Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 202

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:07:41 AM

Chapter 202: Mita (4)

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Chapter 202: Mita (4)

Wait. What are you trying.

Seol Young tried to get up.

However, it felt like a huge rock was being pressed down on his body. His eyes were spinning, and everything inside his body was shaking.

I knew it would be like this.

It was only then that he realized how far he was being pushed. But wasnt that the burden that he should bear for being a sorcerer?

So why are you trying to intervene in this gap?

Seol Young reached his hand out with those anxious thoughts. But after staggering, his body hit the ground.

And it was at that moment that Zaha was now in front of the God of Cataclysm.

The evil spirit reacted right then.Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

Its spiritual body, which had been strongly suppressed, stopped as if it went still.

A wild burst of energy spread like a whirlwind. Light and darkness tangled inside it, causing a collision. There was a blow that continued to hit the space. And the entire space looked agitated.

Zaha stood upright while accepting it. He couldnt see her face, but he could feel her killing intent coming for him.


Seol Young felt suffocated. Were the circle and Zahas necklace unable to suppress this demonic qi?

But what do you plan to do with empty hands

As if trying to do something, he barely moved his arms and implemented the reverse summoning. He prepared it so that he could cast it at any time, and he looked over there again.



A different scene unfolded than he had expected. The killing intent behind Zaha vanished.

He was the only one there.

Regardless of whether this world shook or not and if the impact spread or not, he just stood there and watched.

The subject of his hatred that he couldnt kill at the cost of his life. He just looked at her quietly.

In the middle of the raging storm.

Seol Young followed him and looked at the God of Cataclysm. The broken mandala surrounded her as if she were the Buddha.

Come to think of it, the name Mita resembled Mita in Amitabha.

Buddha Amitabha was the Buddha of the Western lands. It was also the Buddha who guided people to paradise.

An existence that people believe in and follow.

Seol Young thought,

The God of Cataclysm and Zaha. The two of them were similar in so many ways.

Both of them were priests at one time.

They were people who had to be held accountable. They lost precious people.

Shadows shone on either side of the space. They were Zahas memories.

The words he had heard since childhood.

The burdens he had to carry.

The choices he made.

Such things shone in Seol Youngs eyes.

Is he recalling those memories? While looking at the evil spirit in front of him?

The evil spirit was silent. It held no emotions. It just exuded its powerful presence.

But what if even such a thing could see?

She might be looking at the person in front of her.

A man who gave his life to kill her. A human who stole her qi and used it.

She might be watching.

The storm that had been raging violently subsided little by little. The scream that echoed in the void also vanished.

He heard the nature God struggling. The moment he looked in that direction, he felt something odd.

Even the Great Mother is acting odd. This isnt

His mind felt so messed up by the change that he couldnt even think of anything else. Zaha hurriedly pulled out his sword, which was stuck on the ground.

Why are you doing this?

There was shock and bewilderment in Zahas eyes.

Why couldnt we send that one away?

Something feels odd.

Despite answering that, Seol Young hated it.

I should have done something.

He thought about it, but he knew he couldnt do anything.

It is too late.

The form of the God of Cataclysm vanished, the talismans fell, and they exploded on the spot.

Everything was chaotic, with nothing happening the way it should have.


Seol Youngs eyes couldnt register what happened next.

It seemed like Zaha was covering for him and trying to receive It. Just like how he saved Hyo Wol.

It was a quick judgment. Moreover, he acted faster than his judgment. Even in the midst of that, he admired the man so much.

That was why he was able to save so many people in crises. However, even if he were a god-like being, he couldnt handle it.

It was like an arrow that flew with Seol Youngs name on it.

This cannot be avoided.

He had been listening to such things since he was a child.

Appeasing evil spirits was like walking on a tight rope between the spirits and humans.

When the line breaks, the man on the rope falls.

If the ritual failed, the price had to be paid. He had never faced anything like this before.

I failed.

The spirit world around them was breaking down. None of the things that had to be in place could be changed.


The zodiacs were screaming in pain as the circle failed and the sword on the ceiling shattered. The entangled qi flew to the person taking over the ritual.

No matter how much Zaha tried to protect him, it felt useless. As if there was nothing there, it passed through Zaha and pierced Seol Youngs body.


He couldnt even scream. There was just the feeling of his body shattering like glass. Unable to withstand the pressure, blood flowed out.

Sorry Everyone did well and I

Seol Young stuttered.

I couldnt do it right

Through his vision, which was turning white, he saw the door shatter.

Seo Geom-rang didnt listen. I told him to burn down the talisman.

Everyones faces were blurred. Baek Eon could be seen saying something.

I dont hear it.

Seol Young grabbed the hem of Zahas clothes with his bloody hands, but they just slipped.


He wanted to say something, but no words would come out. All his senses were burning up.

He had no choice but to let go of the life he was stubbornly holding onto.

And the darkness embraced him.

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