Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 208

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:07:29 AM

Chapter 208: Mita (10)

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Chapter 208: Mita (10)

If Jin Rim had come a little earlier, he would have witnessed a shocking scene.

The scene where the demonic qi remaining in the bone was naturally absorbed into the High Governors body. The sky would have fallen down, and so would the Hwarang troops. Fortunately, that didnt happen.

High Governor? Seol Young-rang?

Jin Rim first checked to see if both of them were safe.

Is there a problem? There was a loud noise, so I thought something wrong happened.

Behind him, Hyo Wol and the Golden Ring Troops peered inside.

It just fell.

Zaha pointed at the bamboo sheets that fell down.

It was nothing. We were just surprised at the sudden fall. What if the Memory Projection was still in progress?

Ah, then, are you done?


Jin Rim and Hyo Wol looked relieved now.

Because they were so surprised at the ritual last time.

Seol Young sent an apologetic look to them.

It was a feeling of confusion and shock after looking into something they shouldnt have looked into. The feeling of being in another world.

After escaping all those feelings, their sense of reality returned.

So, the result?

Everyone was asking with their eyes. Zaha held Mitas ashes, and Seol Young was lost in thought.

Result, huh

He wasnt sure how to answer him. It seemed that they had to handle this situation carefully. So the two of them cleaned it up so that there would be no more odd feelings left.

After that, they and Jin Rim moved to the main hall.

Jin Rim asked as he closed the door,

Was it successful?

Seol Young nodded.

Yes, Governor.

Then why did the ritual stop so abruptly?


Seol Young hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to start talking.

We figured out why, but it was something we didnt expect.

Zaha agreed with him and continued.

Didnt you check it through your dreams, too? The identity of the God of Cataclysm that was once the king of a nation, the supporting troops of Gaya, and the rebellion.

Was that wrong?

The Governor asked.

No. Its content was right.

Zaha shook his head and continued.

The only problem is that that wasnt all there was. Right before she died, she changed into something else, as she was going through death slowly. And she summoned a being to which she gave herself up.


Jin Rm asked with a shocked face.

Zaha explained every detail of what he had seen.

About Mita. What happened before she stopped breathing, and the existence that stepped into this world, and then silence fell.

Jin Rim was also confused. It seemed he wasnt sure what to say.

How can that

We understand your emotions.

Seol Young carefully opened his mouth.

High Governor and Governor. Could it be that we were being played? I wont deny that another world might be there somewhere, but is it possible to bring a God or a spirit from there to here?

Jin Rim tried to speak, but he just went silent, and Seol Young continued.

I also met the spirits of ancient maidens and encountered age-old spirits, but I had never heard of such a story. No matter how much of a genius Mita is, is it possible to suddenly summon an unknown being from another world?

Neither of them could answer.

After the silence was broken.

As far as the possibilities go, it might work.

Jin Rim said. And Seol Young looked at him in shock.

Jin Rim was a Hwarang with an orthodox education. He built a wall with things like sorcery and was one who didnt have a broad imagination.

So he thought it would be the hardest for Jin Rim to understand that, but he was quick to accept it?

Jin Rim bid Zaha goodbye and left. And then silence fell again.

After thinking for a while, Zaha opened his mouth.

And so this happened.

He nodded.

Right. If we tried everything and were stuck because there was no other way If that is the case, we might be able to use the last resort that no one else could think of.

And then he added,

Wasnt there an identical case before us? And if possible, there is no reason why someone else hadnt tried it.

Seol Young was at a loss for words. This was a source of pain for many.

It was a similar choice to Zahas Die Together.

The lives of the two were similar, but there was something in common with their last choice. And they couldnt deny it.


Seol Young shook his head.

It is different, though. Your choice was to destroy both yourself and the enemy, but Mitas choice was to destroy the entire world. That is why it reached the situation where no one can control her.

Having said that, it felt embarrassing.

Even Jeok Ryun-rang, who was the most out-of-grasp soul I have ever seen, had emotions. She expressed her thoughts even in the form of madness, and even though it was dangerous, we were able to find out what her feelings were. But this goes beyond everything.


I believed that the world of ghosts was more reasonable than our human world and that they held logic, even if they seemed wild. It was believed that there was a reason for their existence, and when the reason came up, they would cease to exist. But for the first time, that thought has been shattered. What now? How am I supposed to deal with this?

Seol Young finally let out the words he was fearing.

Isnt there any other way to do this?

Zaha looked at Seol Young.

You didnt think this would be easy to solve from the start.

But I didnt think it would be like this.

Still, I felt convinced.

He said,

Which is why it hasnt worked out until now. Because it is a being that doesnt belong to this world. Because it is an existence that is completely outside of our thoughts. I am relieved that I at least know this.

And then he shrugged.

Well, there has to be a way.

At Zahas confident words, Seol Young asked back,

You really think so?

It has been like that ever since. When was it ever easy? We kept getting stuck at a dead end, and no matter how hopeless it seemed, we were able to find something. It was like that each time. Which is why we were able to come this far.

Zaha smiled.

We can do it.

At those words, Seol Young hesitated.

Wasnt that what he said?

-We can do it.

In the dark room, the scent of aloe rose, and in his memory, the situation of his life felt clear.

And that wasnt all.

The firm faith that he could do it.

Of course, the situation now is far worse than one could imagine, but Zaha was right.

It is really like that.

When he thought about it, he couldnt help but agree. He believed that he could do it, and he had been able to do it because he could.

More than anything, Zahas presence was proof of that. The man who was like a ruin back then was now a better guide for him.

He received words of hope and courage from him.

And above all, wasnt he the strongest?

Right. I cannot be shaken now.

Seol Young redirected his confused mind.

There has to be a way. Let us think. Lets

His mind, which stopped working after the Memory Projection, began to work again.

And then a thought flashed through him,


Seol Young said.

Then we will head there first.

TL/N: The characters of the words initial and seal are A and Ta.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!