Sweeter than Fiction - Chapter 2

Published at 6th of January 2019 07:11:14 AM

Chapter 2

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Eighteen years ago…

The 7-year old girl is happily swaying in front of the mirror. Her ponytailed-hair is happily swaying with her head. Her yellow dress looked elegant on her fair skin. Even though she's just a little girl, you can see beauty within her. She also looked cute and naive.

"Liu Yang, are you in your room? Come down for a moment," her mother yelled from downstairs.

"Coming, Ma!"

Liu Yang run downstairs as quickly as she can. "Yangyang! Be careful," her mom yelped. "Sorry, Ma," she said with a grin on her face. She really looked cute that her Mom don't have the heart to scold her because of her cuteness. Her mother smiled back at her. Her father who is standing at the side can't help but to smile at them.

"Why did you call me, Ma?" she inquired.

"Me and your Dad are going to our conference now, and you're sister is already in school. We'll be leaving you with Nanny Zhang here. She brought your Wei Ge with her so that you'll not be alone. Behave yourself, okay?"

Liu Yang gave her mother consecutive nods while grinning from ear to ear. "Okay" she finally said. She gave her mother and father a hug before sending them away.

She send her mother and father to the gate of their house. She wait for them to get on the taxi and waved them goodbye.

After that, she closed their gate, ran off to their living room and saw her Brother Zhang Wei sitting quietly on the sofa. She looked at her Brother Zhang Wei and said, "Wei Ge, let's play!" The boy blinked and nod.

"Weiwei, take care of Yangyang for me. I'll be hanging the clothes back door, okay? Careful not to stir any trouble." Said Nanny Zhang to her son. "Of course, Ma." Says the boy earnestly.

"Call me if you need anything." She yelled from downstairs but did not get a reply because the two already ran upstairs.

Liu Yang's parents are both teachers. Her sister is already in her junior year and she is only at 1st grade. She has two older brothers which are both college students and are in another city for their studies. Their family live a simple life in the city of Xinjiang. Since her parents can't bring her to their conference, they asked Nanny Zhang to take care of her for awhile.

Zhang Rou is their helper since she was a baby. She did their household chores, from cleaning the house and doing their laundry, everyday, except Saturdays and Sundays, starting from six o'clock in the morning till six o'clock in the evening.

She had one child, and that is Zhang Wei. He is the same age as Liu Yang's sister, Liu Yan, but he had to go back a year from school due to financial problems. So he is only at 6th grade.

He goes to the same school with Liu Yang and her sister. But since Liu Yang's mother is her teacher, she does not have a class that day.

The two of them go to Liu Yang's room since all the toys are in her room.

Once they entered her room, Zhang Wei closed the door and locked it.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!