Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 216

Published at 17th of May 2024 01:47:53 PM

Chapter 216: Mita (18)

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Chapter 216: Mita (18)

In this world, there had been a case where a person who was fine a moment ago could turn into a monster.

Red hair, shining eyes, and oddly bent limbs. In the light, Baek Eons form was clear.

The whites of his eyes turned black, and his temple was cracked.

Everyone looked shocked outside the barrier. Baek Eon-rang was a monster?

Seol Young couldnt see anything else. He forgot what he was doing.

No! Great-rang!

He ran and caught him, but before he realized it, Zaha moved.

Seol Young-rang, wait.

No! Dont kill him! He isnt just my Hyung!

Im not killing him!

He grabbed Seol Young, who was screaming, and turned.

Look again.

The blue light shone all over Baek Eons body and was pushed back into his own. The flinching stopped.

Baek Eon touched his arms, took out something like a pill, and swallowed it. When he began to use spiritual qi, something happened.

His hair, which was red, was now normal. And his eyes returned to normal, too.

Dont be shocked, people! I am fine! High Governor!

Baek Eon shouted.

Although his left eye seemed a bit numb, he was speaking correctly. Only then did Seol Young come to his senses.

Great-rang! Are you fine?

Yes. Its not a big deal. Dont come into contact with any strange things. We might never know, but the others might not resist it!

The strange shadows were what made Baek Eon act like that, and they were spreading all over the place.

Seol Youngs eyes went dark again.

We need more time.

From the face of the half necklace, which was burning in golden light, the broken pieces of the Tree God jumped out.

The image of the God of Cataclysm was sucked into it more. They still needed more time.

However, strange shadows began to appear at the boundaries. They moved toward the Hwarangs on the other side.

It was a crisis that could destroy anything.

I cannot help it.

At that moment.

The opinions of the seven people inside the barrier changed.

They pushed on the enemy, as they couldnt give up now. And werent their members behind?

Jin Rim stopped the operation of the pagoda, threw his body, and broke the pillar behind him.

Each of the five leaders did so.

The pillars served as an axis to support this summoning, and when it was broken, the circle of defense failed.

An opaque barrier appeared there. The barrier began at the boundary and collapsed inside.

High Governor! Governor!

Seol Young!


They shouted from the outside. The people called from there, as their entry was now blocked.

As the barrier collapsed, the storm shook the ground.

Everyone gather here!

Zaha lowered his sword, and his swords tip was shining gold, and it stuck somewhere. The barrier rose again.

Baek Eon-rang!

Seo Geom and Mu Won picked Baek Eon, and pushed him inside. Seol Young grabbed Jin Rim, who was running slowly, and rushed there. Hwa Un waited for all of them to arrive, and Seol Young asked the moment he stepped into the barrier,

Great-rang, are you alright?

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Baek Eon replied in his usual voice.

Even though I havent recovered at all, Im fine.

How did you do it? What pill was it?

Seol Young grabbed him and looked at him. He thought he would die from watching Baek Eon suffer like that, but he couldnt help but be grateful for how he got spared from death.

Thats just our White Tiger Spirit Pill.

After saying that, he reported to Zaha and Jin Rim.

The moment that thing attacked me, my body felt strange. When I used the flow of spiritual qi to stop it, I felt that the qi was draining out, so I had to take out the pill, so I was able to stop it.

Thank God.

Everyone had the same reaction.

What if Baek Eon really turned into a monster?

Just imagining it made the future seem dark. But

After turning off the flame, a question arose.

Seol Young asked cautiously,

We are really fortunate, but does a disfigured spirits change stop just like that?


Zaha answered.

NO other means is all I.

Mu Won said,

There is a way for someone to become a vessel. That way, we can through ourself to the other side. And then the rest will survive.

He spoke so calmly.

Well, I left all the work behind to our second in charge when coming over

What are you saying?

Seo Geom frowned.

if you put it that way, there is our troops too. I prepared everything too!

Seo Jun-rang had similar situation so it makes no sense for you do go through this. You want your uncle to be depressed all his life?

Baek Eon asked

Black Tortoise, Blue Dragon, Vermillion Bird cannot do a thing without their leaders but our White Tiger

Cannot be the same with Baek Eon-rang right? I wont let Seol Young-yang go through that.

Hwa Un said,

I assure you, none of these people have arranged a care for the next. Governor, let me do this.


Jin Rim spoke loudly.

Everyone is so wrong. I exist to do such things. I will go.


Zaha said,

Everyone is wrong.

Uh? No, high governor! You need to care for the hwarangs.

Dont worry. I have no idea of doing that. Think I am crazy? To do that sacrifice? Why are you thinking of dying when surviving at all costs is important?

Zaha said like it was absurd.

The start of the task itself is wrong. Did you think anything would be the same after? Instead of going there, she will kill everyone else and operate the tower there and come back here.

He was right.

An even greater disaster would strike them down. Getting the best of a hwarangs troops would let her run wild.

She has to stopped.

Then, we will stay until th pagoda stops to work.

Baek Eon said,

A look of peace appeared on their faces. If they died after taking her down, wouldnt that be a nice death?

They thought so


Seol Young shook his head

If everyone died hre, what should the people left alive do?

We dont have to die together.

He closed his eyes.

There is a way for one person to die and end this.

The secret arts. What if someone here did that?

There is nothing hard anymore.

The space will be stable, the world back to normal.

It is like that with it.

Seol Young opened his eyes.

What he thought he couldnt do.

It was like that at first and even more so now. He saw it with his own eyes how terrifying it is.


It couldnt be helped.

It wasnt something to choose for himself. Just like Zaha did 8 years back.

He remembered what he wrote in the note before leaving. What would he say to his loved ones if he were to die?

Do not be sad.

The fact that he wrote that one thing meant that he himself was prepared for this to an extent.

A decision made before he stepped in, and had to be done before the pagoda stopped and someone gets taken in by the God of Cataclysm.

Because he was the only one who knows about this art.


Seol Young made up his mind.

Which is why I need to do it.

When he decided that, he felt lighter. But there was just one problem.

Seol Young looked away.

Zaha was lost in thought, he frowned. And Seol Young didnt understand what was happening in those eyes.

And he said

High governor how about the two of us go over there and look at something?


Zaha had a sullen expression. However, without another word, he followed Seol Young.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!