System's POV - Chapter 105

Published at 5th of June 2024 05:55:49 AM

Chapter 105: A Second-Rate Villain

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Chapter 105 A Second-Rate Villain

The Duel Arena was as rowdy as usual.

But this time, Thirteen wasn't the one who was going to fight. Instead, he was one of the spectators that were about to watch the battle.

As a safety precaution, Raldo had given Thirteen a black robe with a hood to wear, as well as a mask to keep his face hidden.

Although it would be easy for the other Barbarians to recognize him because Jubei, Cristopher, and Rianna were with him, they wouldn't take the initiative to cause trouble as long as they couldn't see his face.

The Duel Arena was under the City Lord's authority, so anyone who caused trouble would not only be kicked out of the arena, but the city as well.

Even though they still carried a grudge against Thirteen, they would not cause trouble in fear of being blacklisted in the city, or worse thrown to prison.

A few minutes later, Percival, aka Taiga, showed up in the arena. The Barbarians cheered because they liked to see the Tigerkins fight in battle.

For a brief moment, Percival's and Thirteen's gazes met.

The Tigerkin had a calm expression on his face, but deep inside he was laughing because he saw that the brat had placed a bet on him for 1,000 Silver Coins.

'Prepare to lose your money, fool,' Percival sneered in his heart. 'I'll suck you dry until you become bankrupt!'

A moment later, the Tigerkin's opponent appeared in the arena.

Percival's expression became serious when he sensed that the Ogre was a rank stronger than him.

The Tigerkin was still young, and was similar to Cristopher's age. He was a Rank 1 Tigerkin, and his opponent was a Rank 2 Ogre.

Neither of them were wielding any weapons, but in a contest of strength, the Ogre would beat him hands down.

But, Percival had something that the Ogre didn't and that was speed.

All Tigerkins were blessed with speed, dexterity, and strength, so he was confident that he could outrun and outmaneuver his foe.

"Killing is not allowed," the Referee shouted. "Everything else is allowed. If you fall from the arena, lose consciousness, or surrender, you lose.

"If you purposely kill your opponent, you will also be executed. If you kill them by accident, the jury will decide your fate. Now fight!"

As soon as the signal was given, the Ogre roared and charged at the Tigerkin with its fists raised high.

Percival knew that if he took that blow head-on, even if he didn't die, he would get seriously injured or, worse, end up crippled.

Because of this, he had no choice but to evade, and look for a better opportunity to execute his plan.

The Tigerkin also charged at the Ogre, instead of evading.

When the two were only a few meters apart, Percival lowered his body and slid between the Ogre's feet, catching it by surprise.

The Tigerkin then hurriedly stood up before unleashing a kick on the Ogre's balls, making it grunt in pain.

However, as a creature that specialized in strength, and with skin that was as hard as a rock, Percival's attack wasn't enough to cripple it completely.

Raldo then handed him one red coin, which made Percival's eyes widen in shock.

A red coin was worth 50,000 Silver Coins, which meant that instead of losing money, his Master gained more money due to his defeat!

"Hehehe, silly Taiga," Thirteen said as he removed the mask on his face.

He gave the dumbfounded Tigerkin a look of ridicule as he flipped the red coin in his hand.

"Thank you for making me money," Thirteen said in a teasing tone. "Good job, Little Doggy."

"Y-You!" Percival almost lunged at Thirteen in anger because he didn't know that the boy had not only betted on him, but had placed a bet on his opponent as well.

And seeing how much he won, he was confident that he placed an even bigger bet on his enemy winning.

Percival was right.

Thirteen had bet a thousand Silver Coins for his win.

However, this was just a trick to make Percival think that the boy was spending a lot of money on him.

The TIgerkin didn't know that, after he was taken to the arena, Thirteen had placed a 10,000 Silver Coin bet on his opponent.

"Hahaha!" Thirteen laughed like a Second-Rate Villain, which grated on Percival's ears.

Cristopher and Rianna thought that the boy was just laughing in order to taunt his slave. However, they weren't aware that Thirteen was laughing from the heart.

If there was a Ranking for the people that Thirteen hated, the one who would be sitting at the very top would not be his Father, the System God.


The one he hated the most was Fate.

The second one was Heroes.

His Old Man only took third place in his heart.

And now, seeing one of the people he hated looking at him with bitterness and anger tickled Thirteen's heart, who had been suffering for thousands of years.

"Since you weren't injured during your battle, you are going to fight again," Thirteen said after he finished laughing. "Well then, little Taiga. Earn me more money, okay? I am looking forward to your performance."

Raldo, who was looking at this scene, felt his liver itch.

He had a feeling that within a week or two, the Duel Arena might suffer major losses at the hands of the seven-year-old boy, who was milking them dry of their money.


(A/N: Been traveling the whole day with two connecting flights. I'm just so dead. arrived at the hotel at 8:20pm I'm gonna go sleep, and wish I wake up tomorrow.

Regular updates for all novels will resume when I wake up.)

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