Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 207

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:07:29 AM

Chapter 207: Mita (9)

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Chapter 207: Mita (9)

Its the price for my late brothers life!

The moment the arrow shot by the General of Silla lodged into Mitas chest, her gaze turned to the ground.

Under the trampled and torn cloth, something strange could be seen and Zaha asked,

What is that?

I dont know. It has to be some sorcery that was used

Then did the sorcery work?

It looks like it.

Seol Young said, not taking his eyes off the strange characters. The Memory Projection was for reading the memories of the dead. Everything that was shown was from the point of view of the dead.

Thanks to that, they could see this now. At the time, no one paid attention to it, and it was something that could only be seen from Mitas perspective.

Zaha asked again,

What is that?

But instead of answering, Seol Young raised his spiritual qi.

[I cannot die like this]

Part of the broken thoughts could be heard, and then there was a blackout. Then she died.


The Memory Projection didnt stop. The fog continued to spread.

In the midst of this, Mita looked lifeless, and her body was dragged away, tied to a rope, hung high, and then dragged down, wrapped in mats, and buried in a shallow place.

They watched all of it happen, and she opened her eyes to the cold ground.

Zahas voice broke the silence.

What? She was surely dead.

I dont know.

Seol Young couldnt answer.

Mita, who escaped from the tomb, wandered around. Wherever she appeared, people died.

Seol Young asked,

What happened? Did you not feel anything during the ritual?


Zaha shook his head.

It was quiet. Nothing could be seen, heard, or felt.

The dark fog vanished, and the Memory Projection finished. Seol Young infused more spiritual qi.

We need to do it again. We have to find out what sorcery she used the last time.


Zaha also brought out his demonic qi.

When they did the Memory Projection the second time, her remains reacted strongly, and Seol Young tried to push more qi into it, but everything was deflected.

Without saying a word, Zaha went and put his Dead Slayer sword in the circle.

And when he summoned the spiritual qi of the Sun and Moon Troops, the demonic qi in his body rose like a thick cloud.


Seol Young understood what was happening. The bone ashes and Zahas demonic qi were the same. So, in terms of superiority, Zaha would win because the other side was just the qi of the remains.

The energy that rose from the bone ashes immediately lost its power in front of Zahas demonic qi.

The bone went silent, and Seol Young quickly put his hand in the gap and infused his spiritual qi into the bone ashes. Then it brought out the memory of the dead again.

A thick fog rose again.

[Its the price for my late brothers life!]

The moment the arrow of Sillas General pierced Mitas chest, Seol Young focused his spiritual qi on his eyes.

His spiritual eyes opened wide.

The strange pattern on the floor reflected in his eyes, and after that, a blue spiritual qi opened.

What is this?

It was sorcery that Seol Young didnt know about. But as he stared at it, he felt it faintly.

Even if he didnt know the words of the past nations, he could vaguely understand the meaning of their expressions and speech. He got a sense of what that incantation meant.

To call.

He interpreted it, and traces of demonic qi disappeared from Seol Youngs eyes.

What was here now wasnt Mita. Which was why the talisman didnt work. What could be appeased through the ritual was just part of it.

Something greater was beyond it.

[Its Mita!]

[The demon has been revived!]

Wherever she stepped, disaster rose, and people died for no reason. Or they would go mad and kill each other. Animals were getting sick, and plants withered.

[Her grudge to destroy the kingdom of God has pierced through her bones! Her body has to be dug up and dismembered so that it can never resurrect again! After that, lay the King to rest and have a proper burial! Only then can we prevent the resurgence of that woman!]

Someone said.

So the people dug up Mitas grave and dismembered her remains.

According to the orders, it was to be transported between the world and the next, and the tomb was sealed with the bones of her people.

And then Mita, or the mysterious being called Mita, watched the entire process. And then she rose from the tomb.

There was no force in the world that could stop her.

She came out, and the burial items broke. The iron troops that were guarding the tomb and the people buried all turned to dust, and disaster struck again.


Seol Young thought.

Why are you doing this?

The darkness began to move. And when the God of Cataclysm came, everyone said it was an evil spirit.

It was to be expected.

However, in the God of Cataclysm, which Seol Young finally looked into, there was no evil.

No anger, hatred, or grudge.

Nor was there joy in killing.

Not even madness.

None of them were there.

Then, was it nothing?


It just existed.

When it moved, there was a reaction in the world, and the dead came to life. And silence turned into screams, and screams into silence.

Changes happened each time she passed, and she watched them all. That was all.

There was no more reason for it to exist.

Was this the identity of the God of Cataclysm?

Seol Young was in shock. All the spirits in the world had a reason for their existence, so if one uncovered it, they could subdue them

What do I do now? When there is no reason?

He couldnt think of anything.

Sensing a sharp pain in his hand, Seol Young opened his eyes. It was a part of the bone that was touching his fingers.

There was demonic qi rising from there. In an instant, his right hand turned black. He just looked into something he shouldnt have, and he had to pay the price.


There was a knock on the door outside.

High Governor! Are you right? Seol Young-rang!

Jin Rim shouted.

Seol Youngs face was pale.

If demonic qi permeates ones body, they would lose their right to be a Hwarang. He thought so even in the middle of that.

I am fine. I am fine.

Zaha quickly reached his hand out from the fog, raised his demonic qi, and sucked everything from Seol Youngs hand.

Seol Young was shocked.

If you absorb any more of the demonic qi, it will cause conflict within your body and the Great Mother is now just half.

Is that so important now?

Zaha frowned.

His right hand, which had been black, was now normal.

At that moment, Jin Rim broke the door open.

Are you alright?

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