Sweeter than Fiction - Chapter 1

Published at 6th of January 2019 07:11:22 AM

Chapter 1

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3:01 am. The girl on the bed is drenched in sweat. She keeps tossing and turning while her hands clenched the mattress hard. "No, don't." You can hear her plead, almost a whisper. "Don't!" This time she screamed.

A tear rolled on her left eye. She opened her eyes slowly. She sat up, her breathing is uneven. She looked at the dark surrounding. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness and then she noticed the familiarity of the room. She heaved a sigh of relief as she saw that she was in her bedroom.

She removed the covers and walk straight to the bathroom. She opened the lights, go to the sink, and splashed her face with cold water - drenching her tear-stained face. She looked at her drenched face in the mirror.

She the saw the girl in the mirror and thought about the girl in her dream. It was her, though more mature than the girl in her dream. But they have the same hair, though hers is much longer, their lips, nose, and eyes that are black as the night.

But she noticed that the girl in her dream have this sweet and innocent smile and her eyes look happy and it has this naivety in it, while the girl in the mirror looked cold and empty. She sighed long and hard.

That dream again, she thought to herself. Liu Yang never thought she'd have the same dream over and over again for the past eighteen years. A dream in the past that she wished to remain to be a dream but turns to be real. A dark memory that she's trying to forget.

A monster inside her head that haunts her every time she closed her eyes. A secret that can't be known to anyone. It was like Pandora's Box, that whenever someone happens to discover and open that box, it can cause havoc to the world.

"Why does it have to be that dream again," Liu Yang muttered to herself in front of the mirror. She stalks out of the bathroom, get a towel from the closet and wiped her wet face. She dump the towel on her bedside and go out to the balcony of her apartment. In the dead of night, she looked up to the stars.

How she really wished it was all but a dream. She closed her eyes, and held her gaze into the dark horizon.

The city really never sleeps. She watched the dancing lights from afar, trying to calm her emotions. The breeze of dawn crippled under her skin which made her shiver. She had urge to smoke. But she remembered that she does not smoke. Or should she say, she try not. She did try it once, but for the sake of her parents and her health, she didn't dare continue.

She leaned against the cold railings ignoring how they bite her skin. Her mind lingered back to the nightmare she just had.

Her heart still ache whenever she remember that day eighteen years ago. It was like a heavy baggage that she can't get rid of.

Liu Yang felt like on the verge of crying. She sucked air violently through her nose that it hurt due to the cold air. She tried to calm down but she cannot. She can feel her eyes sting. She can't just erase that memory from her head that easily.

That day marked the beginning of her heartache.

She remembered it well.

Every detail of it.

And she remembered the one who caused it…

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