Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 169

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:08:56 AM

Chapter 169

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Chapter 169

Mok Yuns soul also felt something.

The only thing that was left of his face that had withered and lost its shape over time, which was his eyes, suddenly moved.

Retracing the intense gaze that was directed at him, he finally found his partner.


Silence passed, and the two souls noticed each other for the first time in over two hundred years.

But their response felt too quiet.

That would have been the case normally, but right now, there was one soul that was too different from what they had imagined.

Amidst the silence, Mok Yuns question came through,

Why do you have gray hair?

Jeok Ryuns gray hair was actually white, and it was now different from her natural white hair. In addition, Mok Yun looked shocked at her bright red eyes, which looked like they were flaring with the intent to kill.

Why do you look broken?

Meanwhile, Jeok Ryun also fell into doubt.

Right, who do you look so broken then?

Since they hadnt seen each other for more than two hundred years, shouldnt they have been reincarnated and living a good life?

They couldnt understand it.


Their eyes looked at each other. In the midst of that, Mok Yun suddenly came to understand the events that happened after he died.

Everything was so different from what he expected.

Jeok Ryun never met his presiding officer when he was alive. Because the enemy attacked them right away, she couldnt even take out the letter that was on Mok Yun and read it.

The baby he hoped would have a nice life died with her. The false charge of him being a spy was soon revealed, but Jeok Ryuns soul didnt care.

Unable to shake off her thoughts of obsessing over him, she was cursed in this tower for two hundred years and tied to it.

So that is what happened

While Mok Yuns soul was in deep thought, Jeok Ryun was also in thought.

Why did he end up like this?

Ever since she had stabbed him, her heart had been elated, but right now, those feelings were vanishing. The satisfaction of fully owning her loved one had vanished.

It was as if someone had thrown her into a cold world.

I made him like that.

She realized it. Even now, she could see the darkness swirling around him.

I didnt know of any other way to keep him by my side other than to curse him.

And that curse was what ruined him. Of course, she thought he would have gone far, but he actually stayed by her side. It was because she received the energy of the curse right next to him.

Jeok Ryun finally realized it.

What I thought was love was actually destroying us.

For the first time, she was able to think about it. The fear had been lurking deep in her heart about being praised as the greatest swordsman in the kingdom.

-Why am I like this?

She had been thinking about that all her life, unable to find the answer. She was swayed by her emotions so quickly that she hurt those around her.

But it was only after she died that she realized it for the first time.The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

Why did she do that?


A long sigh escaped from her. Her bright red eyes were now turning black.


The two souls looked at each other as if they were watching some horrendous painting. Maybe they could even take advantage of this moment and deal with both of them.

But Seol Young stayed still. He just watched what they would do and how they would act with spiritual energy on his fingers, just in case he needed to act swiftly.

Then everyone followed Seol Young and watched them.


Jeok Ryun seemed to want to say something, but the past two hundred years had made her only curse things each time she opened her mouth.

She soon forgot to say anything other than cursing, and she couldnt say anything else without taking over a persons body.

She suddenly started laughing softly, and soon it turned into crying.

Jeok Ryun wanted to atone for what she had done. Her hands were trembling with guilt, and she reached out to turn her body into spiritual form and disappear.

At that time, Mok Yun, who had been watching her silently, suddenly stretched out his hand. Mok Yuns image flickered, and the red sleeves and the fan that blocked her sword at their first meeting were gone.

All that was left was a faint, fading spiritual body. However, the weak power that came from him prevented the evil energy from reaching.

Mok Yun and Jeok Ryun.

The eyes of the two met again. At that moment, the two went back to a distant past.

It was the last moment that they remembered.

The barracks were fluttering in the wind on the battlefield. The candles were flickering and seemed to go out at any second.


Mok Yuns soul was too weak to speak, but everyone who saw it could realize his intentions.

She also realized it.

Her thoughts were wrong.

Cant a wolf become a sheep?

He only realized it now, two hundred years after his death. He loved her because she was a wolf.

It suppressed and extinguished the flames that were trying to burn down the cloth.


This feels like too much of a coincidence now. Seol Young raised spiritual energy in his eyes and looked inside the tower. Then something like a gray haze appeared.

Zaha didnt miss it, either.

What? Is that a ghost too?

I dont know.

At that moment, bright red flames rushed in, covering the tower. Seol Young had to step back.

He handed the cloth that had been barely pulled out to Zaha and raised one hand. Then a strong aura came out with a flaming sound.

The next moment, a silver-blue dragon figure struck the tower. In front of this, the momentum of the flames weakened.

In the gap, Seol Young once again put his hand into the tower.

Soon later, a small, dark shadow began to come out.

Zaha asked.


I was thinking so too, but no. It looks like an old lump of things.

At that time, the shadow suddenly shook Seol Youngs hand and moved to the other side.

I guess I need to follow it.

The fire on this side was mostly being held back by Baek-Song-Wol, so Seol Young left them and moved with the black shadow.

Is it the child?

Zaha followed him and asked.

The body of thoughts left behind by the child of Jeok Ryun and Mok Yun-rang who died without being born.

I think so too. If it were someone else, they wouldnt have been able to sneak in without her noticing.

But they couldnt figure out where it was heading, so they followed it past the garden in the back and towards the inside of the Vermillion Birds residence.

The moment they went behind a building, water suddenly poured from above.

Seol Young couldnt evade it and was drenched in cold water.


They looked up, and the black shadow moved through the window. Then the shadow jumped off the building and ran away.

Seol Young was shocked.

Water dripped down his hair, and his clothes were soaking wet.

Zaha was having fun.

Hes going to be a big boy! To feed the Ghost Demon King water before even being born!

No. He thought my body was caught in flames, so he used water.

Seol Young insisted.

But looking at the childs back, he was clearly having fun.


They sped up and caught up with the child. And he stretched out his hand.

Stop, please!

But the child vanished and then suddenly appeared right in front of him.

Someone was walking from the other side toward him.


As if they had found the place, the child slipped into a persons body, and Seol Young looked at that person.

And he was shocked.

It was Hwa Un.

He was dragging out water to put out the flames. Seeing that Seol Young was standing there, Hwa Un stopped for a while.

What is he doing here? Looking like a drowning mouse?

After looking around with that kind of gaze, he found Zaha, and his face changed.

High Governor, we were a bit late in filling out the water.

Ah, right

He replied with a strange look on his face. And with Hwa Un between the two of them, they looked at each other.

I see.

Only then did they realize it.

Jeok Ryun and Mok Yuns child was finally born after such a long time.

Also, they found the place they had to go to. Now, the mystery is solved.

Why did Hwa Un and Mok Yun look so alike despite not having any blood relations?

Why did his eyes fill up with tears when Jeok Ryun and Mok Yun were leaving?


Why did he think about sprinkling water on Seol Young?

What I got sprayed with wasnt water.

Seol Young thought, recalling the past incident when Hwa Un was thrown into the dark pit.

Still, he resembles his father and is so merciful!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!