Published at 11th of April 2024 05:24:53 AM

Chapter 9: Evil Moon (9)

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Chapter 9: Evil Moon (9)

Well. Did I do something?

Seol Young didnt know either. He was cornered, and he tried the last thing he could do in order to live.

He couldnt figure out what the broken wooden tablet was. But he wasnt going to be questioned about it by the madman.

Why do I need to tell you that?

Seol Young asked calmly.

He took a good look around. It was the only weakness.

When this unknown thing hit him, the man who felt unstoppable no matter how hard he fought was hit back and staggered.

At that moment, some serious reactions occurred in his body.

Too bad

If it had been a more proper attack, he could have used another spell and knocked the guy down, but that didnt happen.

Seol Young didnt miss the quick hand movements that the man used.

It was as if he couldnt control the evil energy, so he did something.

The moment his hand moved, objects that seemed like an assassins needles and daggers moved. And a very thin golden light came up through the black haze and suppressed it.

That light?

Seol Youngs eyes widened.

It surely had to be a Taoist object. Taoist objects were utilized by Taoist practitioners, and they held a unique qi in them.

The fact that spiritual energy was contained within this golden light was

a very important thing to remember.

Now I know what you are.

Seol Youngs expression turned cold.

A person who practices the righteous path yet has fallen into the demonic path! Such a shame for a Hwarang, right? Do the Golden Ring Troops know about this?


At those words, the mans expression darkened.

Golden Ring Troops? Who would want to do anything with them?

then he wasnt?

Seol Young was puzzled.

The cultivation mentioned was known to be yellow, and as the training reached the highest stage, it would turn golden.

This was a fact everyone knew, which was why Seol Young was confident.

But he wasnt?

There was nothing that a person who had fallen down the wrong path would not lie about.

But the man didnt deny that. He was just offended that Seol Young got it wrong. Did he have to react as such?

Did this golden light really have nothing to do with what he was thinking?

Seol Young was confused for a moment.

Answer me. What did you do? I clearly asked.

The noble madman asked again.

There was no trace of carelessness underneath his arrogant demeanor.

He seemed to think that Seol Young would once again summon it. He didnt know that there was only one piece of wood.

This is a gamble.

Seol Young decided to take the risk.

The position where the Sun, Moon, and Stars meet across the sky in

He pretended to recite an incantation as he randomly moved his hand. A thick wind rose, with dark smoke covering his vision.

He tried to run but

As soon as he turned around, he was grabbed. In the blink of an eye, the Blue Rainbow Sword slipped out.

What is all this now? I really cannot let my guard down near you!

The madman spoke as if this were absurd.

Seeing the Blue Rainbow in his hand, Seol Young felt his blood go cold.

Was he stealing his sword?

This was a gift from his teacher and the most precious thing to him.

How dare he!

He tried to take it back, but he was pushed down. The man pressed down on Seol Youngs shoulder.

It seemed like a thousand pounds of iron were pressing down on him so hard that his knees wouldnt budge. As he struggled, the man warned.

Your shoulder bone will break.

He didnt say it was broken, but he did say that it would break, and that made Seol Young angry.

And the man continued.

I will ask you one last time. What was that?

I dont know either. I tried that for the first time, and I only had one of them.

Is that so?

He glanced at Seol Young.

Seeing how you tried to run, it cannot be a lie. You dont even know what it is then I dont have to worry about it.

And he smiled softly.

Any last words?


After a while, he stopped.

When he heard footsteps following behind him, he turned around only to see the man.

Why are you following me?


The man looked shocked.

I am going in this direction.

Was that so?

But it felt odd.

If he went right, the madman went right, and if he went left, the madman went left too.

And he wasnt following him?

Seol Young went on, and the man continued to follow him.

He moved into a busy street, and if he lost track of Seol Young, he inquired around and found him again.

The warrior in a white robe went there.

And when Seol Young entered an inn, he followed him there. He sat casually on a nearby table.

Seol Young ignored it as much as he could and ordered rice with bamboo shoots and paid for it.

Meanwhile, the madman said.

I will have the same as him.

He fumbled around to get some money and stopped. His face had gone pale.


The server asked as politely as he could, and noticing it, he asked.

Please, do you not have money? In our place, even if the truest nobles come, they have to pay before a meal. We thought you would pay for the food, so we gave you water and a towel. What should I do now? At least pay me for the towel.

Everyone stared at him.

Seol Young stood up while watching that and went close.

I will pay for the meal.


The man looked pleased.

It has been a while since I came out, so I must have forgotten to bring money with me. It is fortunate for me to meet such a good person here.

Seol Young glared at the man and told him to be silent as he sat across from him.

It would have been simpler if you had just killed me! Why keep me alive and stalk me all throughout my journey to harass me like this?

He didnt answer, and when Seol Young was about to get up, he smiled and said.

I will pay it back.


Seol Young put down the money bag and said.

You just disappear.

And he turned, a cold wind blowing in his face.

When Seol Young put up the most disgusting expression, not many would dare to talk or even bother getting close, but this man was different.

As soon as he left the inn, the man followed him again.

Seol Young was taken aback.

What could he do after finishing the mission? Well, he could hang out with this strong demon on his way back and take him to the city.

And that was when it struck him.

Middle Rock Hermitage.

He made a promise when he left for the mission that on the way back, he would bring it.

Things were going well.

In the mountains, there were sacred places for Buddhists.

Furthermore, there were monks with incredible strength and power present, and the number of monks was huge, implying that nothing evil could enter.

A person full of demonic qi could never enter.

No matter how strong he is, he cannot follow me there.

Seol Young thought.

It could work.

The madman followed him closely until he reached the mountain, but his pace decreased as he climbed it.

It was a place filled with clean energy along the steep mountain slope and smiling Buddha statues everywhere.

The qi would collide with his and make him suffer.

Seol Young was deliberately walking closer to the places full of pure qi.

And as expected, things turned quiet, and as he turned back, he couldnt find the man. Suddenly, he didnt exist anymore.

As I thought.

For the first time, he felt relieved since completing the mission.

Seol Young ran as if he were flying toward the Middle Rock Hermitage.


An unexpected sight awaited him.

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