Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 47

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:23:13 AM

Chapter 47: Peach Blossom Girl (3)

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Chapter 47: Peach Blossom Girl (3)

He said that his mother would definitely say that. Since it was a child she had given up on, he said his mother would try to cover up his terrible death. For the sake of the family and for the bright future of the younger siblings

I dont know what you are talking about.

The young master said that he couldnt help but do something if his mother would do that. He said he would turn into a demon and cling to his younger siblings and block their growth.

The complexion of the old lady changed. At that moment, a scream rang out, and she turned to where the eldest daughter, second daughter, and youngest son were.

The woman jumped up and hurriedly opened the door.

Come with me!

The servants were already rushing.


The youngest master!

And they returned with shocked faces.

The second lady is sleeping comfortably.

The first lady is reading a book.

The youngest master is eating snacks.

She was stunned.L1tLagoon witnessed the first publication of this chapter on Ñøv€l--B1n.

I just heard a scream, though. Didnt you hear it too?

Yes. It was unmistakably their voices.

All of them nodded.

It seems like the last warning from your son.

Zaha said.

Damn it, please answer me honestly. Your son was brutally murdered by someone, right?

Her face turned blue.

I see. Being murdered is a big deal. I dont know what will happen if you cover it up like that. I will have to inform the Ministry of Justice.


She was shocked. Considering Zahas position and his status, no one could stop him.

Eventually, she gave up.

Yes. My son was brutally murdered, but the claim that I tried to cover it up is only a misunderstanding. I asked my servants to investigate what happened, but no one saw my child after leaving the brothel house. And I couldnt figure out anything else after that.

But there is still a way. Which is why we are here, right?

Zaha looked at Seol Young again.


Seol Young stepped forward.

I think he might have some keepsakes here. Since he died young without any children, he must have left behind something that meant a lot to him.

Show us that.

What will you do after seeing that?

You might have experienced it, but isnt there a time when you enter a house and it suddenly gives you the creeps? If people find out about it later, the fact that someone died in this house will always be brought up.

Seol Young looked at her and said,

When a person is dying, a very powerful thought comes out. It remains intact with his body, his belongings, or sometimes even in the house. If I can read those thoughts, I can find out what happened at the time of his death.

Show me your sons belongings. Just a peek is all I need. It doesnt seem like you will lose anything, right?

It was only then that she began to be convinced a little, and she said something to her servants.

After a while, a servant came with a box. What was inside was a small pocket knife decorated in the shape of a dragons head.

He was holding this tightly in his right hand, probably with the intention to resist the beast.

I understand.

Seol Young accepted the knife, and before starting, he asked permission from the deceased.

The ladys actions had changed now. It was like she was begging for justice. Even if her eldest son was immature, she must have loved him.

But there was a clue.

Seol Young opened his mouth.

The fourteen-sided dice, which said, Drink and laugh out loud.


Zahas expression darkened.

Drink and laugh out loud. Isnt that a drinking game penalty?


Seol Young nodded.

I saw it in his memory right before his deathsomeone threw him a die. And your son was killed according to the punishment written there.

A drinking game punishment?

The lady frowned.

My son was killed for such an absurd reason? Just because the drinking game dice said so?

She was shocked, and then her lips stopped moving as her expression went blank.

My lady, is there something you might know?

Zaha asked right away, looking at her. She looked like her soul had been sucked out of her.

It was clear that hearing that the murder was based on a die meant something to her. Maybe a buried memory she had never thought of?

Zaha called for her again.

My lady?

She came to her senses, and at that moment, her attitude changed

Please go! Get out of my house right now!


What are you doing? Hurry and see these Hwarangs off!

The servants stepped forward, and although they didnt dare touch them, they stood between them and the lady.

Eventually, they had to leave the house, and the gate was shut.

To be kicked out like this!

Zaha asked,

What kind of secret could it be? Seol Young-rang, tell me honestly. Is that what you really saw? Who threw the dice?


Seol Young replied.

But it might be a different one.


Seol Young showed him what was hidden in his sleeve.

A pocket knife decorated with a dragon head.

I couldnt leave it there.

Seol Young hid it back in his sleeve.

The lady is now in the wrong. But even so, we cannot approach the family when they are like this, can we?

Right. Even to the point of them shutting up and their own servants acting like this.

Zaha nodded.

So you sneaked it out.

I didnt sneak it out. They were too riled up to even take it back.

Seol Young-rang! Since when did you become shameless?

Zaha said it like he was complimenting him, but Seol Young didnt enjoy hearing it from him.

Besides, whats wrong with being a little shameless to get things done?

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