Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 191

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:08:07 AM

Chapter 191: Three Thousand Worlds (15)

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Chapter 191: Three Thousand Worlds (15)

Seol Young had met a lot of souls until now, and their relationships were both good and bad.

Among them, Jung Myung was special to him. Even after she left, they were able to meet again, and he was able to receive help from her.

It was a special relationship.


Perhaps taking the silence of the two as consent, she staggered inside.

Come this way.

And the two snapped out of their thoughts.

Miss, you seem to be pretty sick.

Zaha shook his head and said,

I know you want to help, but do you think we are fools? Do you want us to head inside after hearing all of that?

You are about to get seriously sick for helping us investigate the tomb, so what if we manage to sneak through the passage now? How do you plan to handle the aftermath after we are gone?

Seol Young grabbed Jung Myung and dragged her back.

Miss, the place we need to head to is the tomb. We are almost there. All the guards of the tomb have been dealt with, and just a wall made of ashes is blocking the way, but we will hold a calming ritual for them and tear down the wall. After that, we can reach the coffin.

Ah, is that so?

Jung Myungs eyes widened.

I see. I thought you could actually do it. It is almost over now. If that is the case, then I will have to protect the divine tree here and suppress that evil energy that is seeping in. I will help you until the end so you can return safely.

Even though nothing was said, they could feel how happy she was. That was made clear from her words.

Seol Young looked into her serious eyes and asked,

Does Miss intend to stay here as well?

I should.

Jung Myung replied calmly.

Regardless of Mita, the evil ghost, I cannot go back to the original world. If I leave, then the life of the Tree God will be completely cut off here.

At one point, I really wanted to go back. But now, I dont know. I dont know if I am a human or a monster. Just that, if it is meant to be, then one day.

A cough broke out, blocking Jung Myungs words, and her face looked red with fever.

Her condition was getting worse by the minute. It seemed to be getting worse when she was facing those who didnt fit in this world.

She was talking resolutely, but she would be in pain every moment. Then they could help her by disappearing quickly from here.

I get it.

The two turned around without saying anything else.

We will leave you alone for now.


Jung Myungs voice was full of regret.

The stone chamber where the coffin is located is the boundary between this world and the next. It is connected to the other world, so you should be able to return from there.

And then she added to Seol Young and Zaha, who were now leaving.

Be careful, please.

They looked back at Jung Myung, who was standing there. Under the pale tree, the small shrine maiden was surrounded by spirits.

They would never forget this. The two of them left the forest without looking back.

We need to go there right away.

At Seol Youngs words, Zaha nodded at once.

Since the price the child was paying was too harsh, they couldnt go and see the others. Even if he wanted to, he couldnt go and meet his parents or teacher now.

Those thoughts would just make him feel guilty now.

This is a fleeting time anyway.

And the two quickly moved to Mount Toham, where the tomb was.

To be able to hold a sacrifice without preparation.

Zaha mumbled.

Still, I will try to remember and do it again. It is good to try new things we have learned.

He reached out and broke a long twig. He seemed to plan to use it as a medium. And what else was needed?

Music, food, and alcohol for the souls of the dead.

Seol Young picked up each one of them as he was thinking and stopped.

We should have brought the bottles earlier instead of returning them.

Zaha shook his head.

There is no need for that anymore.


Seol Young asked, but Zaha just smiled, not answering. After passing through the wooden door, they descended down the ladder, and a strange scent reached their noses.

The pitch-black darkness was full of this scent.

It was the scent of divine alcohol that Zaha had poured onto the ground last time.

Was that why he said there was no need for more?

I dont know how long it will take.

Zaha put his hand to his chest and pulled something out. It was a moon bell stained with blood.

Nice. Let us try it.

The two quickly cleared the ground, and there were layers of skeletons there.

They counted them, and there were around one hundred forty-eight in total.

Split them in half.

Seol Young folded the talismans and cut them into small pieces to make one hundred forty-eight pieces.

On top of that, each of them had the letter yes written for the talismans response and was attached to each of the skulls.

Then the ritual began with a buzzing vibration.

Seol Young stretched his hand out. He could feel the souls. There was another emotion other than resentment. It was wanting to escape from the pain.

Come over here.

Seol Young told the skeletons.

I will help you forget the pain, make you leave comfortably, and be reborn in a nice place.

And then he politely bowed to them.

I will make sure to send you all with my utmost sincerity.

He said that with all his heart and mumbled it over and over again.

At his sincere words, some of the skeletons began to move. The pain they had been through was too much.


Several moved, and Zaha looked at them.

They are responding.

At those words, Seol Young got up and approached them. As soon as he got to the front, a spark broke out.

There is still distrust in them.

Seol Young conveyed his feelings.

Even if you people arent the ones who killed us, arent we all still the same? Arent you trying to kill us cruelly by tricking us with nice words?

It isnt that.

Zaha stepped forward and answered,

Everyone, I am not lying now. You should know since you drank my blood. If it is a lie, take my life.

Wait. You cannot make such promises.

Seol Young looked at Zaha with a bit of anger in his eyes.

Even though he was dead, the body moved like it was alive and angry.

Because they need to believe us.

Zaha said that as if he had no choice left.

As expected, upon hearing that, the skeletons moved again. Even though they were still doubtful, their hearts were shaken.

It worked for now.

Then the two exchanged glances. Now all the skeletons were linked through the talismans.

If they were letting their guard down, so could the rest.

Then lets prepare the talisman. Draw as I say.

Seol Young raised his spiritual qi to the maximum. A blue light shone with a silvery shade on his finger.


The moment he stretched out his hand to draw a talisman in the air, an object fell from his sleeve that was rolled up.

What? He looked at it, startled.

It was a 13-sided dice made of wood.

It was Miss Dohwas dice.

Seol Young held his breath.

Why now?

It was like he had been hit on the head. He had blocked her revenge before.

She couldnt resolve her anger and grudge, and she had to perish, leaving the curse behind.

It was an object containing evil thoughts. It was a reward in return for all those who obstructed the will of the evil spirits.

They would never forget.

One day, they would be caught off guard and had to pay the price for it.

And the dice waited, hiding in Seol Youngs sleeve. And finally, it had chosen the right time.

Is that now?

Before anyone could react, the dice rolled and then stopped.

Sing for yourself tonight.

Call the goblin.

Immediately, a huge spirit jumped from the dice, and it attacked the souls that Seol Young and Zaha managed to release.


Then the skulls on the wall vibrated.

Waves of anger and shock filled the space.

All the skeletons opened their mouths and shouted,

[You people tricked us!]

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