SURPASSAR - Chapter 24

Published at 19th of January 2019 09:43:41 PM

Chapter 24

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Neary after several hundred years, Riza was feeling alarmed. The concealed trap before her... gave her a big fright.

She was frightened. But it wasn't for her life. It was for her two dear disciples' lives.

And this fear made her realise, that her senses were getting weak because of her ill-health.

If she were in good health, then she would have noticed this hidden trap miles away from her. Thus she was made to remember the thing which she neglected. Which was her remaining time... she was going to die soon.

Riza, Molly and Rose exited the carriage. After that, Riza uncoupled Rico with the carriage and asked it to protect Rose and Molly.

Rose and Molly weren't surprised at all; they already knew how strong this red bird was. Thou this red-bird Rico wasn't as strong as their master, but it wasn't weaker either. Even their master had to go all out to defeat Rico.

Looking in the direction of trees and bushes, which were on both sides of the road. Riza plainly said: "why don't you come out?" however a little bit anger could be heard in her tone.


While Laughingly loudly, a black-clothed old man came out from behind the tree. Except at his, vicious looking face, Like a ninja, this old man was covered wholly.

On Seeing this old man, Riza's alertness maxed. Because she knew this old man was the famous poison-alchemist Rugong. And this person was as strong as her. But remembering she has Rico with her; Riza calmed a little.

Reverting her gaze back to bushes again, she said: "hiding from me isn't useful. Why don't you people come out?"

Rugong was surprised, He didn't think this woman Riza already noticed every one hiding in the bushes. He looked at his back and laughed: "hehehehehehe...its no use, she already noticed us all. come out."

Six people came out from the bushes. and among these six people, Riza knew three. Who were the sect master Sen and two supreme elders, Aaron and Shakti. And looking at these three familiar faces, Riza understood the reason behind this sudden ambush.

This trio, Sen, Aaron and shakti suffered great humiliation in Riza's hand. And Sen was the one who suffered the most; he was beaten black and blue in front of his people! And he was beaten by a measly elder of his own sect! This was the biggest shame he suffered in his life!

Unable to swallow the shame Sen contacted Rugong and planned the ambush. He wanted to kill Riza and wash his shame with her blood! And although the ambush failed, Sen felt only little pity and nothing else, as he has confidence in Rugong's strength.

"and here I thought it was strange as you didn't create any obstacles for me when I left the sect. How could the great Sect master Sen tolerate the outrageous things, a small elder like me did to him? and to take revenge, you didn't even hesitate to use three precious healing pills." Riza emotionlessly said.

But to Sen, Riza's words were a satire. And it was also as she said, he really did use three precious healing pills. He used one on him and the other two on Aaron and Shakti. Or else the severe injuries they suffered wouldn't heal this shortly.

Sen was angered by Riza's word: "hmpf! you could still keep your calm ha? however remember this, today will be the day you die!"

And the three other people besides Sen, who dressed black like ninjas were Rugong's disciples.

Then soon every one circularly surrounded Riza's group. Then Rugong opened his mouth: "you were lucky not falling in the hidden trap laid by this Poison-alchemist. But now you lucked out... Hehehehehe"

Riza felt the smiling face of Rugong was quite annoying. His face was really ticking her off, so she arrogantly said: "Oh you say I am out lucked now? But if it's just you guys.... then it's not me who lucked out, it's you guys who have bad-luck now."

As soon as Riza finished what she wanted to say, she dashed towards Rugong. She wants to take out Rugong first because Riza knew how dangerous this guy was. And removing him would be a massive blow to Rugong's group both in strength and moral.

The sudden attack from Riza sure surprised Rugong. He thought, {did this woman doesn't care about the two girls? But Sen said she loved them? Then why is she recklessly leaving them vulnerable?!}

It wasn't that Riza was reckless; nonetheless, she was confident in Rico. And Rugong's group didn't know how powerful this carriage-pulling Redbird was.

As Riza reached near Rugong, her speed tripled! With her full strength, she landed a punch on Rugong's left chest.

This punch wasn't a normal one; it was glowing in a golden colour which was Riza's skill.



Rugong felt intense pain! The punch was abnormally powerful, It broke Rugong several ribs!

Rugong wanted to curse Sen... He really wasn't expecting Riza to be this strong. Because from the Information Sen provided to him, he deduced Riza must be a late stage emperor cultivator. However, from the punch, it was apparent that she was a peak stage emperor cultivator!

Due to the powerful punch, Rugong was thrust back, and Riza pursued him... She didn't want to give Rugong a chance to stabilise himself.

Seeing Riza following him, Rugong sprayed green coloured poisonous mist from his mouth. Spraying this Mist, Rugong felt strenuous, as he was feeling an enormous pain in his left chest.

Seeing the green-mist coming at her, Riza had to give up her pursue and dodge sidewards.

Rugong got a chance, he stabilised himself. He unsheathed his poisonous dagger and attacked Riza.

Riza also drew her slender sword, and she parried Rugong's attack.


Clashing of the blades made a loud sound, and just from the loud noise, one could understand how significant amount of strength both Riza and Rugong put.

Defensive wasn't Riza's style, so she became offensive and attacked Rugong,

Clank! *Spark*

Clank! *Spark*

Clank! *Spark*

CLANK! *Spark*

CLANK! *Spark*

CLANK! *Spark*

Initially, Riza's slashes were simple, with only contained brute force. But afterword... she started to use her skill. then her sword blade glowed in golden colour.

And with each clash even the sparks which flew turned yellow.

Parrying the strong slashes barely, Rugong cursed {Sen you M**** f*****! You pushed this father to a pit hole! I wouldn't have taken the deal, if I knew this Woman was this crazy strong!}

When Rugong was stabilising himself for footing, His group who were circling came to their senses and initiated an attack on Molly, Rose and Rico.

Actually, they didn't want to attack Molly and Rose, but they wanted to seize them and threaten Riza. Who told Riza to leave the girls alone foolishly?

The first ones to reach were Aaron and Shakti... Next, to Riza and Rugong these two were the strongest.

Seeing Aaron and shakti reach them, the girls were surprised but were not afraid.

Following Aaron and Shakti, Sen and Rugong's three disciples also reached here. Aaron and shakti extended their hands to seize the girls, and just as they were about to, they heard a voice "Koo", and then they felt a strong force at their stomach



Both of them were kicked very hard, and because of the force in the kick, they were thrown back into the bushes!

Now did the Sen and Rugong 's three disciples noticed Rico, whom they ignored from the start. However, before they could respond.... like a Predator, Rico stared at them, then it said "Koo"

and when the voice ended, a red colour fire spurt out of Rico's mouth!

Rico and Rugong's disciple had the same thought {sh**! we are dead!}

The fire engulfed them. And when the fire stooped it could be seen, they were charred.

Then the four charred guys fell down. For some reason, Rico showed mercy by not take their lives.

Rugon still was hardly parrying Riza's slashes, and during this time he thought {what the heck are the other guys doing!? How much time did they need to seize two little girls!?} then he looked in Sen's direction, and only several words came out of his mouth: "m***** ****** ****!!?"

Rugong's startled mood gave Riza a chance. She cut Rugong's right arm


Rugong's arm fell, he shouted in pain and blood gushed out. Tightly holding at his right shoulder with his left hand, Rugong leapt back, and he shrieked: "all of you come out and kill her!"

As soon as Rugong shouted, nearly fifty people who looked exactly similar as Rugong, emerged from his shadow!

This was a forbidden skill which Rugong used, and this was the last resort he wanted to use. Because although this skill was mighty, even so, activating this skill cause him one-tenth of his present lifespan!

The fifty shadows; the fifty Rugongs attacked Riza with bare hands. And astonishingly all the fifty shadows strength were equal to Rugogn's 80% strength! This was the main advantage of this skill, and the other advantage was, this skill could be maintained for half an hour!

These fifty shadow's strong punches landed on Riza's body. Thus violently knocked-back her.

Riza crashed very far back, and she rolled.

Making herself stabilised she coughed blood when she stood up! Not only these fifty punches were strong but also were poisonous!

Generally, a forbidden skill would require some time and have some manifestations to activating it. But this forbidden skill Rugong used didn't require time or some manifestations! If it were for not this, Riza wouldn't have suffered a loss.

""Master!"" "Koo!" seeing Riza cough blood, Rose, Molly and Rico worriedly shouted and ran toward Riza.

The poison already started to act. Riza was feeling weak and drowsy. The punches from the fifty shadows were similar to snake bites, and Riza was hit fifty times, which means she was poisoned fifty times!

And now even just maintaining conscious was were hard for Riza!

The 50 Rugongs didn't give Riza time, they again attacked. Now Riza was pregnable... and she knew she was going to die. In her final movements... she looked at Rico and weakly said: "Rico take them away...Please!"

""MOTHER!"" "KOO!" Rose, Molly and Rico apprehensively shouted, and tears were already filled in their eyes.

The fifty Rugongs already reached near Riza, and just as they were going to launch a strike, a giant blackish-flame wall appeared between Riza and the fifty shadows.

Just as this fire-wall appeared, all the forty Rugongs backed off, and the other ten Rugongs who were nearest to Riza crashed into this firewall due to the momentum. And then ten Rugongs were burned within flashes, and even the ashes of them didn't remain!

When the fire-wall lit-out, Ben could be seen supporting Riza. Ben already knew Riza thrashed the spear sect master within the sect, and just as he got this news, he rapidly left Hellsing family to contact with Riza. And luckily, he caught up here or else...

The fire that Ben used was called hellish-flame, and this flame was a bloodline flame. Only people having Hellsing family's bloodline could create this flame.

Rose, Molly and Rico reached Riza, with tears and anxiousness they said: ""Mother are you all right?"" "Koo?"

Though Riza was just their Master, yet in Molly's and Rose's heart, she was also a mother. And seeing Riza in this condition, they couldn't help but unconsciously call her mother.

Ben consoled them: "she will be all right!"

Ben then sharply looked at the Poison-alchemist and said: "even the forbidden skill you have is poisonous. Your title poison-alchemist is really not for just show...Care to make a deal?"

Rugong already stopped the blood outflow from his right shoulder. But he still was in injured state and was unable to fight a new emperor level cultivator. So, When Ben entered the scene, the remaining forty shadows/Rugongs already came near him and guarded him.

As now that the ambushing plan failed, he wanted to flee from here. However, before he flees he also wanted to make sure Ben doesn't follow him.

And when Ben said about making a deal, he saw a safe-path for his escape. Maintaining composure on his face, Rugong asked: "what you mean?"

Riza's condition was worsening, so ben didn't want to haggle with Rugong: " give me the antidote, and I promise, on the name of Hellsing family I wouldn't pursue this matter."

Hearing Ben's words, Rugong's heart was just like a convict who was pardoned for his crimes.

However, Rugong didn't show any change in his expressions; he wanted to trick Ben, but thinking about Hellsing family's influence he gave up this notion and put the antidote on the ground and left.

Rico rapidly brought this antidote and gave it to ben. Ben made Riza drink the antidote. Then Riza's face turned rosy.

Seeing Riza's condition getting better everyone sighed in relief.

Then Ben took the group to Hellsing family.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!