bird Troops.


A gloomy and deafening wail echoed around the dark valley. Various kinds of ghosts and demons charged ahead with spears.

Do not let even one of them live!

Under the command of their leader, the Vermillion Bird Troops dealt with all of them, but the moment the Ghost Demon King used his power, everything changed.

The spirits of the nine heavens and the underground, wake up!

It was the horrid voice of the Ghost Demon King, whose gender couldnt be identified. And then the entire mountain shook.


A sharp cry echoed, and their hall shook.

It seemed to be very angry.N0v3lRealm was the platform where this chapter was initially revealed on N0v3l.B1n.


The Vermillion Bird Troops began to tremble. They were terrified for some reason. And the Ghost Demon King didnt miss this chance.

People with uncertainty in their hearts were easy to take over.

After he had turned them into that state, all of their sacred objects would become useless.

It is a trap!


The Vermillion Bird Troops were devastated on the mountain that they were proud of.

Eventually, even Hwa Un, their leader, fell for the trap. And it was not an ordinary pit that he had fallen into.

The moment he realized where he had fallen, Hwa Uns face was pale.

The Black Sky Pit.

It was a secret that only the demonic beings knew.

Hwa Un, who was only 18 years old at that time, had a nice face, wore gold earrings, a gold bracelet, and red clothes, and commanded the troops like he was a Crown Prince.

And to think he fell into a pit made by ghosts.

Hwa Un hurriedly took out a piece of cloth, but his entire body was a mess, and the cloth also seemed dirty.


He threw it aside. The enemys figure was blurry.

A huge, masked monster that flashed here and there was making fun of him.

Ghost Demon King.

The Ghost Demon King sat silently in the seat of the main hall in the Namhwa hall.

Even though he wore a white robe with no pattern, it was still a Hwarangs outfit. And even though he didnt have a Yin-Yang plaque, he had a sword.

He sat with his back straight, making a chill run down their spines.

Who would think the two were the same people?

He is the Ghost Demon King!

Hwa Uns eyes were enraged. He was pouring him some alcohol, but he regretted that it wasnt poison.

Seol Young ignored his gaze and calmly thanked him.

Thank you.

Then he turned around and looked at Zaha.

High Governor, drink?

Seeing him politely ask the High Governor for permission, everyone was shocked.

This guy!

They knew that Seol Young solved many things.

Especially when it came to revealing the truth about Seo Jun-rangs death. It was because two of their Hwarangs participated in that mission.

Zaha nodded his head.

Well, the revelation was true since she destroyed them all.

Yes, she and the Hwarangs were a form of sacrifice. A sacrifice for victory.

Hwa Un accepted the words with a bitter expression.

Seol Young, who had been listening, asked,

Then why did she place a curse on the Vermillion Bird Troops?

Hwa Un said,

She resented one person until the end.


The aide who helped her. It seemed that there was a disagreement between the two. In the end, she followed the words of the aide, and the troops got caught, so she believed that the aide was a spy and the trap was deliberately laid out.

So, was the aide the spy?


Hwa Un sighed.

The aide was Mok Un. He was the one who received a three-legged crow as his sign and founded the Vermillion Bird.


Seol Young finally understood it.

Is that why Jeok Ryun-rang has a grudge against the Vermillion Bird Troops?


Hwa Un nodded.

She cursed the troops until she died, and after the war, her body suddenly floated in the river.

The corpse of a 73 feet tall giant. Which meant that the deceased had a high rank.


Hwa Un continued.

People tried to recover the body, but the body wouldnt move, and the words of her curses resounded everywhere.

In the end, the Vermillion Bird Troops invited 100 monks to hold a Buddhist ceremony.

The body only got cremated then.

The important thing comes next.

Zaha said.

If what I know is right, then her ashes are sealed in the tower and are being guarded by troops. Wonhwas sacred objects and important records are being sealed inside the tower.

I heard so.

At that moment, Hwa Un noticed Seol Youngs eyes shine.

Now I understand. Seol Young-rang came all the way here because he wanted that?


Seol Young was honest.

They are essential to clearing up the false accusation of me being a fake Hwarang and bringing chaos. That is why I want to lift the curse from the troops.

Is that so?

Hwa Un frowned. He had a lot to say, but he chose not to.

The Hwarangs of Vermillion Bird Troops who were behind him began to talk.

It makes no sense.

Can he even get close?

Zaha looked at Seol Young.

He said he could.

Maybe because he drank after a long time, Seol Young suddenly sighed.

So what if I cannot?

Hwa Un and the Vermillion Bird troops turned to him, and he said,

Everyone makes one big mistake in their lives.

TL/N: Red Lotus

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