Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 174

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:08:38 AM

Chapter 174

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Chapter 174

The Empress Dowager looked down at Seol Young.

You want to solve this?

They seemed like provocative words, but they were truly more of an interest.

It might be because he was the white-robed Hwarang who had taken care of Princess Ajin and had never let them down.

So she said,

The High Governor and Governor brought this, but wasnt it the white-robed Hwarang who stretched out his hands in front of the flames to help? Do you know a lot about this? Do you know why the Buddha had decided to send me the blank sutras through the hands of the High Governor and the Governor?

As a royal, she spoke her mind thinking the Buddha sent these for her.

There is something I need to point out.

Seol Young said so and added.

Perhaps this isnt for the Empress Dowager?


Please let me take a look at them. We will need a brush and inkstone.

I understand.

She looked at her lady-in-waiting, and the woman delivered a book to Seol Young and prepared the brush and inkstone.

Seol Young opened the sutra first. At that moment, a strand of silver energy moved through the floor without anyone noticing, and letters began to appear.

The owner of this strange aura was Zaha. He showed Seol Young the contents that were inside. Because the qi was cast using his spiritual meridian, not everyone could see it.

Then Seol Young traced the brush.

Everyone looked shocked as he wrote down what was on the blank item.

Isnt that a sutra to take down the karma of the dead?

Seol Young nodded at the Empress Dowagers question.

Yes. All of these are like that. That is why no one here could see them.


The high priests who had built the tower thought that they had trapped Jeok Ryun-rangs soul in there forever, so the only person who can read this is Jeok Ryun-rang. In other words, the only ones who can read them are the dead, because these are for the dead.

The reason they looked blank to everyone but were visible to Zaha.

It was because of this.

Because they were for the dead.The roots of this story extend from novell bìn origin.


Everyone felt a chill run down their spines, and looking at what was written, it was clear to them now.

The writing looked like it was written by an experienced old man who had written for decades and not by a young Hwarang.

The people were creeped out.

Besides, copying it like this is useless.

As Seol Young said that, the letters he wrote vanished, and the paper turned blank.

This sutra holds the intentions of someone who wishes the dead to move to heaven. Even if we borrow the eyes of a ghost and copy them, they will still turn blank. Jeok Ryun-rang has already left, and only the scriptures remained, so it would be better to follow the dead and burn these.

At that moment, Zaun looked at him. Even though her body was heavy with a child, she had been summoned by the Empress Dowager since morning, and she was facing her brother, whom she didnt like.

She had been watching everything with a sullen expression, and the topic of the dead seemed to have interested her.

Is she thinking about her first husband? There is no better treasure than this for the dead.

Zaun looked at the papers with eyes that looked daunting, but the papers were already in Zahas hands.

It is not good for the living, especially for someone like the Empress Dowager, to hold something for the dead. I will head to the hermitage of my family and burn them.


The Empress Dowager handed them to him, and Zaha held the papers as he beckoned for Seol Young to leave.

So they greeted her goodbye right away and turned around, but then she called them again.



I forgot about one important thing. I heard that when you and the Governor passed by the flute with this around, it emitted thick smoke. Why was that? I heard it only responds to supernatural calamities.


They didnt expect her to suddenly ask them that, so they went stiff because they werent able to prepare for that beforehand.

At that, the Heavenly Pavilion Head, who hadnt spoken since earlier, said,

It is not a wonder that the flute reacted.

A secret.

The high priest, who supervised the tower ceremony in the past, must have done this. There was a written sutra next, and it said to shake off the attachments to life and leave for the embrace of Buddha.

And the contents ended there.

But there was something more behind it, and when Zaha touched it, letters appeared.

They were the records of the lives of several Wonhwas.

Its 7.

Lets see. The first should be with Namo and Jun Jeong. It was the first time the Hwarang troops were used, and the case where one killed the other happened.

Then the two of them read it. From what they knew, both of these women had been drawn in portraits throughout history, although very briefly. But as the Heavenly Pavilion Head said, it was probably because of their high position in the Hwarangs and the Pavilion, and their ending wasnt nice.

Getting involved in political fights, getting killed, getting entangled in love, committing murder, and getting killed

And their eyes stopped at one place.

The six generations Wonhwa.

The part that described the strange incident about the six Wonhwa. No one knew where she came from, but she was beautiful, and many liked her.

Even the Crown Prince stepped forward and made her the head of the Hwarangs.

They dressed her up heavily and put a crown on her head, and they gathered to hold an ancestral ritual in the palace.

On that day, the strange scent of a flower permeated the whole place.

Everyone was drinking and dancing as if they were possessed, and then suddenly, people began to get killed. Hundreds of people died, and there were also close to thirty who belonged to the royal family and officials.

Then the Wonhwa went missing. So the Crown Prince, who pushed her to be the head, had to take the blame.


Seol Young raised his head. He felt a sense of dj vu at this part.

The one with MU written. The Prince. This is

There was something like that in the eight ghost stories in the Moon Palace.

Zaha understood it then. The fifth story.

5. Medicine

If you find a black bag with the Chinese character MU on it, among the medicinal pouches, hang it between the licorice, and if you hear a voice from the pouch, make sure to answer as The way plants thrive.

The two of them had subdued the ghost of the Prince in the story.

Then that Prince was this Prince?

But I felt nothing then.

Seol Young looked back. At that time, the ghost of the Crown Prince was nothing more than an empty shell with an evil heart. He couldnt read anything from it.


Could it be that this was the original painting of the God of Cataclysm?

Her eyes looked like she was in conflict.

Wonhwa Mita.

That was her name.

Zaha began to organize all they had seen so far.

When she appeared, strange things happened, and she was also related to the eight ghost stories in the Old Palace, she was treated like a member of the heavenlys army and had a huge crown on her head, just like the God of

She does have a lot of similarities with her.

Seol Young nodded.

And above all, the flute reacted to this. But there is this another thing that troubles me.

And that is?

Even if this wasnt the original painting, isnt it someone from a hundred years ago? But the God of Cataclysm was wearing clothes from the Tang dynasty, which was a popular trend at that time. So what is this?

It looks as if the time doesnt match.

Zaha was lost in thought for a while. And suddenly, he frowned.

Wait, then maybe

You have an idea?

But I need to check it first.

He jumped up.

Follow me quickly.

He took the lead and hurried somewhere.

TL/N: In the sense that they shouldnt settle on one book.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!