Published at 11th of April 2024 05:24:55 AM

Chapter 8: Evil Moon (8)

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Chapter 8: Evil Moon (8)

At times like this, one needs to be calm.

Seol Young quickly assessed the situation.

This man seemed to be thinking of getting rid of the spirits in here first. Then there was no need to fight.

Lets just use him then.

The madman who broke down the inn.

It was not the most desirable move, but it still felt like a good choice.

He had to drive this man into killing as many as he could. The spirits will also be at a disadvantage if they team up by timing their attacks and taking turns.

If they wanted a fighting chance, the inn was narrow, so they needed space. Seol Young slashed the evil spirits around and lured them outside.

A place to lure them

At that time, that place stood out, and he quickly headed there.

You are insane.

The noble frowned, as this was an old tomb.

Is it time to cover things up now?

Seol Young replied.

Just at that moment, the ring on the Ring-Headed Blade broke, unable to handle how it was used.

As he thought so.

Seol Young glanced inside this old tomb. This tomb looked to be an abandoned one. One side collapsed, which created this black hole in it.

An old, long blade was enshrined in it. Seol Young quickly threw the sword at the noble madman.

Actually, such acts were considered taboo. This was like disturbing the dead. To take the goods of the grave and use them was a huge NO.

Those who practice peace and righteousness should always avoid such things.

But Seol Young was fine. Explaining things to people was bothersome for him. And there was no time, either.


The screams of hundreds of evil spirits were enough to deafen their ears. If it were a normal person, they could feel their internal organs tremble, cough up blood, or die.

Seol Young responded coldly.

If you dont like it, fight them with your bare hands.

The noble snorted as he picked up the blade.

He was more familiar with blades than swords.

Kieeik! Kiiik!

The evil spirits began to turn more and more desperate now. Yet the number of those attacking was lessening.

Seol Young calmly continued to cut down the spirits by staying near the tomb.

And a desperate scream rang out.

Eventually, the last ones fell, too.


A few managed to escape, and Seol Young threw his sword.


The flying sword had gone round and round as it finished off the last of the evil spirits.


Seol Young sighed.

No matter how abnormal things were, there wouldnt be any more spirits coming up here.

But, of course, this wasnt the end. The unknown man was still here, and was not hiding his killing intent.L1tLagoon witnessed the first publication of this chapter on Ñøv€l--B1n.

Well, there is something I need to do too.

Seol Young raised his sword and drew a line on the ground.

A charm?

The noble looked at him.

Seol Young continued to do what he was doing without responding. And soon, he finished drawing the charm.

Numerous pieces of rocks and stones began to float.

These were originally the pieces of the grave guardians who were destroyed in the fight. They rose to the air. Normally, the life of the guardian ends when it gets destroyed, and the relationship it holds with the shaman also ends there.

However, Seol Young had written a summoning technique, and even in death, the bond didnt break.

Such a horrid sight.

To use other peoples grave keepers as your barrier and distribute the burial items as you please and even use their graves

The noble seemed a bit amazed.

I am asking you because I am really curious, but what will the owner of the tomb say? Wont they tear you apart?

Not at all.

Summoning meant a battle with the summoner and the summoned. If a shaman tried to enslave a being that wasnt within their power range, they would die.

Seol Young also didnt overdo it. This was an existence that he could summon once or twice in a lifetime.

This felt like a life-or-death situation, and his first attempt looked successful.

But I dont have much time.

Emperor Xuanwu launched a powerful attack on the opponent. With just one step forward, it felt as if the ground split and trees fell. And with a single swing of the long sword, violent blades of wind rose.

For an instant, it felt like the madman was finally being pushed back.

However, after the two sides clashed with roaring sounds, the summoned spirit began to fade out.

The spiritual power of the summoner was too lacking for him to wait any longer. He was summoned as a last resort, so this was a pity.

In the end, the spirit was cut down by the sword of the madman and destroyed.

Seol Young felt dizzy for a moment. The damage suffered by summoning the spirit and getting pushed back was huge. He coughed up blood.

As I thought, keeping you alive is a problem.

The noble finally spoke in a cold voice.

Was this the end?

He remembered his three brothers and the other children one by one.

At that moment, something flashed in the dark.

No. There is still one left.

Seol Young put his hand into his sleeve and ripped out what was hidden inside. It was a small piece of wood with something written on it.

It was a wooden tablet.

Normally, Taoists held it, but it wasnt something they always carried around.

And this wasnt something that was related to him or Buddhism or anything. It didnt even hold the qi of heaven.

But he could tell that there was something that evil things hated.

And so he put it on him.

After he had tried everything, this was the last resort left.

Seol Young broke the wooden tablet and infused his remaining spiritual energy into it.

At that moment, something strange appeared.

It hit the opponent in the blink of an eye. It was fast and odd.


The man couldnt even react.

This unidentified summon of Seol Young went through all of the opponents defenses and hit his chest.

I did it!

The first attack worked, and the man staggered back.

At that moment, a black haze began to rise from his body.

What is this now?

Seol Young was surprised too.

There was a weird sound hitting his ears. It wasnt a ghosts scream or cry, but it kept going around, giving him a headache.

A mad voice

The sound could make people go insane, and he was seeing this dark energy spread everywhere.

From one end to another. It constantly spread, like it was devouring everything, like a dark Mandala.

The Mandala was a circle that was said to encompass the universe.

It was known to be so profound, deep, and characterized to be ever-expanding depending on nature.

Seol Young noticed one thing about these strange changes.


Pain and despair came in as if they had pushed their way to the surface. The souls buried in the underground seemed to scream.

[Run away!]

Seol Young was startled as he came to his senses. The strange energy he felt everywhere wasnt murderous qi or Yokai qi.

This was Demonic qi!

He always touched everything he was told not to, but this was his first time witnessing this.

The madman was shocked too.

His eyes widened in disbelief, and his laid-back demeanor vanished.

He had a look of disbelief at the situation, which looked dangerous.

What did you do?!

The man asked Seol Young as if he wanted to come and grab him by the collar.

TL/N: Strong Chinese diety

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