Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 35

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:23:58 AM

Chapter 35: Lion Dance (3)

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Chapter 35: Lion Dance (3)

As expected.

A Hwarang killed a civilian?

An ordinary man who didnt even sin?

The Moon Palace was in a mess. As the information passed from one person to another, the rumors became more detailed.

A certain Hwarang went to someones home and stabbed an innocent person to death.

His family is complaining about injustice.

They say that they can even point out the Hwarang who did it and they are earnestly pleading.

Stories like this spread.

And the Hwarangs, who valued honor, couldnt stay still at this.

The Governor was angry.

It is impossible. Every move of the Hwarangs has been transparent until now, so how can one sneak out and do such a thing? If that is true, I will cut myself down!

He immediately accepted the familys request.This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

Coincidentally, everyone in the troops is preparing for the Sword Dance. So call for the family who had their child murdered and let them point the person out.

As a result, an unexpected confrontation was going to break out in the sacred forest.

The old mother and her sons pulled a cart and went to the forest. The card was loaded with a corpse, which was covered in mats.

The Minister of Justice, who was in charge of the inspection, also attended, and there were many onlookers.

Look at that. Didnt they say that there was a Hwarang who did something wrong?

The officials of the Great Heavenly Pavilion were all gathered. It was held in the name of looking into the possibility of the premonition they had received.

Did a Hwarang kill a civilian?

Or was it a false accusation planned by someone?

Everyone was busy expressing their opinion. Seeing this, Seol Young thought to himself,

It is fortunate that I found out in advance.

When he looked at Zaha, he and the Governor were talking. Anyway, he was the supreme leader of the Hwarangs, so he had to act like he was doing something.

Also, the sooner Seol Young gets entangled in a mess, the better it is for Zaha. So, for now, he was deliberately cooperating.

Seol Young looked away.

On the other side, the White Tiger Spirit Troops were standing together. Their eyes met.

Do not worry. I will make sure to reveal the identity of the killer.

Seol Young had such a look, and amidst all of these, an administration official said,

Governor Jin Rim, the head of the Hwarangs, has accepted the request of the victims family and summoned all the Hwarangs here. Now let us know who the murderer is.


The bereaved family came forward.

They looked at each of the five troops that had gathered there. They all looked very carefully at the Hwarangs.

Everyone was made to stand in a line for the family to get a clear look. After a while, they said,

None of these people here.

Did you look at the current Governor, the High Governor, and the former Hwarang, too?

Yes. None of the three, either.

The Ministry of Justice turned to the Governor.

Is it true that every one of the Hwarangs has gathered here?

Yes. No one has been left out.

But according to the family, there must have been some Hwarang who went and killed their sibling, right? They definitely said that the Hwarangs sword had a mark too. Someone has to be lying

That was when Seol Young stepped forward.

I will try to find out which Hwarang it is.

All the whispers stopped at once, and all eyes turned to Seol Young. Through this confrontation, it was revealed that no one here was the culprit. He just had to stay still, so why do this now?

Was it really possible to figure it out?

In the deafening silence, Zaha and Jin Rim looked at each other.

Are you going to use that method again?


Can that really bring out the killer?

I will try.

Right. I get it now.

Zaha nodded his head.

The victims family said that it was a Hwarang dressed in jade. According to legends, Young Lord Sa Daham liked wearing blue bamboo clothes.

The two colors were quite similar, too, even if they had different names.

The bereaved family pointed with their chins, and the color of the robes secret was revealed. Given the circumstances, they couldnt help but believe Seol Youngs words.

But this raised a bigger question.

Young Lord Sa Daham is an honorable hero of the Hwarangs! Why would his spirit commit murder?

Could there have been a reason for him to go to a civilians house and kill him?

No one could understand it. The same was true for the victims family.

Young Lord Sa Daham? I have heard of him from the old stories. We have never touched his shrine or relics. We dont really have any relationship with him.

They were all equally shocked.


Seol Young agreed with them.

According to what we have seen, it was the first time that the murdered man saw Young Lord Sa Daham. He was killed immediately without knowing why he even visited him.

He thought back on the scene he saw.

The young man who died had no spiritual power. And that was why he didnt feel anything special when the ghost appeared in front of him. But this was no ordinary ghost.

The spirit is quite strong.

Seol Young said to Jin Rim.

I cannot be certain since this is a vision I saw through the soul of another person, but it seemed like it held a lot of power. Governor, this looks like a supernatural calamity. It will not end just with this.

You mean the spirit will harm another person?


Jin Rims face turned serious.

Well, it is clear now.

Zaha said.

Since this case involves a ghost killing a person, the Ministry of Justice can no longer get involved, and this matter will be resolved by the Hwarangs.

And he looked at Seol Young.

This incident will not end with this, so what do you plan to do?

The most important thing is to stop it before another victim surfaces.

And will that be possible?

We have to make it possible.

Seol Young turned to the victims family.

This incident was so unclear that even the person concerned didnt know the cause of his death. However, since the spirit came to harm a person, there must have been something that happened.

We are really not guilty of anything. We dont even have anything to do with that Hwarang.

Calm down. We dont mean to interrogate you. I just want to hear the story.

After calming them down, he asked what had been bothering him earlier.

The victim had one difference from the rest of the family. It was the fact that he studied in a temple.

Yes. Yes.

The family responded incoherently.

The elder of that temple passed. In addition to my younger brother, there were two other monks who moved away.

No. One of them is said to have died from an illness.

Right, right. One of the three died from an illness, one returned home in a state of despair, and only one of them stayed back. The last friend must be the monk staying in the temple

Seol Youngs eyes shone.

Then wouldnt the spirit be visiting that place next?

Where is this temple?

The brothers looked a bit embarrassed. It seemed difficult for them to remember considering that their brother had just died.

My younger brother said he would visit it once he was free from work, but he said it was a temple in Sorabeol

Since there are so many temples, the name is

He was trying to remember something, but their mother, who had been silent until then, suddenly said,

In Hyesa.

She said it very clearly.

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