System's POV - Chapter 145

Published at 5th of June 2024 05:54:42 AM

Chapter 145: Adira’s Bad Premonition

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Chapter 145 Adira’s Bad Premonition

'It worked better than I thought,' Thirteen thought after hearing Vassago's report.

There was both good and bad news.

The good news was that there were now four Warsor Black Hounds heading in their direction.

The bad news was that the Black Hound's cries for help had also attracted three groups of Hyenas, each with three members.

Among those three groups of Hyenas, there was one group with a Rank 4 Monster, who seemed to be their leader.

Unlike Wolves who hunted in packs, Hyenas could hunt solo.

However, when targeting bigger games, they would form groups.

They were very social animals as well, and working together in groups was not a problem for them.

The Warsor Black Hounds were fast and agile, while the Golden-Eyed Hyenas were all-rounders.

While they were not as fast as the Black Hounds, their bite force was stronger than the regular Monsters that lived in the Warsor Plains.

Also, their bodies were surprisingly sturdy, allowing them to take hits from stronger Monsters.

Thirteen knew that fighting against nine Golden-Eyed Hyenas, led by a Rank 4 Monster, was not going to be an easy battle.

Giga Chad's Stink Spray might be potent, but some Jinns could ignore the stench, as well as the irritants it contained.

The Hyenas didn't mind eating rotting flesh, so something foul-smelling didn't deter them in the slightest.

"Listen, and listen well," Thirteen said when all the members of his Hunting Party had gathered.

Using a stick, he drew several circles on the ground, making sure to make the position as accurate as possible based on Vassago's report.

"Currently, there are four groups of Monsters heading in our direction," Thirteen stated as he pointed at the circles that he had created.

"Taiga, Jasmine, Ariel, P4, and P5, the five of you will use bows and focus your attention on the Warsor Black Hounds if they attack us before the Hyenas arrive," Thirteen ordered. "T6, T7, T8, T9, and T10, the five of you will focus on targeting the Hyenas with bows once they come within your strike range."

Thirteen then shifted his attention to Cristopher, who was looking at his Young Master with a solemn expression on his face.

"Cristopher, you will be using the mounted crossbow. Only fire when I tell you to do it."

"Yes, Young Master."

Since he had planned to let Cristopher take the last hit for the monsters, he had also taught him how to use the mounted crossbow.

Unlike bows and arrows that were hard for amateurs to use, the Mounted Crossbow was quite straightforward and more stable.

The chubby boy had an easier time learning how to use it compared to using the bow.

"Now move the wagons," Thirteen commanded. "We need to block the pathway before our guests arrive.

After giving his order, everyone went to perform the tasks that were assigned to them.

They had unloaded their weapons, and placed them in the center of their camp, allowing them easy access to their supplies.

Adira watched the hustle and bustle without saying anything. But, she couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling that she was having.

As a Champion who had fought many life-and-death battles, her sixth sense would usually warn her if something big was about to happen.

Although it was faint, her instincts were warning her that something dangerous was going to happen soon.

She was currently debating whether she should tell the seven-

year-old, who was the leader of the group, about her bad feelings.

However, thinking that Zion would just think that she was overthinking things, she decided to keep her silence and make her own preparations just in case her bad premonition became a reality.


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