System's POV - Chapter 203

Published at 5th of June 2024 05:52:54 AM

Chapter 203: We Just Arrived, And You’re Already Thinking About Eating?

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Chapter 203 We Just Arrived, And You're Already Thinking About Eating?

"So that's Drada City," Thirteen muttered as he looked at the City, which was slightly bigger than Gronar City, from the carriage window.

"Make sure to follow our lead, boy," Netero commented. "Don't forget that the two of you are my servants and that I'm only here for a sight-seeing trip. As long as we stick to our identities, I'm sure no one will find out who we are."

"Relax, Gramps," Thirteen replied casually. "Unlike you and Lord Arthas, I'm an expert in infiltration. I'm more worried about the two of you messing things up, you kno—arghh!"

The seven-year old placed both of his hands on his head because Netero smacked it with his walking stick.

It was impossible for him to block a Champion's strike with his current Rank, so the only thing he could do was grumble and curse the Old Man in front of him in his heart.

Tiona hissed angrily at Netero for hurting her Master.

If not for the fact that Netero could easily neutralize her whenever he wanted, she would have already lunged at him with her fangs, ready to kill.

"Then tell me, Mr. Expert, how do you propose we handle this mission?" Arthas asked with a smug smile on his face. "Personally, I think sneaking inside his residence is the fastest method.

"As long as Netero and I work together, we will be able to neutralize him right away. Isn't that right, Old Man?"

"If I were still young, perhaps," Netero replied. "But you shouldn't underestimate Gael Scar very much. He wouldn't have risen up the ranks to become a City Lord if he were mediocre."

Arthas reluctantly nodded his head, knowing that what the old man said was true. All the City Lords of the Barbarian Cities were capable individuals who were personally chosen by the Barbarian King.

This was why he couldn't understand why Gael decided to collaborate with a being who wished to conquer the entirety of the Valbarra Archipelago.

Thirteen, who had an idea of what Arthas was thinking, didn't say anything and remained silent.

He really didn't care about Gael's reason for collaborating with the Majin Prince. After all, if he was in his place, he might have done the same.

That was how powerful and terrifying these Princes' were.

They stood at the Apex of the Majins, and they were even stronger than Monarchs.

The only reason why they still hadn't conquered the entire world was thanks to the Seven Celestials and the Seven Fiends who ruled several Domains in Solterra.

The Majin Princes' might be strong, but the fourteen Deities were even stronger.

In fact, Arundel the Destroyer didn't dare conquer the Valbarra Archipelago in the past because it held a symbolic meaning to one of the Seven Fiends, who went by the name Forneus.

This fiend was a Sea Monster, whom the Seven Celestials and even its fellow Fiends didn't want to antagonize.

He was a hot-headed Deity who was easily triggered and wouldn't hesitate to fight against other Deities if they were to annoy him.

While he wasn't as murderous and unhinged as the Fiend of Lawlessness, Belial, Forneus was still at the top list of Deities who shouldn't be angered no matter what.

So, why was Arundel eyeing the Valbarra Archipelago?

The answer was simple.

The boy then started scribbling something on a blank scroll using a piece of charcoal from his Dimensional Storage.

Netero and Arthas wondered what Zion was doing.

But after the boy finished writing, he pushed the scroll toward the two Barbarians, allowing them to read the message he had written.

"I've heard that Drada City has many delicious dishes," Thirteen said with a smile. "Master, we should try some of these dishes while we're here."

Netero and Arthas glanced at the list of foods that the seven-

year-old wanted to eat.


You made a mistake in choosing this place as our temporary base, Old Man. This Inn is under the direct control of the City Lord. Anyone who books a room in it is placed under strict observation.

If you don't believe me, glance out of the window and check the inn right beside our room. You will see someone peeking from their window and paying close attention to us now.


Netero and Arthas, who was quick on the uptake, both chuckled and looked at the boy with smiles on their faces.

"Zion, you're such a glutton," Netero commented. "We just arrived, and you're already thinking about eating?"

"Very well. Let's see if there are any restaurants around here," Arthas walked toward the window and glanced at the street to check the surroundings.

Of course, he made sure to extend his senses on the window facing their room, and he realized that there was indeed a person behind the window, who was concealed by a curtain.

"You're in luck, Zion," Arthas said before looking at the boy. "I found one good restaurant. Do you want to check it out later?"

"Yes!" Thirteen nodded happily.

"Fine." Netero sighed. "Let's go eat first. Then we go sightseeing tomorrow."

The three then left the inn to eat at a nearby restaurant.

The two Barbarians didn't know how Zion knew that they were being spied upon.

But they silently sighed in relief. Thinking back, they didn't say any unnecessary words earlier that might have made them suspicious in the eyes of the watchers who were paying close attention to them.

When their meal ended, the three returned back to their rooms and made sure to close their windows.

For now, the three of them decided to rest and not do anything suspicious.

Anyway, they were a bit tired from their journey, so they spent the rest of the day sleeping.

The upside to this was, when they wake up the next day, they would have the energy to do some exploring.

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