Published at 11th of April 2024 05:25:11 AM

Chapter 7: Evil Moon (7)

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Chapter 7: Evil Moon (7)

Right now, in this inn, one person and a hundred thousand evil spirits were in the midst of a tense confrontation.

Everyone was on edge about this, yet no one heard the sound of approaching footsteps, nor could the presence be felt.

It was such a strange thing.

An expert1.

Seol Young gathered the qi in his eyes and examined the man. But surprisingly, he couldnt feel any spiritual energy from him. It felt like he was a normal person.

What was he?

Originally, Seol Young wasnt someone who paid much attention to other things. Even if given four eyes, he wouldnt care.

Yet this situation called for it, so he observed the person closely and figured things out.

First, the age?

He looked around twenty years old.The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

And clothes?

Mostly black and had a couple of threadworks that looked expensive. He could tell this man was a noble.

And the attitude and character?

Although there was this laid-back look, there was elegance too. And it felt like he was thoroughly educated.

Seol Young came to this conclusiona noble who must have come to visit the temple. He must have felt bored after coming along with his mother or sister and decided to sneak around but got lost.

Pathetic. A waste of such a face.

Seol Young gave him the cold shoulder.

The man had the kind of face that people would follow just by looking at it. A cool and calm noble. And there was this distinction from just his face that people wouldnt get tired of looking at.

Seol Young didnt like these types of people.

I hope such people disappear quickly.

Seol Young was judging this man, who was looking around the inn.

This wasnt a place or sight for people to see.

A young man who was about to turn twenty years old was now fighting evil spirits. As if they had clashed a couple of times earlier, the place was a mess.

The man was probably going to run back.

Seol Young thought so.


Surprisingly, the man wasnt too surprised. He just glanced at the bottle in front of Seol Young.

In the middle of something? It is so noisy that I came to check out this place, and my throat is dry, so I should have a drink too.

Then he sat down at a random table.

This was bold.

Seol Young clicked his tongue.

People of high status and well-off families never did a single task for themselves. Even among them, there are exceptions. And there were strong people too.

They were the kind who didnt care about ghosts. They continue to live happily, not caring about anything else.

However, this felt too weird.

Wasnt this like being companions to the underworld right now?

As I thought, he must be the annoying kind.

Seol Young had no choice but to get up and approach the noble.

At this moment, the man stopped mumbling and looked at his hand. His expression was strange.

Is he sober yet? Or did he fall asleep?

Seol Young wasnt sure, so he opened his mouth.

I apologize for the noise. I didnt know that people were staying here.

The spirits looked at the two, but they didnt care.

Could it be that this happened because I pulled out my blade? No, why come when you are in danger?

He clicked his tongue.

If someone didnt know and saw it, they would be fooled. He had really just thoughtlessly pulled out his blade and accidentally killed spirits.

But as if that were possible.

Seol Young had gone stiff.

The Ring-Headed Blade wasnt a good weapon. Even if was paid much due to the name it held, it wasnt much different from a regular weapon. And unless it held spiritual qi, it was only an ordinary blade. One couldnt cut down formless evil spirits with it.


The evil spirits looked angry.

Humans normally get intimidated and scared when they see other humans killed in such a way. But these evil spirits were the opposite. The smell of blood and flesh was something that stimulated them.


In the frenzied mess, they pounced on this noble.

And it was the same this time too.

Once again, the blade drew an arc very cleanly.

Ah, this. I hope no one comes around.

He mumbled.

Seol Young had the chance to observe this time, and he finally found it. This man was hiding his strong spiritual energy. Seol Young hadnt noticed it before.

If he had polished his spiritual qi and reached this level, then he would surely be a person related to the clans.

However, two swipes of the blade were insufficient to reveal anything.

Yet he was sure of one thing.

Seol Young looked at the floor, and the bodies that fell were smoothly cut.

And upon closer inspection, he noticed something odd. The flesh that was cut by the blade looked merciless, as if a blunt sword had been used.

This was something he had never seen before.

This mans strength seemed to surpass the leaders of the sects. He appeared to be slightly superior to Governor Jin Rim as well.

But was this possible?

Seol Young stared at the man.

And when their eyes met, he just shrugged. He had a cold look, as if he was indifferent to everything around him.

And now it felt clear that this unknown man had come here with some other intention.

Seol Young spoke coldly,

Which clan do you belong to, senior?


The man smiled.

Why are you pretending like we are familiar with each other? Did you think I would let you go alive then?

He spoke like this was fun, yet his eyes held murderous intent. It was clear he wanted to kill Seol Young.

At that moment, the evil spirits, who were waiting for a chance to attack, lunged at him, and he swung the blade with all his might.

Wait. It feels like the priority is being pushed back.


Dozens of spirits flew back. Everything around him was getting crushed and broken. His strength was good enough to shatter the walls in the inn.

Seol Young had a suspicious feeling.

He is not in the right state of mind.

As things continued like this, one should be agitated, but Seol Young thought calmly.

It is fortunate that the inn has money to reimburse it.

TL/N: A master in a field

TL/N: Respectful term for an older male

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