System's POV - Chapter 187

Published at 5th of June 2024 05:53:11 AM

Chapter 187: The New King Of The Underworld

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Chapter 187 The New King Of The Underworld

The City Lord of Parania City, Paven, was livid after hearing the report of his subordinate.

Not only were their granary and underground food storage arsoned, but their barracks also caught fire.

For a brief moment, he even thought that his own residence might be set on fire next, but fortunately, his worst fears didn't happen.

The altar in the underground basement of his residence was very important because it allowed him to communicate with "that" person, who would soon make him the King of the Sumatran Kingdom.

He was fine with letting Brigham think that he was the one manipulating the scenes from behind and controlling the Radical Faction like a puppet master.

After all, the true person who had been playing everyone else along on the palm of his hand was none other than him, Paven.

He was the one chosen by that being to become the King of the Sumatran Kingdom, and later, the entire Valbarra Archipelago.

All he needed to give that person in return was his undying loyalty, which he didn't mind giving.

For this reason, he worked very hard and made use of all the connections he had to speed up the war preparations.

But just as everything was going smoothly, tragedy struck!

'Damn it!' Paven cursed internally when the blazing flames finally settled down, leaving only scorched land behind.

As the City Lord of the City, he did his best to keep up his dignified act on the surface, but his anger still got the best of him.

However, it didn't seem to affect how the people thought of him.

The reason?

They were just as angry as he was!

They were happily celebrating the Harvest Festival when the granary, which had stored their harvest, burst into flames.

Today was supposed to be a festival of bountiful harvest, yet after this incident, the thing they were celebrating for was burned, and people started to fear that they wouldn't have any food to put on the table for the next few days.

"Some of you stay here and ensure that the flames don't reignite," Paven commanded. "Sawyer, come!"

The Commander of the Guards, who was stationed in the city, appeared before the City Lord with a determined look on his face.

"Have you found any leads about who caused this incident?" Paven inquired.

"No, Sir," Sawyer replied. "We've interviewed a few people, but none of them had seen anything suspicious. The guards guarding the granary were knocked unconscious and dragged away, they didn't see who attacked them or why."

"Do you think the Barbarians are involved?" Paven asked.

Sawyer was about to shake his head but stopped himself midway.

"The possibility exists, Sir," Sawyer answered. "However, if they can infiltrate this deep into our Kingdom, then it means that we are in greater danger than we originally thought."

Since Paven couldn't do anything about his losses, he decided to use this tragedy in order to rally the Tigerkins and make a declaration that as long as the Barbarians were not subjugated, the Sumatran Kingdom would never be safe.

Two more arrows followed suit, completely stopping him from reaching the City Lord in time, forcing him to fight against the masked men, who had gotten close enough to attack him.

Thirteen, who was on top of the roof of the residence, fired one arrow after another, targeting the guards who had escorted Paven back to the residence.

All of his arrows had been laced with a concentrated syrup of the Sleepy Wolfsbane, making those who were hit by his arrows feel their bodies becoming heavy.

Finally understanding what was happening, Paven no longer hesitated and ran toward the wall of his residence, intending to climb over it.

Thirteen gave his target a sidelong glance, but he didn't bother to fire even a single arrow in his direction.

The seven-year-old continued to provide cover fire to support his people, who were quickly subjugating the guards still doing their best to resist.

Paven didn't even look back at his subordinates and ran as fast as he could.

He believed that as long as he could climb over the wall, he would be able to hide inside the forest until help arrived.

The City Lord was also a Champion, but he didn't specialize in combat.

He had used his wealth to attain the Rank he currently had, so he was only a Champion in Rank, but not in skill.

'Just a little more!' Paven thought as he prepared to jump over the wall in order to reach safety.

But just as he was about to jump over the wall, four robed individuals appeared before him, blocking his path.

"Why are you doing this?!" Paven roared as he tried to attack one of the robed assailants who tried to ambush him.

But since he wasn't a fighter, his attack was easily deflected.

Dixon, whom Paven was facing, didn't hesitate to punch the City Lord's stomach, making the latter curl up like a shrimp.

Not giving Paven any chances, Dixon gave a finishing chop on the back of the City Lord's head, knocking him unconscious.

"Secure him," Dixon ordered as he gazed in the direction where their reinforcements were fighting with the City Lord's personal guards. "I'll clean up the rest."

Without even waiting for an answer, Dixon joined the fight and helped neutralize the enemies, knocking all of them unconscious.

Even the Champion, who was meant to act as the City Lord's bodyguard, was unable to hold back the four individuals who had the same rank as him.

Because he was too busy fighting against them, Thirteen was able to hit his back with several arrows, greatly weakening his ability to fight.

Soon, the Guard Captain was finally knocked down and then dragged into the residence with the rest of his men.

"Bring him inside," Thirteen ordered as he looked at the City Lord, whom Armand was carrying over his shoulders like a sack of rice. "Norris, I'll leave the rest to you."

The black-robed man, who had stayed on the roof with Zion, chuckled as he looked at the unconscious old man, whose glasses had already fallen on the ground.

This was his first time turning a high-profile Tigerkin into a slave.

To be honest, he even pitied Paven, knowing that the moment the City Lord regained his senses, he would be serving a new Master, who would soon take over the Old Man's connections and become the new King of the Underworld in the Sumatran Kingdom.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!