Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 20

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:24:29 AM

Chapter 20: Nirvana Painting (3)

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Chapter 20: Nirvana Painting (3)

A circular aura rose from Seol Youngs sword.


It made a noise when it hit the wall right in the middle.

When Seol Youngs spirit qi combined with that of the spiritual power nearby, it gave out a tremendous power. The entire room trembled as if an earthquake had occurred.

But again, there was no response.

Seol Young lowered his hand.

My technique didnt work either.

Is that so? I thought it would be good enough with the combination of the spirit qi and sorcery.

Zaha spoke with a serious face.

Wait up. Let me try it.

And he immediately left the room. This was odd.

His goal was to obtain Seol Youngs spiritual power. So helping him out would make no sense.

He must be aware of it too, but Seol Young didnt say anything.

Because of the expressions of the Hwarangs of the Black Tortoise.


Their eyes were glaring.

Since they were in front of the High Governor, they didnt say or do anything, but their eyes were filled with hatred.

They couldnt stand this any longer.

Seol Young! What the hell did you just do?

It was the fifth member, Beom Hyun, who shouted in anger, to which Seol Young responded.


Why does that resemble our Black Tortoise Divine Troops martial arts? Are you trying to make fun of us right now?


Seol Young snorted.

I definitely didnt say anything, right? If I wanted to make fun of anyone, I would have done it with my mouth. Why would I do such a bothersome technique?

And he continued.

I am sorry, but I am not interested in your troops. I just tried the best solution for this situation.


The technique of gathering the spirit qi and shooting it out like a ball can be found in the old books of sorcery too. Even if it looks similar to the one you trained in, it has nothing to do with it. I dont know why you constantly come after me. In the end, didnt your Thunder Ball already fail?

The faces of all the Hwarangs present turned white in anger.


They immediately rushed forward but froze.

Before they knew it, Zaha was standing near the door.

He glanced at everyone, and he said to Seol Young,

Come out.

Seol Young went to him in silence, and he realized that Zaha had deliberately left them in the room.

I dont think such things happened eight years ago. Have the Hwarang troops changed this much?

Zaha mumbled as if this were something interesting, and he looked at Seol Young.

I cannot help but ask now. What kind of grudge do you even have against the Black Tortoise Troops?

Seol Young coldly said.

Why are you constantly trying to dig into this issue? Why does this even matter?

Why wouldnt I care?

Zaha was rather confident with his words.

I just watched a scene that showed me a new possibility. The Black Tortoise Divine Troops would have killed you here first, right? Wouldnt it be better to know the context before lighting up the fire?

Seol Young raised his eyes in anger.

We should head back soon.

He tried to get back inside, but Zaha continued.

If you tell me, I will give you important information about this house.

You want me to believe you? You want me to die, so I cannot believe that you will just give me the right information.

I dont have any evil intentions in sharing this information. Use it if you want to, or dont bother using it. You can tell the difference after hearing the information, right?

Well, I guess so. I can always handle it.

Seol Young was a bit surprised.

Everyone got up and straightened their clothes.

The awkward atmosphere dissipated, and Seol Young focused on his work.

I need to send these men away from here.

Because they had to capture an evil spirit, no one here could be careless, yet it looked as if the case was half solved with the Hwarangs present.

But Seol Young knew the truth. This felt too much like the calm before the storm.

And he asked the Black Tortoise Divine Troops.

Where is the evil spirit that was said to have possessed this house?


Ji Hae, the seventh member, and Mo Cheon, the ninth member, brought in a spirit plaque.

The spirit plaque was an instrument in the shape of a long plaque. It was used to seal souls inside of it. Once sealed, no power could be used from the inside.

Mo Cheon explained.

The Hwarangs who came first looked around and investigated the house, and they said that they caught the evil spirit. They said it was wandering around here looking for something, so they managed to catch it pretty quickly.

What was it looking for?

Seol Young touched the plaque.

What is its identity?

He put it on the ground, and after infusing spiritual power through the sword, the shape of the soul was revealed.

What is this?

It seemed like his thoughts were right.

Human? Beast?

It looked so horrific and twisted that it was impossible to judge what it was. After looking at the bizarre shape for a long time, they were able to make out what it was holding in its hand.

It was an elongated thing that looked like a paintbrush.

Mo Cheon said.

Even though it looks like that, it apparently gave them a tough time. They had a difficult time sealing it, and the Hwarangs said it was like the painter

Mo Cheon-rang, what does it look like?

It looks like the painter.

And the others?

The painter.

Everyone agreed.



Zaha was the only one who grumbled.

As soon as he looked at him, it looked like he didnt know anything. As he was afraid that Seol Young would notice something strange, he pretended not to know.

Seol Young lowered his voice and asked.

You thought it was weird too, right?


Dont do that. The painter devoted his soul to the painting until the end. So how can his soul still roam around? That was what you thought, right?

Not really.

You thought I wouldnt notice? In the first place, this was all very strange from the start.

Seol Young stepped forward.

As he was suspicious of everything, he analyzed his thoughts.

First, this is an old soul. It must have been dead for around a hundred years. And it also has the same energy as the evilness that fills this house.

This was enough to say that this spirit was the painter, but he still felt odd about this.

There is a way to clear things up when things go wrong like this.

I will ask the spirit directly to find out more about it.

Seol Young attached a thin string to the plaque and hung it in the air, and a bell was attached to the end.

And he spoke to the soul.

From now on, answer me. If the bell rings once, it is a yes, and twice means a no.

He didnt need to do any complicated procedures because it was easy to get the evil spirits to respond normally.

It was an indirect means of communication, but it was useful in this situation. Even evil spirits cannot lie, as they have restrictions placed on them.

Then lets start.

In the silence that fell, Seol Young looked in front of him.

All the Hwarangs couldnt take their eyes off the person who could help them in this situation.

And Seol Young asked the Spirit Plaque.

Are you the painter?

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