Survivorship Bias - Chapter 84

Published at 13th of June 2024 05:52:56 AM

Chapter 84

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Chapter 84: “Will I die in two hours?”

In the moments immediately following the incident, An Wujiu was almost devoid of sensation.

It wasn’t until he heard the sound of dripping water and saw the blood pooling on the floor that extreme pain spread throughout his body, like a piercing scream that was initially expected to be brief but had actually extended to the present moment.

The value of the chips above his head changed from 12,000 to 10,000.

Just as An Wujiu lost a part of his body, celebratory music began playing in the hall. On the big screen, the rankings of several members of Zhou Yijue’s team had significantly improved, suddenly gaining an additional ten thousand, with Zhou Yijue himself winning two thousand chips.

Thus, the Purple Team surpassed the Red Team, becoming the new team leader.

“Wujiu-ge! Wujiu-ge…”

With his head buzzing, An Wujiu could hear Wu You and the other’s voices, but they sounded as if they were behind a layer of frosted glass, indistinct and blurred.

He grasped his bleeding shoulder, and the pain intensified with his exertion.

Seeing this, Toudou Sakura also became flustered. However, suddenly, she noticed something strange.

The exposed bones of An Wujiu’s shoulder did not look like human bones.

Due to the system’s direct retrieval of the chip holder’s body, the cut was clean and smooth, not even the fastest knife could produce such an effect.

A small section of the exposed flesh was silver-gray, gleaming with a metallic sheen.

Wu You reacted quickly, spending a large sum of money to purchase a medical kit. He first handed An Wujiu some painkillers, hastily making him swallow them, then sprinkled some medicine powder on An Wujiu’s wound.

The wound was too large, and Wu You’s hands inexplicably trembled, causing him to spill a lot of powder, sweat dripping down his forehead.

Seeing this, Nan Shan wanted to help him, but unexpectedly, Shen Ti returned.

Nan Shan had never seen Shen Ti like this before.

All along, even in the most dangerous moments, this person, who liked to joke around, always seemed relaxed as if he had no weaknesses at all, now showed a frightened expression.

“I’ll take over.”

He pressed down on An Wujiu’s injured shoulder with one hand, and with the other hand, he took the medical kit from Wu You’s hands, found the tourniquet, and wrapped it around An Wujiu’s neck, attempting to stop the bleeding from the severed limb.

An Wujiu felt a bit weak. The rapid loss of blood and the pain from his severed arm made it almost impossible for him to focus. He glanced at Shen Ti, seeing his furrowed brow and trembling hands as he bandaged him.

This was the first time he had seen Shen Ti so nervous.

Suddenly, An Wujiu felt a pang of pain in his heart, more overwhelming than losing an arm.

He didn’t want Shen Ti to worry, fearing his concern.

“I’m fine…” He lifted his blood-stained hand and touched Shen Ti’s wrist, the blood leaving marks on his skin and glove. “It’s okay.”

“How can it be okay?”

Shen Ti’s emotions were somewhat out of control, and he immediately regretted his outburst. “It’s really dangerous, An Wujiu. I told you not to be used as a chip.”

When An Wujiu made this decision, he anticipated that something like this might happen, so it didn’t come as a surprise.

He tried to grip Shen Ti’s wrist tightly, letting him know that he really was okay, that he wasn’t scared.

“Let me, let me!”

Zhong Yirou came over from a nearby table, quickly applying a tourniquet with skilled hands. “We must stop the bleeding quickly now, otherwise it could lead to shock due to excessive blood loss.”

“How did you come over?” Wu You asked.

“I overheard people talking, saying someone from the Red Team, which has been injury-free until now, got hurt.” Watching the blood gushing from the severed limb, Zhong Yirou’s heart pounded like a drum, afraid that the bleeding wouldn’t stop. “I didn’t expect to find Wujiu when I got here.”

“Who lost?” Toudou Sakura asked the key question. “How many people are gambling now?”

Shen Ti turned his head and saw that Noah was still at the table, her last game not yet finished. It couldn’t be her.

“Erci is also there, but she didn’t lose. I was right next to her, and her game hasn’t ended yet.”

Toudou Sakura understood, “Then it’s only one person left.”

Nan Shan suggested a possibility, “Could it have been an accidental loss?”

“Not very likely.”

Such a denial and speculation would come from anyone else in the past, but not from An Wujiu.

However, at this moment, An Wujiu’s face was pale but determined.

“It wasn’t an accident.”

“He’s a timid person. If he really didn’t have confidence in a gamble, he wouldn’t bet 2000 chips in one go. This number is more than twice his own chip value…”

Coincidentally, at this moment, Shen Ti, who had been searching among the crowd, saw Chen Yu’s figure. Like a fish breaking away from the school, he traversed against the crowd and hurried toward another exit of the hall.

His demeanor was definitely off.

He turned back to An Wujiu, almost commanding him, “Disable your chip authorization.”

After saying that, he vanished.

An Wujiu’s vision began to blur, the side effects of blood loss manifesting one by one, making him almost unable to stand, so he could only sit down on the spot.

“This method of stopping bleeding is too slow. We need to try to establish intravenous access.” Zhong Yirou tried to purchase tools for blood transfusion from the game store, but ultimately couldn’t find any.

“It’s okay,” An Wujiu said, “I’m not in so much pain now… My stamina and recovery are not quite the same as ordinary people’s. I should be able to recover after a rest.”

Zhong Yirou thought of his previous wrist injury. Indeed, An Wujiu’s pain tolerance and recovery ability were much faster than those of ordinary people.

Wu You found it hard to accept, “But this time it’s your entire arm. The wrist injury can’t compare to this!”

Nan Shan looked uncomfortable, but he was powerless. He turned to look for Shen Ti, but found he was gone.

The blood quickly soaked through the gauze and tourniquet, with no sign of stopping.

“As long as I can hold on until the end,” An Wujiu said expressionlessly, “it doesn’t matter.”

He looked up at the countdown timer still floating in the air, with two hours and twenty-three seconds left.

An Wujiu looked at Zhong Yirou. “Will I die within two hours?”

Zhong Yirou knew he couldn’t give up like this. “I can only do my best. We’ll have to see how you are after the bleeding stops. An Wujiu, severe bleeding can really be fatal.”

An Wujiu knew that, of course.

He had a strange sense of familiarity, as if he had experienced this countless times before.

“It’s okay, even if I die…”

He stared at the big screen, lips pale. “As long as we get first place, I can revive.”

Chen Yu walked alone, feeling anxious and uneasy. The moment he lost the gamble, he saw An Wujiu’s arm disappear into thin air from a distance, blood almost gushing out. That scene would haunt him for the rest of his life.

He descended down the dim corridor, the words of the person from the purple team echoing in his mind.

[Even if your entire team wins and goes out together, can you get the most points? You must be in dire need of money to risk your life here, right?]

[Think about our proposal. You just need to lose once, use An Wujiu as a chip. You don’t have to kill him, just mutilate him enough so he can’t participate in the next gamble. You wager how many chips, and we’ll give you half of it as your reward for cooperation.]

[Think about it carefully. Is he really as kind and gentle as he appears? If you don’t believe it, just watch what happens next. After he returns from the underground exchange area, he will decide whether he will share the chips he won with you. If not, it proves he’s a hypocrite! He could give you some, even if he knew you couldn’t. After all, with more chips, even if you really lose part of your body, it won’t be so easy to die. But with the few chips you have now, you’ll be dead with just one gamble!]

[Watch, he won’t give you any. We’ve tried it before. Chips can be transferred to others using points. Even if An Wujiu knows about this, he won’t tell you. Just try it at the gambling table. When he comes back, see if the chip value above your head changes.]

[You only have 900. Do you know what 900 means? If we wanted to harm you, we could just find someone to use you as a chip, deliberately lose to us, and you’d be dead.]

[Give it a try, wager 2000. At most, just disable one of his arms. It won’t kill him, and you won’t lose much. After it’s done, come directly to the first-floor exchange area, and we’ll give you a thousand on the spot.]

These words kept overlapping, getting faster and more chaotic, like his footsteps. Chen Yu kept looking back, afraid that An Wujiu or other members of his team would appear behind him.

He knew that once he went down this path, there was no turning back.

But for the sake of his child, he had to do this!

Suddenly, he felt something under his foot, slipping and falling directly onto a body. Chen Yu hurriedly got up, his body covered in the blood of the corpse.

This corpse, like An Wujiu, had lost its arm—both arms, resembling a broken and damaged mannequin, with a pair of vacant eyes staring ahead.

Chen Yu’s legs almost gave out. He grabbed the staircase railing for support and continued limping downstairs, finally leaving the dim staircase behind. Without looking back, he headed straight for the exchange area, the door moving as if it were about to open.

But the next moment, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck and instantly lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, Chen Yu’s head felt heavy, and it was difficult for him to open his eyes. He vaguely sensed a shadow in front of him, tall and dark, resembling a ghost. His vision gradually cleared, and he finally saw.

Standing in front of him was Shen Ti.

Shen Ti’s lips curled into a smile, holding a gun in his hand.

“Why do you look at me as if you’ve seen a ghost?” His finger hooked inside the trigger guard, rotating the gun in his hand circle by circle. It seemed casual, but Chen Yu knew deep down that this man had a significant connection with An Wujiu.

“You…” Chen Yu tried to change the subject, “Why did you tie me up? I… I was cheated by someone just now. I was tricked! Really, I didn’t expect to lose. I really didn’t!”

Shen Ti sneered, “Did I ask you? Are you not going to confess?”

He took a step closer, his hand grasping the rotating gun. The muzzle directly pressed against Chen Yu’s chest. “You’d better tell me the truth. My hand isn’t steady at all. My fingers are trembling. I might hear something I don’t want to hear. One wrong move, and this trigger will be pulled.”

Chen Yu’s legs went weak. He pleaded for mercy, but still didn’t admit, “I… I really don’t know. I don’t know what you want me to say. I really didn’t mean to…”

“Is that so?” Shen Ti raised an eyebrow and moved the gun away.

Just when Chen Yu thought he could breathe a sigh of relief, a gunshot rang out, and the bullet pierced through his knee!

Amidst the screams, Shen Ti smiled gracefully, “See, I told you.”

His voice was light and low, “My hand is very unsteady.”

As he raised his hand and aimed, Chen Yu begged in pain, “I’ll talk… I’ll talk, I… I deliberately used him as a chip, deliberately lost…”

Shen Ti’s smile faded from his face. “Was it Zhou Yijue?”

Chen Yu didn’t expect Shen Ti to figure it out so quickly, so he had to admit, “Yes… it was him. He sent someone to find me…”

He spilled everything to Shen Ti, including the chip reward mentioned by the blond man from the purple team.

“Oh?” Shen Ti’s smile turned into something more sinister, making Chen Yu even more terrified. “You spent so much effort to betray your teammate just to earn that reward. It wouldn’t do not to get it, would it?”

He raised his foot and kicked Chen Yu’s intact knee. “It’s a good thing I only shot one leg. You can still limp your way over there.”

Shen Ti untied the ropes around him and pulled him over from the pillar. “Now, you’re going to the exchange area with me to get back the chips they promised you.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll accompany you.”

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