Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 194

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:08:02 AM

Chapter 194: Three Thousand Worlds (18)

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Chapter 194: Three Thousand Worlds (18)

The body was swifter than the head.

Blue Rainbow and Dead Slayer. From the two swords, a spirit-like flame rose. Before Mita could even move, they blocked the path.


The evil spirit in front of them didnt react. Her twinkling eyes shone through her tangled hair.

However, those eyes werent directed at the intruders who came into her tomb but they were just looking at the air.

Come to think of it

Seol Young reached his hand out to her.

Shouldnt the evil energy be strong, though?

He stretched out his fingers to touch her clothes but they wouldnt touch them and they just passed through.

His anxiousness cleared up.

An illusion?

A question mark crossed over Zahas face.

What is this? Is this a trap?

No, rather.

While placing his sword into its sheath, Seol Young said,

I think it isnt an afterimage or an illusion. If one leaves a dead body on a wooden floor for a long time, it will leave marks on it. The traces of the owner are left on this tomb like a symbol.

Even though it was an illusion, the figure itself was clear.

Even Seol Young and Zaha, who had excellent spiritual power, mistook that for a moment. However, Mitas evil spirit was in front of them.

Wasnt this a world where the maiden Jung Myung and the divine God existed?

It was different from the other world, where the divine tree didnt exist.

Still, be careful with all of this.

Seol Young raised his spiritual qi and defended himself, while observing the figure in front of them.

There was a thick rope wrapped around her neck, as if she were dangling in the air. And an ornate crown of priests was pressed against her head.

Her decayed face couldnt be seen under her long hair. The blood she coughed up the moment she stopped breathing stained her chin and chest red.

The shape of her corpse had broken bones and pierced arrows that were stuck to each other. This was the ghost of Mita, who had become the God of Cataclysm.

There was a clear difference between how she looked now and after turning into an evil spirit.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

It was not the usual short jacket that is popular among women these days, but the old priests robe. Also, the fact that the talismans on her face didnt stick right showed that the exorcism on her didnt work.

Even though she was an evil spirit, she didnt seem to be someone who had crossed the line to become a disaster right now.

Seol Young brought his spiritual qi out.

In our world, this evil spirit must have developed into the God of Cataclysm as she gradually changed over the years. What we are seeing now is what she looked like before she changed.


Zaha said that without taking his eyes off Mitas figure.

They say everything has two sides. Do you think she turned into such a disaster because she was dragged into the world like this and suffered?

Still, we have achieved something good. Finding out the reason she had turned into an evil spirit is necessary for us to appease her soul.

The two looked at the illusion of Mita hanging in the air.

Silence passed.

But was it really impossible to appease them?

Zaha raised the question.

The scenes that the dead people had shown were just fragments. But it was enough for them to know what kind of death their King met.

She unexpectedly lost her nation, and the people tried to protect her, but she died a cruel death.

The King of Ruins.

Even Seol Young had never appeased such a gigantic being.

Anyway, we have to do our best. Didnt things work out before because we knew the story? And now, again.

When he was about to say something, a strong vibration could suddenly be felt from the walls and the ground.

Zaha immediately focused his eyes there and looked alert.


Seol Young thought it felt familiar.

It is because people who shouldnt enter the tomb had come in. If this continues, there will be a clash, and something strange will happen in this world.

Even at this moment, Jung Myung must be outside suppressing the evil energy with all her might.

Come to think of it, we dont have time for all this.

Zaha looked around the tomb.

We need to find the door.

Right. As Miss Jung Myung said, this place is where the border between our world and this world exists. Between that, the location should be

Both of them looked at the same place beyond Mitas figure, who looked dead in the eyes.

Seol Young? When did you come? We tried to go to the house of Governor earlier, but we were.

Not this too.

Seol Young threw it away, and Zaun was talking beside them.

I kept this a secret from your brother-in-law, but you went and injured your right arm? Even if you try to fool others, you cannot fool me. Come inside and get treated before I shout.

When Zaha threw the bone away, her form also disappeared.

This cannot be all of them.

Seol Young became impatient.

Everything was disappearing quickly. It looked like this would all end soon, and then he found another one.

Seol Young grabbed it, and the world was in ruins. He almost shrieked at the sight of that for a moment.

Baek Eon, Song Ok, and Hyo Wol were leaning against each other, covered in blood, as they died. Among the corpses of the other Hwarags, there were also Hwa Un and Mu Won.

Not this either.

Seol Young threw the bone right then. This space looked tight.

And when he thought it was over.

We are here.

Zaha barely managed to find another bone. He reached out for it, and at that moment, the back of the God of Cataclysm appeared before their eyes.

She turned her head, and her face, covered with talismans, looked at them.

We found it.

Zaha quickly brought out his spiritual energy. The appearance of the evil spirit disappeared like a flame and was put out.

At the same time, their bodies landed somewhere.

Where are we?

Seol Young looked around, but he couldnt see anything in the darkness. It was still the same when he used his spiritual qi.

But he could see a few things through his senses.

Well, we are back.

Silence passed.

The things that had happened since the moment they were first dragged into the other world flashed in front of them.

Well. We are back.

Eventually, Zaha said,

Take this.

He held out what was in his hand, and at that moment, a strong pressure pushed against them.


Seol Young took out a bundle of talismans with the character Seal written on them. He received what Zaha was trying to hand over and placed the talisman on top of it.

After tying the knot tightly, the heavy pressure finally disappeared.

Seol Young held the small thing in his hand. It was an indescribably strange feeling.

The fragment of the God of Cataclysm.

He stayed like that, lost in thought, and then Seol Young kept them.

Now we need to leave.

We should.

Zaha agreed, but neither of them moved, and only silence fell.

He wanted to return to this world so much, and when he realized they had returned, a thought passed through his mind.

Zaha was probably thinking the same thing too.

What if

Seol Young recalled what the bones had shown them.

What if the illusions werent really illusions? What if they actually happened in this world? What if everything we saw was real?

They had that thought, so they couldnt bring themselves to step out.

Seol Young shook his head.

No. It cannot be that.

It cannot be that.

Zaha also said.

It was then.

A thump came from the outside, and a voice was heard.

The entire place rumbled, and the buildings outside seemed to be in a mess.


The two of them looked at each other with pale faces.

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