Subdued Soul Chronicle - Chapter 87

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:21:09 AM

Chapter 87: Flute Of Foreboding (7)

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Chapter 87: Flute Of Foreboding (7)

Seol Young could see that Seo Geom was interested in what he was saying.

So he uttered it again.

Its not that I am taking the sword out of the Sword Tomb, I dont even have to take it off its stand.


I just have to touch it once. In addition, arent the swords being cleaned regularly? Its not much different from that. Even if I perform a spell, there wont be any problems.

Seo Geom looked at him without a word. Seol Young was really talking a lot. He didnt have the usual blank face that he had. There was a glint in his eyes as if he wanted to know the truth.

Is he really sure of this?

The Sword Tomb was like a shrine. But it wasnt a place that Seol Young couldnt enter. He was also a Hwarang.

And he said he wouldnt take it off the stand. Wouldnt it be fine to try it out? Just like what he said, unless there was a problem with the spell

But can this mans words be trusted?

What happened seven years ago was still clear in his heart.

But he had the desire to clear the doubt. Was there no other way?

I get it.

Seo Geom finally nodded. He turned and headed deeper into the chamber. After walking for a while, a shrine came into view.

There were trees that twisted and coiled like the body of a dragon, guarding the surrounding area. The ancient pillars were dyed red under the setting sun.

In the most solemn place in the shrine, there stood a square door made of stone. It was the Sword Tomb that enshrined the swords of the Hwarangs.

The Sword Tomb was a sanctuary for the troops, so outsiders were not permitted to enter. The Hwarangs were the only ones who could see it.

That was why Seo Geom had to open the door himself and guide Seol Young.

Come in.

Seol Young followed him inside.

Inside, the lanterns were bright, and there was a smell of old stones and a faint smell of incense.

After passing through the front room and the passage, the Sword Tomb came into view.

The swords of all the Hwarangs of the Blue Dragons who died with honor were enshrined there.


Seo Geom immediately went to a certain spot.

This is the sword that Hae Cheon-rang used during his entire lifetime.

He pointed to a sleek, long silver sword. Judging from the fact that he found the sword at once, it meant that Seo Geom visited this place several times. It was probably because of the guilt that someone died because of his brother.

Then start.


Seol Young stood in front of the sword and bowed to it.

I am Seol Young, who once worked for the White Tiger Spirit Troops, and I am a simple Hwarang now. I am here to reveal the secret behind Hae Cheon-rangs death.

After introducing himself, he knelt down in front of the tomb and bowed. He bowed with sincerity, and his forehead touched the floor.

Seo Geom looked blankly at him from behind.

He isnt starting right away.

Seeing Seol Young bow politely despite their bad relationship, his stone heart softened a little.

On the other hand, when Seol Young saw that Seo Geom was being silent, he felt wary.

Wasnt he in the middle of the enemys base?

Seo Geom fell for Seol Youngs words for a second, but he didnt know when the man would change his mind.

He might suddenly stab or kick me.

He thought that it was too quiet. Still, it was clear that Seo Geom wanted to know the truth, so he wouldnt kill Seol Young right away.

He got up with that thought and straightened his back.

Then let us start.

First, he gathered spiritual qi in his hand.

The blue light that gathered lit up the stone wall on the other side. Seo Geom saw it and asked,

It seems to be old. Can you use such a strong power? Isnt it different from normal bodies?

Seol Young looked back and said,

At that time, I looked into the memory of the time of death, but we will go further back this time.

Elder! Are you awake?

He looked around and shouted in surprise.

What is this?

Hae Cheon also approached them.

What is that?

He tried to peer over their shoulders, and Seol Young also looked as Hae Cheon-rang moved.

At that time,


There was a small spark, and the field of vision turned black.

And then the Memory Projection ended.


Seol Young opened his eyes, feeling odd, and Seo Geom stood there, looking confused.

You said..

It wasnt a failure.

Seol Young said.

It is not uncommon for the spell to be halted with force at times. Either it offended the spirit, or there was something at work that made the soul repulse it, or it was something we werent allowed to see.

So what did you see before it was stopped? What was it?

Something happened on their mission, on their way back. They passed by a village at the foothill

Seol Young briefly recounted what he had witnessed.

Seo Geom listened to him.

At that time, all six of them didnt return from the mission. No one knew what had happened until the moment of their deaths.

So it was his first time hearing about the village.

Such a thing happened?

Seo Geom was lost in thought.

Everybody died with terrified faces? Was there just one survivor? And what is strange about the old man? Why are you surprised?

There is no point thinking about it here. Let us try again.

Seol Young stood, facing the sword.

We need to uncover the truth behind Hae Cheon-rangs death. Please help us one more time.

He bowed again, and the Memory Projection resumed.

All sorts of chaotic scenes happened. But this time, it felt like he could uncover something.

Soon, his eyes brightened.

I am too weak

Came a voice.

The two Black Tortoise Hwarangs were laying the old man on the ground.

He is dead.

The old man seemed to have stopped breathing right away.

A Hwarang of the Vermillion Birds shouted in surprise at the shock, and his colleague asked,

Is it bothering you?

It seems strange. We cant be mistaken, though, right?

Something must have happened here. Let us talk about it after we report it.

Did you record it?

Yes. I tried to record it as accurately as I could. Would you like to see it?

The two looked at the paper and exchanged their opinions. One survivor was foundan old man.

That was what was written down.

I need to see it.

Seol Young gathered more spiritual qi into his fingertips and infused it through the sword.

The scene in front of him became clearer.

Seol Young concentrated on the paper.

What is that?

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