System's POV - Chapter 229

Published at 5th of June 2024 05:52:24 AM

Chapter 229: Battle Of A Lifetime [Part 2]

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Chapter 229 Battle Of A Lifetime [Part 2]

Arundel, whose forces were at least five miles away from the main battlefield, frowned as he looked at the current state of things.

His army was well-hidden, so no one had discovered their presence.

But, the thing that baffled him was the unexpected mishaps that were preventing the two armies from engaging in a full-blown war, which would dye the ground red with the blood of their warriors.

He could understand what happened a day ago, when the two parties decided to retreat and rest for the time being.

But now, things were different.

Everyone was raring to go. He could smell it, he could see it, he could feel it. But, what was stopping them from fighting?!

He had heard the horns due to his exceptional hearing, but failed to understand why they blew them.

The two sides had still not clashed with each other, so sounding the retreat was a very strange move, no matter how he viewed it.

'I guess I'll just watch a little more,' Arundel thought as he signaled his army to prepare to advance. 'But, if they still don't fight each other within an hour, then it will be time for me to intervene.'


General Stark and Netero were doing their best to find the culprit who was sabotaging their war preparations.

But, no matter how they looked, and no matter how much they questioned the Horn Bearers, there were simply no leads for them to capture the one responsible for sounding the horns that signaled their armies to retreat.

Of course, they knew that this was part of Thirteen's elaborate plan, so they were riding on this reason to delay the war for as long as they could.

But, after half an hour, the soldiers had started to stir, with some of them growing very impatient.

In the end, the Kings of the Barbarians, Orcs, and Tigerkins, interfered with the chain of command.

They personally stood on the frontlines of the army, relieving General Stark and Netero of their commanding duties.

The sounds of war drums once again rang out, and this time they were louder and more intense than the usual.

Both sides were trying to embolden their forces with words, in preparation for another clash.

Just as the Kings were about to give the order to strike, the sounds of horns once again rang out in the surroundings.

The soldiers ignored these horns because they believed that someone was one again messing with the strategy they had in mind.

But, after hearing the horns properly, they all realized that these horns didn't belong to their army.

That was the moment they sensed them.

On the Eastern side of the battlefield, countless figures could be seen.

The ground trembled as they marched their way towards the Warsor Plains, making the Tigerkin King, Barbarian King, and the Orc King look in their direction in surprise.

"About time they arrived," Thirteen sighed in relief after seeing the imposing army that had just arrived on the battlefield.

Countless monsters of different sizes made their presence known as the Trolls and Ogres appeared on the battlefield.

Cristopher, who also saw the commotion from his location, made a fist pump because the allies that he had talked to had honored their agreement.

Orcs alike.

When the Barbarian King, Tigerkin King, and Orc King saw this, they immediately returned to their armies in order to take command and save their people.

The Troll King's and the Ogre King's armies were a distance away from the path of the Fireballs, so they were not included in the ongoing onslaught from the heavens.

Arundel had finally lost his patience and, now, the true battle was about to begin.

The Majin Prince no longer hid his presence, and ordered his army to advance.

While this was happening, he summoned countless Giant Fireballs to descend on the Barbarians, Orcs, and Tigerkin Armies in order to decimate their forces and break their formation.

Thirteen, who was standing on top of the hill took a deep breath for he knew that the moment of truth had come.

"Hear me, Valbarrians," Arundel's shout reached everyone's ears. "The time of reckoning has come. Surrender or be annihilated!"

But, before anyone could say anything, an equally powerful voice spread in the surroundings.

"To arms my brethren, brave Tigerkins, Barbarians, Orcs, Trolls, and Ogres," Thirteen shouted, his voice being amplified by the steel poles that he had embedded on the battlefield.

"Never fear! Never surrender! We will all fight as one!"

General Stark and Netero looked in the direction where Thirteen was at and nodded their heads in understanding.

"To arms!" General Stark ordered. "Rally to me! To Death!"

""To Death!""

The Tigerkin Warriors heeded their General's call and charged alongside him.

Raising his family's banner, General Stark took the initiative to charge at the incoming Monsters that were coming from the west side of the battlefield.

"Barbarians!" Arthas shouted. "Kill the monsters who invade our lands! Kill!"


"Kill!" Arthas pointed his sword forward as he urged his War Horse to run in the direction where the Tigerkin Army was headed.

The Barbarians didn't hesitate and followed behind the brave warrior, who had decided to take the helm of their spear point.

The Ogre King and the Troll King shouted his war cries as well before they, too, sprinted to join the battle.

All the Ogres and the Trolls under their commands moved in unison.

Thirteen watched all the powerhouses charge together before climbing onto Blacky's back.

He then faced his people and gave them all a brief nod.

"Do not engage too closely," Thirteen stated. "And don't be too far apart from each other. Lastly, don't die! We will survive this together!"


Thirteen then whispered something in Blacky's ears before he held onto his reigns tightly.

The Warsor Black Hound sprinted forward, joining the others in the battle of a lifetime.

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