Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 160

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:09:17 AM

Chapter 160: Jeok Ryun (2)

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Chapter 160: Jeok Ryun (2)

Seol Young was silent.

Were they mistaken?

Hwa Un had a twisted thought.

However, he had to keep his dignity as the head of a troop until now. Could he get angry against a low-ranking Hwarang in a white robe?

He tried to stop his temper from flaring and forced a smile on his face.

Seol Young-rang. I served you the chrysanthemum alcohol for guests who come here, but arent you just looking down on our people too much?

I am not.

Seol Young responded.

If that were the case, I wouldnt have been this honest about my purpose for coming here. I would have deceived you by saying that I came for you or looked for other targets.

And then he spoke with a serious face.

Who am I? Wasnt I the person who brought the greatest humiliation to the Vermillion Bird Troops in the past?

Hwa Un was suddenly confused, as if someone had slapped him on the cheek. The next moment, he was furious.

How dare this guy bring up the past?

He tolerated it once, but not again.

Recalling the shame they had to face in the past, a glow in his eyes changed to red. Unknowingly, he was trying to use his righteous weapon

the fan was gone.


Instead, the sound of a fan unfolded from a different direction.

Hwa Un looked at it with wide eyes, as his weapon was in Zahas hands before he knew it.

When their eyes met, he smiled.

What are you doing? No fighting right away.

Like a person who had been entrusted with something, he confidently said that.

When did his fan even go there?

Zaha must have stolen it when he was pouring the alcohol earlier. The man was always like that. If Hwa Un was about to fight someone, he would take away his fan first.

It had been a long time since he had experienced this. It was so unique.

Hwa Un made an excuse.

I didnt mean to fight.

Of course. I heard Seol Young-rang didnt just insult you during his days as the Ghost Demon King, but he made you lose your path too.

When Zaha spoke so sneakily, Hwa Un couldnt answer. He couldnt bear to say that he was thrown into a pit that was made by demons.


Zaha turned to Seol Young.

Didnt I tell you not to talk like that? You should talk properly right from the start so as not to surprise them.


Think back on this. Even if Seol Young-rang didnt have a bad past, if you continue to get under peoples skin, the other person would suddenly become a bad one.

Hwa Un felt stung by those words.

As Zaha fanned the fan a couple of times, he looked at it.

You might have a lot to say, but Hwa Un-rang should do it first.


Hwa Un turned away from Seol Young and opened his mouth.

As you know, the one hundred prayers were held at that time, and one hundred high priests were gathered from all over the country. They said that since the tower had been sealed by their chants, Jeok Ryuns ghost could never come out. And at the mercy of those people, if her ghost wanted to leave, then it was allowed to leave

You dont seem to have had such a thought, right?


Hwa Un sighed.

Jeok Ryun was already so cruel and tyrannical that she was called the Mad Ghost and a Blood Ghost, even when she was alive. To live with such a person in our backyard, it cannot be anything but a concern for the head.

Then he glanced back. It seemed to be a habit he wasnt even aware of.

If you completely forget about it, suddenly, in one day, a deafening cry would come from the tower. It was the sound of something coming. The screams of enemies being slaughtered on the battlefield and Jeok Ryun-rangs mad laughter. Those sounds would resonate so loudly, as if she is telling you not to forget her. Of course, if you sit upright and concentrate, it will disappear quickly, but

Hwa Un fanned with his hand.

Seol Young looked around with sharp eyes as he walked. Even when the wind blew, not a single leaf would rustle, and not even a single visible insect was around.

It was a place where evil spirits lurked.

I will have to throw away the idea of Jeok Ryun-rang not being an evil spirit.

Seol Young thought.

And Zaha asked him,


In front of them, a rope made of twisted red thread was blocking the path. It was the rope that forbade one to move any further, on which there was a metal plate with the Chinese character Ban written on it.

Yes, it stops here.

Hwa Un said.

Under the gloomy look of the trees, the figure of the rope, with its unique energy, stood out clearly.

Even though nearly two hundred years had passed, not a single thread seemed to unravel.

We have never gone beyond this.

The Hwarangs and Hwa Un stopped there, as did Zaha.

Then open it at once.


Seol Young stepped forward with everyone staring at him, and he bowed to the ground and spoke loudly to the barrier.

I am your junior, Seol Young-rang. I came here to resolve the misunderstanding Jeok Ryun-rang has with Mok Yun, the aide, who created the Vermillion Birds.

A loud voice filled with spiritual qi clearly filled the space. After the echoing voice disappeared, Seol Young got up.

He approached it slowly and put his hand on the rope. At that moment, both of his hands turned black. Then a thick haze rose up to his arm in an instant.

Zaha said,

Is it telling you to leave?

Seol Young removed his hand. The Yin energy immediately disappeared and returned to its original state.

Its probably because I have not been acknowledged yet.

He took a step back, and he whistled this time.

That night, seven years ago, it was the whistle of the Ghost Demon King that resonated around this mountain.

The sound, which had been light, like a bird chirping, grew louder and louder and turned into a cry. As it rose and moved, it spread far and wide.

When this whistle was blown, all the ghosts in the world would gather around it. However, there was a big evil spirit in this place, so they didnt come into contact with it.

Only the whistling sound spread around the surroundings.

Oh, God!

All the Hwarangs couldnt stand it and eventually covered their ears. After the last lingering sound was gone, Seol Young placed his hand on the rope, and it didnt turn black this time.


Seol Young strode inside.

I guess I havent been forgotten.

Then Zaha glanced back.

It seems so. Seeing that a present has been made for you.

Something began to brush past him as Zahas words ended. Something huge flew from the air, and there were several ghosts whose heads were tied together.

Everyone opened their mouths at what they were seeing attack Seol Young.


Seol Young reflexively drew and threw a talisman at the ghosts.

The talisman hit the mass of ghosts.


It shone, and then they exploded and perished immediately.


Hwa Un and the others who were there looked surprised. Even though the light vanished, the afterimage was still in front of their eyes.

They didnt know what it was. But they could somehow assess the strength of the spiritual qi.

When did Seol Young-rangs spiritual power increase so much?

Seol Young himself didnt feel much change. The reason why Jeok Ryun-rang let him init wasnt because he didnt think of him as an enemy rather, it was to give him special treatment

Seol Young realized that he was mistaken.

He wants to kill me!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!