Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 72

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:21:45 AM

Chapter 72: Praying For Rain (20)

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Chapter 72: Praying For Rain (20)

As Seol Young and Zaha exchanged glances, the villagers asked again,

Didnt I ask you a question? Come on! Answer me!

Seeing that they arent answering, they must be the spies from Baekjae!

Spies from Baekjae?

No. We

Seol Young was about to answer, but Zaha quickly intercepted,

We are the Hwarangs from the golden castle. We came to Apryang because we have something to say to the military officer.

Then he took out the jade seal from his sleeve and showed it.

It was our first trip, so we took the wrong way, but we stopped by to see if we could take a break at a nearby village.

The seal belonged to Zaha, but the people didnt seem to know what it was. At first glance, Zahas appearance looked like that of a high-ranking person.

The villagers looked at each other.

I see.

Then everyone lowered their weapons, and the shaman named Sabiso said,

We had no idea. Please come this way.

Have they gotten past the crisis?

The villagers took the lead, and they went to the village. Dozens of thatched houses were huddled together around the stump of a giant tree.

The villagers led the two of them to a small place that looked like an annex.

We will bring you some simple snacks.

When they left, Seol Young sighed.

The villagers were beings who obeyed the laws of this unknown world. It was better not to provoke them if possible.

It seems that the situation here is really bright. And lies usually come out fast in such places.

It is not a lie. It is a skill.

Zaha said that with a slightly triumphant face.

Memorize the words I will say quickly, because if what we say doesnt match, it wont work. Before everything, Apryang served as a base to keep Baekjae in check. They appointed military officers from the Hwarangs who were known to be skilled in military tactics

It was then.

Clack! Clack!

. came the sound of the iron grill near the window. In the blink of an eye, the window was blocked.

At the same time, the door was locked from the outside.

What are you doing?

Seol Young protested in surprise.

And a loud voice was heard from outside.

Do you think we didnt know? That you came to steal the mysterious jewel of Mr. Sabiso!

What? I didnt even hear anything about that! And the shaman

Enough! Stay locked up in there silently until the ritual is done!

The villagers left after screaming.

The people from the villages in the countryside were always known to be scary, but they never imagined they would stab them in the back.

Now that this has happened, this is war.

He looked at Zaha, but he didnt answer. He just stood still.

Are you that shocked? Because the villagers fooled us?


He pointed to the grill.


Seol Young looked out with a puzzled face.

Who was there?

Someone was hiding behind the wall of the house and spying on the side.

It was a girl around sixteen years old. She was wearing a sky blue long skirt with a white jacket and a five-colored belt.

Looking at her clothes, she looked like a shaman too.

But just from one look at her, unlike the man who was called Sabiso, she was a truly born shaman.Ñøv€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

It was impressive, but there was something that surprised him.

Can you see it?

At Zahas words, Seol Young nodded.

The necklace on the girls chest.

It was a round plaque of wood with the face of a monster engraved on it.

Is that it?

It is.

Seol Young answered without taking his eyes off the necklace.

The last remaining flag slowly rose towards the sky. The villagers were excitedso excited that they bowed to the flag and prayed more desperately.


Sabiso looked at them and nodded, and after saying something to the people behind him, he went into the shrine next door.

But at that moment, a huge commotion erupted.

The beads disappeared!

The villagers scattered in all directions, and soon there was a loud noise from the other side.

They ran away!

Catch those thieves who stole the jewel!

Things took a weird turn as the two were accused of something they didnt do.

Zaha frowned.

I will say you did it.

Who will believe that? Anyone can tell that you are the superior

But before they could do anything

I found the bead.

With a loud shout, someone was dragged in front of Sabiso. The girl.

The girl with the body of the Tree Spirit God on her. The villagers surrounded her.

Jung Myung! Did you really steal it?

Why did you do it? Its not that I dont understand your feelings, but

The girl called Jung Myung was so scared that she cried.

No! I did not mean to steal Mr. Sabisos beads

Take her!

Sabiso shouted loudly, and the girl couldnt resist the people who were dragging her away.

Dragon God. Dragon God, please end this drought.

And the rain ritual started again. But there was nothing more to see.

The shrine maiden.

The two left the warehouse. The annex from earlier seemed to act as a prison, so they went there.

Please remain silent in here until the ritual is over!

A scolding voice could be heard.

The villagers hurriedly locked her up and ran back to the altar.

Once they left, Seol Young and Zaha broke the lock outside and entered.

The girl, who was crouching, looked at them in surprise.


Seol Young made the girl silent.

We are here to help.

Her eyes went wide as she looked at them.

You are the people who were arrested this morning. I know you. You are not ordinary people. You are the ones who shouldnt be here.

It doesnt matter.

Seol Young pointed to the plaque around her neck.

Do you know what that is?

This is just a necklace Ive had since I was a child.

Can I see it for a minute?


The girl clutched the necklace right away, as if she didnt trust them.

Zaha had to intervene.

It is because it is similar to something we know.

I did not steal it!

The girl bowed her head.

Since I stole the bead, you wont believe me now

Why did you steal it?

Seol Young asked.

No. I know why, even if you dont answer. Didnt you try to stop that ritual?

The girl raised her head, her eyes trembling.

Right. We need to stop it. That is not a rain ritual. When the last flag rises

At that moment, the sound of drums rang out, and the voices of the villagers cheering were heard.

This is bad!

The girls face turned white.

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